Tag exercise routine

Strength Training for Fitness

This special report is everyone's guide to strenght training and fitness.

The Benefits of Strength Training and Why They Apply to Everyone

Physical fitness is generally divided into two categories. You have cardiovascular training and strength training. Many people falsely believe that you have to pick one or the other – that you either have a strength training personality and strength training goals, or you have to take a cardio approach.

The truth is that the best way to achieve lifelong health and vitality and the best way to lose weight and keep it off is to embrace both. You don’t have to be a lifter or a runner exclusively; you can – and probably should – be both.

There are several reasons why strength training is so beneficial to your health and well-being.

Stronger Bones

Strength training has been proven to help reduce the risk of osteoporosis. It’s important to know that while more women suffer from bone loss than men, men do get osteoporosis as they age. The gradual loss of bone density can cause serious issues, including fractures of the hip and spine. Strength training slows down bone mineral loss.

Strength training also improves your muscle strength and coordination, which in turn results in improved balance and overall coordination. This subsequently reduces the risk of injury and bone damage.

According to a study conducted by the Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, strength training does have a positive impact on bone density as well as soft tissue lean mass.

The study was designed to evaluate the effects of 18 months of resistance exercise on regional and total bone mineral density and soft tissue lean mass in premenopausal women aged 28-39, who were randomly assigned to an exercise or control group. The results for bone density showed “significant regional increases” for bone density in those women.

Weight Loss and a Kicked Up Metabolism

Obesity in adults is defined as someone who has a BMI of 30 or higher. It’s a weight that is higher than what is considered healthy, and is correlated with many diseases including diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

Strength training increases lean muscle mass, which burns more calories and has a positive impact on weight loss. To put it simply, muscle burns more calories than fat. Strength training not only burns calories while you exercise, but it also burns calories as your muscles repair themselves.

Strength training accomplishes this by increasing your metabolism to manage the repair process. Additionally, muscles require energy to function – fat doesn’t. By including strength training into your workouts you’re helping burn more calories in the moment, all day, and well into your future. Let’s not forget that obesity is about more than appearances, it’s a health risk.

Obesity is a risk factor for:

  • Cancer (including breast cancer)
  • Diabetes
  • Arthritis and joint pain
  • Cardiovascular disease

According to the CDC, Center for Disease Control…

Strength training is crucial to weight control, because individuals who have more muscle mass have a higher metabolic rate. Muscle is active tissue that consumes calories. Stored fat uses very little energy. Strength training can provide up to a 15% increase in metabolic rate, which is enormously helpful for weight loss and long-term weight control.

Muscle burns an estimated three times more calories than a similar amount of fat tissue. Which means if you add a few pounds of muscle you can burn an extra 100 calories daily. That adds up quickly and facilitates weight loss.

A high-intensity strength routine has been shown to bump metabolism by 20 percent for several hours post-workout.

Stop the Middle Age Spread

In their mid-30’s women begin to lose 5 to 10% of muscle strength every ten years. This loss of lean muscle impacts strength, coordination, and mobility. As lean muscle decreases it becomes more difficult to maintain the same level of activity you might have enjoyed ten years ago. Walking, standing, and even rising from a sitting position can become difficult.

Strength training slows down the loss of lean muscle and can build new muscle, depending on your approach. Women don’t need to strive to become world class bodybuilders to benefit from strength training. A simple program can help ensure you’re able to stay active and healthy well into your golden years. No walker required!

Better Mood and Outlook

In a study published in 2005, researchers examined the effect of a three-month exercise program on mild to moderate depression. 80 participants were divided into five groups.

Two groups took on a rigorous program, one of them for three days a week and the other for five days a week. Two groups participated in lighter exercise either three or five days a week. A fifth group, the control group, only stretched.

The results were positive across the board; ratings of depressive symptoms on the standard Hamilton scale fell in all of the groups, including the stretching group. However, those that participated in the rigorous exercise program had the biggest drop – significant enough to equate rigorous exercise to antidepressant medications or cognitive behavior therapy.

Resistance training has shown to reduce anxiety and cause an overall improved sense of well-being. Studies comparing and evaluating resistance training have found that moderate intensity strength training has a stronger impact on anxiety than intense strength training, and this decrease in anxiety can impact sleep and brain function. Still, both intensity levels showed a marked improvement in anxiety levels.

Strength Training Makes You Smarter

Strength training is often used as part of a treatment plan when people suffer from neurological conditions. One of the reasons for this is to help a patient remain as functional as possible. Another reason is that strength training often requires a person to make new mind/body connections.

For example, if you’ve never performed a deadlift or a squat, you have to learn how to safely perform the movement. As you learn the various movements required, your brain begins to tell your body how to move and new connections are created.

As we age, circulation tends to decrease. The results can be uncomfortably cold hands and feet, and a blue tinge is also common in the elderly. Resistance training, which strengthens muscles, requires the heart to pump blood to said muscles and thus also strengthens the heart, improves blood flow to muscles, organs, and to the brain.

This increased blood flow not only helps decrease circulation problems, it also improves cognitive function as the brain receives more blood. Additionally, resistance and strength training require a person to make new connections and perform new movements. You have to think about “proper form” and learn the new exercise techniques.

Joint Pain

Tufts University recently completed a strength-training program with older men and women with moderate to severe knee osteoarthritis. The results of the 16-week program showed that strength training decreased pain by 43%.

The increased muscle strength and general physical performance also improved the side effects of the disease and decreased disability. The study showed that strength training is just as effective, if not more effective, than pain medications and other medications used to treat arthritis. Additionally, similar results have been shown for studies on strength training and rheumatoid arthritis.

Improved Coordination

Increased age often means a loss of balance and flexibility, which in turn results in falls and broken bones. Strength training can improve range of motion and flexibility, and as we discussed above it can improve bone density so any falls that may occur aren’t as damaging.

A New Zealand study looked at women 80 years of age and older, and found a 40% reduction in falls with simple strength and balance training.

A 12-month study conducted on postmenopausal women at Tufts University showed…

1% gains in hip and spine bone density, 75% increases in strength and 13% increases in dynamic balance with just two days per week of progressive strength training.

Sleep Better Too!

People who exercise regularly enjoy better quality sleep. They not only fall asleep more quickly but they wake less often and they sleep longer. This improves disposition and overall health and well-being.

When older adults engage in strength training programs, their self-confidence and self-esteem improve, which has a strong impact on their overall quality of life.

Better Cardiovascular Health

Your risk for heart disease is lower when you have a healthy BMI. Studies have found that cardiac patients gained not only strength and flexibility but also aerobic capacity when they did strength training three times a week as part of their rehabilitation program. The American Heart Association recommends strength training as a way to reduce risk of heart disease and as a therapy for patients in cardiac rehabilitation programs.

Make Exercise More Fun

Here is how to have fun exercising.

If something is fun, you are more likely to stick with it; exercising is no different. It should be something you look forward to doing each workout day. Below are 4 tips to make your next workout something you look forward to doing.

Exercise with a partner

Not only does exercising with another person make you accountable to them, and harder to skip a workout, but it gives you someone to keep you company. That partner can be your better half, significant other, a personal friend or someone you met at the gym. Also it can be safer if you are with someone you know.

Give yourself a challenge

If you exercise, you most likely have a competitive spirit in you. To make things more interesting, give yourself a challenge. That could be anything from exercising more times per week, to walking/running greater distances, to learning new routines or exercises. Whatever it is, you will have more fun if you are working toward some goal.

Vary your routine

Regardless of what you do, if you do the same thing long enough, you will get tired of it. Exercising is no different; to keep your interest level high, vary your exercises or routine. You should be doing cardio, strength training and taking one day off per week anyway, but instead of doing the same cardio routine, mix it up.

Maybe one day you’ll walk or run; another day ride bike; a third day swim laps or do water aerobics. Even if you have different workouts each day that you exercise, don’t get into the rut of doing the same routine on the same day each week. As they say “variety is the spice of life.”

When strength training, focus on working a different set of large muscle group each time you work out. For example, one day do upper body; the next day lower body. Every once in a while surprise your body, and out of the blue, throw in abdominal core routine. Just like in cardio, you can further mix it up by varying the types of exercises you do within each type of workout.

Reward yourself

All of us like rewards as recognition for accomplishing something. Make it a point to reward yourself when you accomplish a fitness goal. It can be anything as long as it is something you enjoy or can use. For instance, maybe you decide to go see a play when you reach your weight-loss goal. Or buy a new exercising outfit because your old one no longer fits.

Usually you want your reward to support the goal you have achieved, but it doesn’t have to. Maybe your reward for reaching your weight-loss goal is a small dish of ice cream or some other food you have been craving. As long as it is in moderation and you do it only this once, go ahead and indulge – celebrate your accomplishment with something you want and will enjoy.

If you keep your workouts fun, you are more apt to stay exercising. Now go out and enjoy yourself!

Here Are 5 Exercises You Can Fit Into A 10-Minute Workout

Study after study has shown that multiple 10-minute intense workouts throughout the day are more beneficial than one 30-minute less intense one. Not only does it rev up your metabolism better, but it keeps at a higher rate for a longer period of time. But to get the maximum effect from an abbreviated workout, you have to increase the intensity.

Here are 5 non-equipment exercises that you can fit into a short workout:

  • 50 jumping jacks
  • 15 squats
  • 15 push-ups
  • 15 lunges
  • 15 dips

Perform three sets of each exercise. Take a short 10 second break between each set.

Jumping Jacks

Also known as side-straddle hops, this is the same exercise you did as a kid. From the standing position, arms at your side and legs together, jump up and spread your legs to shoulder-width apart or more. At the same time raise your arms over your head and touch your hands together. Then jump up again and return to the starting position.


The starting position for this exercise is standing up straight, feet shoulder-width apart and arms stretched outward in front of you with your palms facing down. Inhale, tighten your abdominal core muscles and while keeping your back straight as possible, bend at the knees while looking straight ahead. Once your butt is even with your knees, exhale and return to the starting position.


These can be started from the position of either your knees on the floor, or knees up and legs in a straight line with your back. With your weight resting on your arms and keeping your back straight (like you had a board strapped to your back), bend your elbows and lower yourself down to the position where your upper arms are parallel to the floor. Push yourself back up to the starting position.


From the starting position of standing up, take one big step forward making sure to keep your back straight. Bend your forward knee to about 90 degrees. At the same time, on your other leg, drop the back knee toward the floor, but not touch the floor. Now, push yourself off with your front foot and back to the starting position.


The last exercise requires a chair, bench or other elevated flat surface. From the starting position of your arms behind you, hands resting flat on the elevated surface, your body at about a 45 degree angle from upright and facing away from your elevated surface, bend your elbows and lower your body down until your forearms are parallel with the floor. Now push yourself back up to the starting position.

Between all of these exercises, you get a good workout of your upper and lower large muscle groups in addition to working your abdominal core in ten minutes of time. Perform the three sets in circuit training fashion, meaning to run through all of the exercises one-time before going back to do the first one again, and enjoy the burn!

In the previous 15 minute fitness tip we took a look at exercising while you’re traveling. Next up, we’ll look at “5 Tips for Exercising When You Are a Stay at Home Mom”.

Dumbbell Shoulder Exercises

Widen those shoulders with dumbbell shoulder exercises.Dumbbell Shoulder Exercises – What to Do to Get “Adorable” Deltoids

Time and time again, dumbbells have been proven to be the perfect shoulder builders combined with perfect posture. Dumbbell shoulder exercises help you develop the adorable v-shaped physique of a professional swimmer, even without going near the pool!

Before we go on to the development your deltoids or delts, aka your shoulders, here are some important facts to know about the parts of your delts:

  • Anterior deltoid – this is the front head of the shoulder, the main muscle that rotates the arms inwards. This muscle is used in doing bench press, and other forms of chest training, and also helps to stimulate biceps and triceps exercises. Bodybuilders tend to overdevelop this muscle causing muscular imbalance, injury, and posture awkwardness. And we’re here to try to help you avoid that.
  • Medial deltoid – this is the side head of the shoulder, the abduct part of your arm that puts the arms out from the mid-line of the body. This muscle, if developed properly, brings width to your upper body.
  • Posterior deltoid – this is the back side of the shoulders, responsible for extending and rotating the arms outwards. This muscle is important in back exercises such as chin ups, pull ups, rows and so much more.

Pre-Exercise Reminders Before Starting Your Dumbbell Shoulder Exercises

Perform each of the dumbbell exercises in a slow, paced, and controlled manner to ensure that your muscles are developed without the risk of injury. It’s recommended to do at least a light aerobic exercise or stretching before touching your dumbbells. It will increase your heart rate, while preparing your body for a good dumbbell workout. Doing so also helps you to avoid cramps.

After your workout regime, do not forget to stretch your targeted muscles to prevent being sore and aching all over.

Posture and proper form could mean the success or failure of your workout. As much as possible, maintain proper form because falling into the wrong form could expose you to the risk of injury.

For some exercises, lifting more than you should could cause an injury. Try to feel the weights first and write them down to remember, as there will be different variations in weights according to each exercise.

Almost every arm exercise affects the shoulder muscles at some point or degree. When you try to isolate the shoulders, other exercises might have put some strain on them already. It’s important to know that balancing your workout with a well thought of plan could engage your muscle groups evenly without exposing you to the risk of pulled muscles, or more painful injuries.

Doing Dumbbell Shoulder Exercises

  • Shoulder dumbbell press – the shoulder dumbbell press develops the entire shoulder muscle group. This greater freedom of movement also increases shoulder muscle activation and can also be very useful for people with shoulder injuries, since the dumbells are not as stressful on the shoulder joints.

Demonstration of a Dumbbell Shoulder Press:

  • Dumbbell push press – when you want stronger shoulders, then the dumbbell push press is perfect for you. It allows you to lift heavier weights with very low risk of injury. Using a dumbbell push press gives the advantage of having your legs provide the push through, reducing strains that can be felt on the shoulders. This exercise targets your shoulders, different parts of your triceps and thighs.
  • Dumbbell lateral raise – a dumbbell lateral raise was developed for one thing only, and that’s isolating the middle of the shoulder to enhance shoulder strength and gain muscle mass overall. To build more size and tone, try to limit the movement so that the muscles will be under constant tension throughout the whole set. Lateral raises target the medial deltoid – the muscle which is in the middle of the 3 shoulder muscles. This exercise will give you the V-Shape form, much like those of professional swimmers.
  • Dumbbell front raise – the dumbbell front raise works muscles in your shoulders, targeting the deltoid specifically. Considered a beginners’ exercise, but also used by veteran bodybuilders. This is an exercise where you don’t have to worry much about using much weight, as lifting more than you should could mean a muscle injury that could affect your whole exercise routine. Take your choice about doing the shoulder exercise at the same time or alternatively; focusing on each arm rather than both. In doing an alternate arm variation, it should be noted that once you’ve finished performing the first arm raise, the next arm should follow, and so on.

Demonstration of a Dumbbell Front Raise:

  • Dumbbell overhead press – overall, the benefit of the dumbbell overhead press is to allow greater range of motion or more movement compared to using a barbell. In other words, you will gain more muscle mass. Usually, it’s done while seated, allowing you to use your core muscles and lower body to lift heavier weights. You’ll also get more triceps involvement as secondary muscle training. A good choice for lifters, including beginners and hardcore bodybuilders.

How Much Exercising Should You Do?

You can combine all the said exercises or keep it to a minimum of about two (exercises that will give you the most advantage at the top) if you are on a fast track, for about 30 minutes a day or so. Your muscles require rest and time to develop and relax so it’s best if you create a routine which would incorporate this relaxation time.

Don’t forget, doing selective exercises fast will not gain you anything. Remember to keep your composure and maintain a slow pace while performing the exercise you’ve chosen.

Your Delts are Priceless

The shoulders are the most widely used muscles in working out. In fact, you use them in almost every aspect of your workout regime. So in essence, your shoulders or deltoids are priceless. They are packed with a capability of 360 degrees rotation power. But overusing them can lead to weakness or injury, rendering you unable to perform other exercises.

However, if you keep a steady workout regime, you’ll be able to fully utilize your shoulder strength and work on every part of your upper body.

The fun starts when you actually start seeing your shoulder muscles develop and take shape. Ladies love it, guys envy it. Just remember that like everything involved in building muscle mass, it takes time to develop your shoulder muscles. The key is to persevere with the most effective dumbbell shoulder exercises that you can learn.

Eventually you’ll feel more confident with a wider shoulder and a wider look through these dumbbell shoulder exercises; stronger legs through the dumbbell leg exercises; a more steady back through the dumbbell back exercises; a pumped up chest with dumbbell chest exercises and of course, with your chiseled arms gained from the dumbbell arm exercises. In the end, you’ll be thankful you didn’t stop your dumbbell workout and are now able to start witnessing your new look and feel.

Before you begin doing your dumbbell shoulder exercises, go to the top of MyFitnessNut.com and subscribe to the My Fitness Nut Newsletter. When you do, you’ll get a full set of videos demonstrating 52 different dumbbell exercises that you can use to learn from and follow along with.

Get Six Pack Abs

Now you get those six pack abs you always wanted.

Having six pack abs is the dream of many a guy…

Alas, the ability to take off the shirt and wow the girls is a fantasy is a dream come true.

Every year millions of dollars are spent on eBooks, paperbacks, gym memberships, weird ab contraptions sold on the late night infomercials, etc. The goal is the elusive six pack abs that so many want but so few achieve.

What You Need To Do For Six Pack Abs

The answer is simple. You need to watch what you eat, work out often and maintain a calorie deficit. It is that simple! So why do so many people fail?

Execution is the answer my friend, execution. The difficulty is executing the simple concepts stated above. It requires immense determination, dedication, patience and the ability to sacrifice small pleasures in life for the greater goal.

The first and most important step is to get your nutrition under control. Your diet needs to be clean and wholesome. This is so difficult to achieve that most guys never get past this step.

For Six Pack Abs Gaining Control over Your Diet is Top Priority

It’s not easy to give up the habit of eating whatever you desire and maintain an ever watchful eye over every morsel you place in your mouth. People with six packs watch their diets with an eagle eye and they do it religiously. No exceptions and no slip ups. Your diet is everything.

So, you will need to do the research and find out what are the foods you should avoid. The sodas, chocolates, pizzas, fried chicken wings, etc. Even reading this may be painful but it is a sacrifice that you must make. All is not lost. You may consume all these foods once a week on your cheat day.

The strange thing is that many people slowly develop an aversion to most of this unhealthy food once they start eating clean.

For Six Pack Abs Gaining Control over Your Exercise Routine is Second Priority

The next part of your plan will be to get your workouts right. You should be exercising no less than 4 times a week. 5 would be great. You’ll need to alternate between cardio workouts and resistance training or do a workout routine that is a combination of both; think kettlebells.

Your workouts must be intense and leave you panting and sweating profusely. Even your resistance training must have very short rest periods to create an oxygen deficit. This will cause an afterburn effect where your body burns calories for hours after your workout.

You will want to include compound movements such as pull-ups, deadlifts, squats, bench presses, renegade rows and other compound lifts. Working out with kettlebells is an excellent way to lose weight. Your core will be engaged and it will be a hard yet rewarding workout.

Cardio sessions need to be high intensity too. A 20 minute hardcore session will beat a slow 60 minute jog any day. Keep thinking intensity, intensity and more intensity.

It will be painful. You may feel like giving up. The whole six pack goal may not seem worth the effort. If you feel like this, then you know you are doing things right. Just pick yourself up and keep going.

Watch videos on YouTube and the ones found here at http://MyFitnessNut.com to motivate yourself. The six pack abs you want is already there and it’s waiting for you to develop and shoe them off. You just need to go through the hard yards to attain it. Rest assured if you keep on keeping on, you will get there.


Kettlebell Exercises

Kettlebell exercises to burn fat and build muscle.Exercising with Kettlebells is catching on like wildfire and with good reason.

Kettlebell exercises are one of the most effective strength training, muscle building weight loss exercises that you could ever do. The best thing is that it works quickly at building muscle while “burning body fat” and your entire exercise routine can be as little as 15 minutes every two days.

Read that again… 15 minutes every 2 days! Even you can fit that into your schedule – right?

Think about Kettlebells the next time you use the excuse that “you’re too busy” to exercise or if you do exercise, think about Kettlebells when you want to take your fitness routine to the next level.

Now You Can TORCH That Expensive Gym Membership, FIRE your Personal Fitness Trainer and BURN Body Fat while Building Lean Muscle Mass Doing these Kettlebell Exercises at Home!

The facts are that you’re likely stuck not getting the results you would like to get. Working out 15 to 20 minutes in a day with your Kettlebell exercises may be all that you need to have that fit fat-free body that you’re shooting for.

Kettlebells made their first appearance in Russia back in the 1700’s and in this modern day “small world” we live in the popularity has grown rapidly and there’s no wonder why for those of us that have used them.

Short Kettlebell Exercises will Kick Your Butt into Shape and Fast!

Look, if you want to start burning mega-calories and fat fast while building muscle and strength you need to get a grip on a Kettlebell and just see what it can do for you.

Forget about spending hours a week at a gym or fitness club just subscribe to the My Fitness Nut Newsletter and get the fastest and most promising way to transform your body into a fat burning machine…

With One Kettlebell and these Videos – You can End Your Trips to the Gym.

This one small piece of equipment is the most effective and quickest way we know of to turn your body into a fat burning machine without spending hours in the gym or even stepping a foot into a gym ever again.

The Major Benefits of Kettlebell Exercises are:

  • You can forget about gym membership fees because all that you really need is one single Kettlebell for a full body and fat burning blast while you train at home.
  • Your “calorie burn” goes through the roof! Kettlebell exercises will give you the opportunity to burn more calories in less time than any other single exercise program.
  • Kettlebell exercises will “Fast Track” your way to a leaner and harder body. Start now and see yourself progressing in a week or two at most. I’m serious, you will see results fast doing these exercises.

Kettlebell Exercises are an Efficient Use of Time

Kettlebells are a very efficient use of your time. There’s no reason to have to train for hours upon end. A rigorous 15 minute workout with your Kettlebells can elevate your metabolism for up to two days. This is perfect for busy people who have trouble finding the free time to squeeze in a good rigorous workout that will actually do them good.

No Wonder Kettlebells are a My Fitness Nut Favorite!

You might think that we have really “gone nuts” giving away all of these great video trainings for free – and maybe we have but all we really want is for you take them, use them to learn from and let us help you whip your butt into shape and do it fast.

Nothing to buy, just promise us that you won’t make excuses and get started with these body building, fat burning Kettlebell workouts as soon as you can. So, subscribe to the My Fitness Nut Newsletter and get your free videos.

Here’s a List of All of the Kettlebell Exercises for Men and Kettlebell Exercises for Women That You’ll Learn:

The main video is all 22 Kettlebell exercises rolled into one and listed below is each independent exercise video that you’ll also receive.

Arnold Press
Around the Body Pass
Bottoms Up Cleaned From Hang Position
Figure Eight
Goblet Squat
Half Getup
Military Press
One Arm Bent Over Row
One Arm Clean
One Arm Clean Jerk
One Arm Overhead Squat
Push Press
Seated Shoulder Press
Single Arm Shoulder Press
Single Arm Floor Press
Single Arm Front Squat
Snatch Pull Push Press
Split Squat Pass
Sumo High Pull

There you have it…

Now you just need to get it by clicking on over to the top of http://MyFitnessNut.com and subscribe to the free My Fitness Nut Newsletter, get all 23 Kettlebell Video Trainings and start using them today. All you really need is one Kettlebell, these Kettlebell exercises on video and you can forget about gym memberships and the cost of a personal fitness trainer if you want to.