Good Weight Loss Diet Plan

A weight loss diet plan that provides results.

While it is true that there are many different schools of thought on how people should go about losing weight, if there is one thing they can all agree on, it’s that you’re going to need to change up the way you eat; after all, the science of weight loss ultimately boils down to burning more calories than you are taking in via eating food.

However, what do you really know about nutrition? Unless knowing about nutrition is part of your job or your hobby, chances are you won’t know nearly enough to change your diet in a safe and healthy way. Long story short, what you need is a weight loss diet plan, and before going out there to look for one, it is important to know what factors you should pay attention to.

The Flexibility of Your Weight Loss Diet Plan

The first thing your weight loss diet plan needs to be is flexible. While practically every diet that has come out until recently required people to follow one strict way of eating, recent studies have reported that it is by far one of the least effective methods to approach the problem. We all have bodies that are wired in different ways, and what works for one person may not work for another.

Fortunately, there are a few weight loss diet programs which are flexible in the sense that they provide you with your diet plan based on your physical attributes and capabilities.

For instance, there is a program called The Diet Solution which requires you to fill out a form that contains numerous questions as to your height, your weight, age, gender, daily caloric intake, body type, and your goals, after which you are provided with a plan that is perfectly customized for you.

Your Weight Loss Diet Plan Needs to be Reliable

Regardless of what we may think right now, the fact remains that life is short, or at least short enough that we don’t want to spend our entire time going from diet to diet. You don’t really have the opportunity to give many systems a shot or make mistakes, meaning that before trying a weight loss diet plan, you need to make sure that whatever information in it is reliable.

How are you to accomplish that?

Well, there are two courses of action that you can possibly take. For starters, you can run the system creator’s name through Google to see what kind of reputation he or she has, and whether or not they actually have the proper credentials to be making dieting systems.

Another thing you can do is simply have a look at customer reviews for whatever system you are considering to buy. If you aren’t looking at something obscure that hasn’t hit the market yet, chances are that you are going to find plenty of honest customers who have taken the time to write up about their experience and depict to you the situation the way it really is.

However, you need to be careful when looking for information about a weight loss diet plan as some companies have taken on the habit of creating websites where they pose as customers, when in fact they are reviewing their own systems. All in all, simply make sure that your source of information is a reliable one, and you won’t have many problems finding a system that is right for you.


Safflower Oil for Weight Loss

Using Safflower oil for weight loss.

It is no secret that the world is beginning to experience a large problem, other than wars, poverty and global chaos…

The problem referred to is obesity, an epidemic that’s sweeping through more and more countries around the planet, stemming from the simple fact that cheaper foods are now less nutritious and contain many more harmful ingredients for the human body.

Unfortunately, cheaper foods are also sometimes tastier than healthy ones. In any case, it is no secret that traditional weight loss methods simply aren’t going to work for many people, which is why certain researchers are expanding their work and looking into any new methods that can help people lose weight.

As such, some people ended up looking into the safflower oil weight loss effects, and from that resulted a clinical study, and it is quite promising to say the least.

What the Study on Safflower Oil for Weight Loss was About

This clinical study being referred to took place over the course of sixteen weeks during which two groups of subjects were made to follow the exact same routine. The only difference between them was the fact that one of the groups was made to ingest conjugated linoleic acid, while the other one took safflower oil.

At the end of the study, it was noted that those who used safflower oil for weight loss had lost considerably more fat in their abdominal area than those who didn’t. While the study is indeed promising, there are certain things holding it back from being the definitive answer as to whether or not safflower oil works for weight loss.

What was Wrong with the Safflower Oil for Weight Loss Study?

First of all, the number of people who have participated in this study was actually relatively small, with there only being fifty-five subjects in total. Throughout the course of the entire study, twenty of them dropped out, leaving thirty-five actual test subjects… which actually brings us to the next drawback; the people they were doing the tests on.

As it happens, all of the subjects were postmenopausal women with type II diabetes. This means that we still do not have the data necessary to know how the oil is going to act on younger women and men in general. All in all, these facts are keeping the study from being seen as a true indicator of safflower oil’s potential.

What that Means for the Study on Safflower Oil for Weight Loss

Despite having numerous things working against it, the study isn’t exactly useless. As a matter of fact, it may serve as an important milestone which will push for the creation of new studies that will look into the safflower oil weight loss benefits in much greater detail. It has allowed us to see that at least when it was used on a certain type of person, the results were nothing but positive.

As of now, it can be conjectured that within a few years more clinical studies will appear to confirm safflower oil’s efficiency as a weight loss supplement, which in turn will give birth to a whole new line of products for dieters to make their choice from. It may not be the solution the world is so desperately in need for to help win the battle on obesity, but it will sure help our cause and is a step in the right direction.


Simple Steps to a Sugar-Free Diet

Big benefits await on a sugar-free diet.

The Top Benefits of a Sugar-Free Diet

Are you considering going sugar-free with your diet? If you are, then you are considering a possibly life-changing step – in a good way that is.

There are many advantages for your health if you go with sugar-free diet and we’ll highlight those for you in a moment.

But is a Sugar-Free Diet a Smart Thing to Do?

The answer is “yes” and “no” depending on how you go about it. The last thing you want to do is deprive yourself of something you love so much because that is not sustainable. But to cut sugar out of your diet by using a sugar substitute to satisfy your addiction would probably do your body and health more harm than good.

Do Not Eat Chemical Sweeteners in Order to Go Sugar-Free!

Diet this, diet that, sugar-free here, sugar-free there. Read the labels because this typically means that it’s got some sort of artificial sweetener in it or it’s going to taste like crap. There is a better way, and best of all you can still enjoy the foods you love without the worry of sugar destroying your life.

First, here are a few top benefits of a sugar-free diet:

You’ll Lose Weight by Reducing Your Sugar Calories

Many of the calories we consume in the modern world come from sugar and simple carbohydrates, and by the mere act of cutting out sugar and going sugar-free, you will be cutting out hundreds of calories from your daily consumption. This will result in weight loss as when you take in fewer calories than you expend, your body will burn fat for fuel. Sooner rather than later you’ll be seeing a slimmer and healthier looking you in the mirror!

No More Sugar Crashes

Most people suffer from sugar crashes several times in a day which makes them feel fatigued and irritable. Some people even have headaches and migraines when they face a sugar crash. By adopting a sugar-free diet you will reduce the amount of sugar crashes you face because you will be consuming foods that provide you with more stable blood sugar levels. This will leave you much more energized and cheerful throughout the day.

To most of us that all sounds reasonable and certainly we can all agree that crashing from a sugar rush multiple times a day is not a good thing. The problem most people have is the part about “consuming foods that provide a more stable blood sugar level”. After all – We eat the stuff we eat because we love it right?

Reduce the Bad Effects of Sugar and you’ll be Healthier

Heavy consumption of sugar is the leading cause of obesity, diabetes, and various other health problems that people face around the world. By undertaking a sugar-free diet, you will ease the strain on your metabolism and your body will thank you for it with better health and more vibrant natural energy.

Good health will make you feel and look better naturally. You will be, and appear happier when you feel confident and beautiful from the inside out. Eliminating the toxic effects of sugar is one of the best places to start.

As you can see, there are just too many benefits to be reaped by going sugar-free to not do so. At the very least don’t you think that you should give it a try and see how it helps you?

If you are a heavy sugar consumer, do not try to cut out all sugars and carbohydrates right away. In other words, don’t try the “cold turkey” approach. Ease into your new lifestyle by gradually cutting down on sugary foods and look to cut out the white carbohydrates such as white rice, white bread, pasta, and so on…

And you’re probably thinking that this is most of the food that we eat and enjoy everyday of our lives; but don’t freak out about that just yet.

At this point many people would tell you “good luck and best wishes on your journey to a healthier you!” and leave you to your own devices. The information above clearly explains the benefits of going sugar-free and you know that you need to make this gigantic lifestyle change. But how, when it all seems so hard?

Going Totally Sugar-Free is Hard to Do!

The truth is that you probably won’t make the changes you need to because you are totally in love with the foods you eat. To stop would be such a great sacrifice and statistics prove that people who do end up feeling deprived, fall right back into the routine of eating the foods they love in due time.

So, what’s the answer to a Sugar-Free Lifestyle then?

Every person has to look at where they are at right now and make a mental note of what items they eat most often that contains the most amount of sugars. Keep your mental notes in your mind and read this article titled “Eliminate Sugar Before Sugar Eliminates You”. You will likely find a way to start a successful sugar-free diet within minutes of reading it.


Sugar Addiction

Sugar addiction is a problem but sugar substitutes are no anwer.

Sugar Substitutes Are No Answer for Sugar Addiction

People are more aware than ever that what you put into your body is something you need to give serious consideration to and more recently there’s been growing concern over the negative effects that sugar can have on your body.

But humans have been consuming sugar for centuries so why is there so much concern now?

Well folks the problem is that there are two types of sugar – those which occur naturally and the far more dangerous refined sugar which you’ll find pretty much everywhere.

Sugar addiction is running rampant and sugar substitutes are not the answer.

One of the main problems with eating anything which contains refined sugar is that you’re effectively eating nothing but empty calories when you consume it. Now that refined sugar has become part of our everyday society and is part of every holiday season from Halloween treats, to Holiday Season candy, cakes and cookies, Valentine’s Day chocolates and in the kid’s Easter goodies.

In reality you can find some form of sugar in most of the stuff we eat and drink every day.

In Fact – People are Addicted to Sugar!

So it’s not just for the holiday sugar, it’s hard to avoid using it in our daily lives. In fact sugar addiction is now one of the biggest problems facing both developed and developing countries all over the world. Sugar usage worldwide has been increasing rapidly over the past hundred years or so and following along at a rapid pace you’ll find obesity, heart disease and diabetes escalating right alongside sugars escalated usage.

Refined Sugar and Sugar Addiction Dangers

We’re sure you’re wondering right now just how dangerous sugar could be? After all how can something which tastes so good be so bad for you? What you’re about to learn might come as a shock for you as to how addictive sugar can be.

Sugar Addiction Needs to Get Under Control

In numerous studies refined sugar has been shown to have what are called opioid qualities, which basically means sugar has the same addictive qualities as heroin for example. In studies conducted on rats where they were given access to as much sugar as they wanted to eat, there were significant withdrawal symptoms including screeching, mood swings and changes in their actual brain chemistry when the sugar was taken away.

As you’re probably aware eating a diet rich in sugary foods can increase your chances of developing diabetes, which is itself a very serious medical condition. Diabetes can lead to a wide variety of associated medical problems like necrosis of body tissue, coma and even death in extreme cases.

Diabetes is not where the buck stops when it comes to problems arising from sugar addiction. The health risks from eating too much sugar can also result in suffering from a whole spectrum of cardiovascular problems including heart disease and congestive heart failure.

More recent studies have shown that there’s evidence of a link between low bone density (osteoporosis) in children and teenagers and the consumption of sugary sodas – with most children drinking far, far too many of these. While some scientists believe that it’s the carbonation that promotes low bone density is not important because regardless, the sugar, high fructose corn syrup and sugar substitutes are the biggest problems we are seeing.

Did you know for example that the average American processes over 100-pounds of refined sugar every single year and that you can roughly add in the same weight in high fructose corn syrup? That’s 100 pounds of refined sugar plus another 100 pounds of pure high fructose corn syrup which is becoming clearer by the day is even worse for you that just pure sugar.

That’s nearly 200 pounds of sweet empty calories a year folks! Does anyone else think that we have a problem here?

Sugar substitutes to the rescue!

Or… Not so fast?

Is Solving Sugar Addiction with Sugar Substitutes a Good Idea?

The problem with avoiding sugar is that it’s been added to almost everything you find on store shelves, so this has motivated people to ask for, get and now use the “Sugar-free” options instead.

Unfortunately even when products are listed as “sugar-free” (meaning free of refined sugar) there’s an even more insidious danger lurking inside that packet or can…

Sugar Substitutes or Artificial Sweeteners!

What has surprised many scientists and nutritionists is that artificial sweeteners are actually far more dangerous than refined sugar in a whole number of ways. Firstly, people use artificial sweeteners to cut down on the number of calories they’re eating and in turn attempting to control their weight.

The problem here is that artificial sweeteners can actually make you fatter because they disrupt your body’s hunger response – when your body doesn’t get calories from these low-cal sweeteners you wind up with food cravings. This then leads you to trying to fill yourself with other foods and normally leads to a “crab frenzy” because your body is also in a low glycemic state.

So even though you’ve been drinking diet soda you’ll wind up suddenly having a craving for cake, pizza, candy, donuts or something else which defeats the purpose of using that sugar substitute in the first place.

Artificial Sugar Substitutes are Slipped into Many Products

What’s really scary is that artificial sweeteners are present in places you’d never expect to find them like in baby food, vitamin pills and drinks, fruit juices, diet meals, low-calorie foods and in all kinds of foods you’d assume are otherwise nutritious and quite healthy for you. To better understand how to avoid these artificial sweeteners you need to know all the names they go by.

Identify and Avoid Artificial Sweeteners

The most common artificial sweeteners are saccharine, aspartame (NutraSweet) and sucralose but neotame (used in many baked goods) and acesulfame are two new ones which are even more toxic than the ones they’re designed to replace.

In an effort to give you some perspective on how much of a problem this is when aspartame was first tested for use as a sugar substitute the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) refused to give it the all clear. There were early indications of several health risks involved in its use and laboratory tests on rats backed this up.

In fact aspartame has been linked to an increased occurrence of cancer, diabetes, obesity, headaches, seizures and a wide variety of degenerative neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, in people who are using this artificial sweetener on a daily basis.

There’s also the risk that aspartame can convert into glycol in your bloodstream when you consume too much of it, glycol being a common ingredient in antifreeze products – if you drink antifreeze it will kill you!

…Except in your case you’re getting that same glycol from drinking that diet soda you might have in your hand right now. In short artificial sweeteners and almost all synthetic sugar substitutes are nothing short of poison.

Why are Artificial Sugar Substitutes Bad for Your Sugar Addiction?

To date there have been well over 10,000 complaints lodged with the FDA in relation to the continued availability of aspartame but they will not discuss this issue with any form of media despite the fact that aspartame/NutraSweet is still in use in over 6,000 products available on the market today. The company behind this sugar substitute (G.D. Searle) have even tried distracting the public from avoiding their product by renaming it to AminoSweet in 2009.

You don’t need to take our word for it – you can Google the wealth of medical research out there on aspartame and the other artificial sweeteners on the market right now. There are hundreds of documents and studies available on the subject. Even Dr. Oz has gone public on the dangers of sugar substitutes, in the hope of keeping his viewers better informed and when talking sugar addiction, sugar is the number one food Dr. Oz wants out of your house.

Some people laugh at the idea of sugar addiction and just reach for a second round of cupcakes not knowing the damage going on inside their body until it festers into something serious. Breaking away from a sugar addiction is not easy but if you have patience and take it a step at a time, before long you’ll be looking back thinking it wasn’t really all that hard either.

To get a better handle on a sugar addiction without using questionable sugar substitutes read Eliminate Sugar Before Sugar Eliminates You also published by In that article you’ll learn how you can cut your sugar intake as much as you want, with little to no sugar withdrawals.


Eliminate Sugar Before Sugar Eliminates You

Here is how to eliminate sugar from your life.

Here is How to Naturally Eliminate Sugar from Your Life

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Here is how to eliminate sugar from your life. If you want to eliminate sugar from your diet this probably means that you already have a bit of a sugar addiction and these tips might be able to help you avoid sugar withdrawals and naturally ease your way into a sugar-free lifestyle.

When you follow through with your sugar elimination plans, your body will reward you in many ways. This is why all sugary foods are off limits when a person follows a diet plan such as the Paleo Diet but that’s not what you’re going to do here.

What a pity that something that tastes and feels so darn good is so darn bad for you. But it is and if you want to avoid the many health problems associated with sugar over consumption you must eliminate it before it eliminates you.

If you want to speed up the process of removing sugar from your life for your health or weight loss goals, get started with a good whole food supplement that feeds your body nutrients it needs. Feeding your body quality nutrition from 100% whole food can help subdue or eliminate cravings for practically everything.

Why It’s Important to Eliminate Sugar from Your Diet

Eliminating sugar from you and your family’s diet is a good thing and the sooner you get started the safer you all will be. Sure, sugar does taste good indeed but it contains huge amounts of calories and many of these sweet sugary treats contain a boatload of fats as well.

This sugar and fat combination is not good at all for anyone trying to keep their weight down. Not only that, sugar is wildly addictive and you’ll quickly find out that the more of it you consume, the more you’ll crave. It’s a damaging spiral downwards and the best thing you can do is to decide early on, before serious addiction sets in, to eliminate sugar from you body as much as possible.

What Happens if I Don’t Eliminate Sugar from My Diet?

Research, science and statistics don’t lie and this short sugar bear video pretty much sums up why you will end up eliminating sugar from your diet sooner or later anyway. Sadly, for one bear it was too late, but not so for the other three yet.

Now you might be thinking that a small amount of sugar each day won’t hurt you and you’re probably right. But, when you start adding up the small amounts found in almost everything you consume you’ll quickly realize the need to eliminate some if not most sugar from your life.

What’s important to know is that all this sugar adds up and your body just can’t handle it. It wasn’t meant to handle it. For most people excess sugar shows up as excess stored body fat showing up in their mid section around the organs where it does the most harm. Then that sneaky fat shows up all over the body and for most people, their health begins to decline.

Eliminate Sugar from Your Life before Sugar Eliminates You

Sugar cravings are very real and can be viscous at times. A few times of indulging in that sweet stuff and experiencing a “feel good” sugar high is all it takes for a sugar addiction to get its grip on you. And what a powerful grip it can be.

What happens when you take in sugar is that the “sugar high” makes you feel good at first, then your body crashes leaving you feeling tired and hungry. To get rid of this crashing feeling people reach for more sugar and the cycle continues while doing lots of harm to your body in the meantime. In the end, sugar just makes you feel tired and worn out.

To break this cycle you must eliminate sugar from your diet, or as much of it as you can. This for too many people is easier said than done and unless your doctor tells you different, it doesn’t have to happen all over night. If you start depriving yourself entirely, you’re going to have a more difficult time.

Tips to Decrease – Then Finally Eliminate Sugar Entirely

If you really get a lot of sugar everyday you really need to go slow at first. For instance, my wife and I decided to cut soda out of our diets several years ago. We were big soda drinkers and we knew that artificial sweeteners are worse than the sugar itself so we ‘got it’ that we had to do something.

First off we we’re both filling up large glasses of soda from cheap 2-liter bottles and guzzling like there’s no tomorrow. Needless to say, we were addicted to sugar and sadly, unable to give it up completely at first.

But here’s how we did it…

Instead of buying 2-liter bottles of soda we started buying 12-packs of 12oz. cans. With a goal to just drink 1 can of soda at a meal, we’d sometimes grab an extra can and split it. This led us to the bright idea to split a can to start with and if we need to split another we’d do it.

It worked out well. This went on for many months as we gradually decreased our addiction to sugary drinks of all kinds including most juices, down to nothing worth even measuring.

Cutting back on sugary soft drinks was easy because we went slow enough to not feel deprived. A few years ago we were eating out and decided to order a soft drink and it actually tasted unbelievably disgusting. We honestly couldn’t believe that we used to drink and enjoy that stuff everyday.

The best way for you to eliminate sugar from your life is to do it in small steps. A few days without sugar is great and all but if your addiction is as bad as most people’s you might find yourself worse off than before you went cold turkey.

Small lifestyle changing steps that can last will be so much more valuable to you than a two or three day triumph then going right back to that poisonous sugar with vengeance.

When you’re craving a sweet drink try a quarter slice of fresh lemon in a quart of water sweetened with stevia leaf to taste. Stevia works great to satisfy the “sweet tooth” as a natural and safe alternative to refined sugar and can be used in a wide variety of foods and drinks.

Cookies, cakes, muffins and pretty much all of the processed foods you eat contains sugar and that leads to big problems when you start adding it all up. And the same process of eliminating sugar from your diet applies to these foods as well as the drinks mentioned above…

Don’t deprive yourself entirely and take small steps to making your addiction for sugar to diminish. Gradual sugar reduction gives your body the time it needs to adapt. Get good quality whole food nutrients into your body to reduce cravings and naturally increase your energy level. With these small steps you are creating a lifestyle change with the least amount of effort and the greatest degree of success.


Effective Weight Loss Solutions

Finding the right weight loss solution just got easier.

There are hundreds upon hundreds of weight loss solutions being advertised today but life is far too short and valuable to waste it on trying them all. When you are going into a weight loss program or decide to invest in some kind of supplement, you need to make sure that what you are buying is actually effective and not some kind of cheap gimmick designed to rip people off.

While it automatically goes without saying that there are dozens upon dozens of effective systems out there, there are a few which have really stood the test of time and have proven themselves as being very effective. Here is a brief overview of three of them to help you get started on your search for a weight loss solution that will be right for you.

The Fat Burning Furnace Weight Loss Solution

Exercising like a madman is not the only way to burn fat and calories; as it turns out, the body already does that for us through the handy process we call metabolism. The Fat Burning Furnace is a program based entirely around the concept of increasing your metabolism by performing series of special exercises and eating foods which have been proven to help achieve that goal.

The Fat Burning Furnace doesn’t promise you any results that are out of this world, but what it does provide you with is a guarantee that if you follow their method, you are going to be losing weight at a natural pace, and you won’t even need to work as hard for it as you would with other weight loss systems.

The Diet Solution

This program takes a very special approach to losing weight, as the first step of it requires you to fill out a questionnaire with various types of information about yourself, all of it pertaining to your physical aptitudes, such as your height, weight, age, gender, desired goal, etc…etc… Once you are done filling out the form, you are going to be given a dieting plan that was specially customized for your needs and abilities. Regardless of what plan you will be given, rest assured that you won’t be starving or asked to overcome impossible challenges; there are three full meals per day as well as two snacks in between them.

The Raspberry Ketones Weight Loss Solution

Losing weight doesn’t necessarily have to be achieved through the medium of a workout system or a dieting plan, although those are generally not going to hurt you (apart from some extreme cases where they can hurt you) and can even be helpful. Raspberry Ketones makes use of a relatively new discovery: that raspberries are full of an enzyme that helps the body break down fat, called ketone.

Raspberry Ketones is one of the first and most recognized ketone-based natural weight loss solutions, with each capsule being filled with the equivalent of ketone obtained from four pounds of fresh raspberries. Simply taking the extract will increase your metabolism and help your body burn fat regardless of whether you are running around the track or lazily sitting in front of the TV.

Needless to say, the results are better if you do the former rather than the latter and it can start with as little as 15 minutes of walking a few days a week. Yes, there are weight loss solutions that won’t turn your life upside down to do them.

Bonus Weight Loss Solution Video – The Only Plan You’ll Ever Need

Look, if you’re like most people wanting to lose weight then you’ve probably tried a few, maybe even a dozen or more diets and you are still looking for “the one” that will work for you once and for all. If this is true for you, or if you’ve never done a weight loss plan and you’re wanting to choose one that will work the first time. Stop looking now and watch the weight loss solutions video to the right and it’ll help you put everything together without you even having to think about it.

Diet Tips That Rule over Fad Diets

Helpful diet tips you can use.

Looking around for a trendy new diet tip turns up a number of good ones. With those a number of bad fad diets that you’d probably rather stay away from popped up as well.

Here you’ll find four diet tips that turned up in our search along with some tips on how to identify what bad fad diets are as opposed to some good solid tips that you can actually use to lose weight with.

Good Diet Tip #1 – Healthy Bacteria for Healthy Digestion

Most people have negative connotations when they think of bacteria because of the harm they have been known to cause us. News channels feed off of the horror stories that deadly bacteria can cause. Not all bacteria are bad and some are even necessary.

There are good healthy bacteria strains that are important to help you digest and extract nutrients from your food. They help liberate the nutrients in your food in order to feed your body’s cells and crucial for excellent health.

While one bacteria strain may be taxing on your system another can be important to help make it work right. Your digestive system is reliant upon good bacteria to digest your food. The better your digestion the more nutrients from the food are made available to your body. In turn you’ll find that your elimination of waste is also better and your hunger is more satisfied due to the nutritional value you are receiving. This can help you to lose weight.

How to Get Healthy Bacteria Working for You

Taking digestive supplements is one of the simplest ways to get a good variety of digestive bacteria or enzymes into your digestive system. Another is through foods like raw fruits, vegetables and yogurt.

Supplements can offer a large variety of enzymes that help to digest a large variety of food types. Where one might break down dairy products well, another would break down proteins well. You want to look for guaranteed live viable cultures from a trustworthy company.

When you start taking digestive supplements there’s a good chance that you’ll start going to the bathroom like a healthy person should and may just find that pounds are dropping off your body by this alone. This is one of those diet tips that might sound a bit faddish but this is not the case. However, no digestive system can operate efficiently without receiving the necessary amount of fiber so add that in and this is one diet tip that should treat you right.

Fiber will help you feel fuller while it works to clean your digestive system. After a few weeks of ingesting enough fiber to work with your healthy bacteria, you should see the scale numbers start to slide on a downward trend. If you were to pick any one single diet tip, this one should be it but keep in mind that a combination of things will give you a better success rate.

Good Diet Tip #2 – The Nordic Diet

The Nordic Diet is a new diet researchers have come up with by studying the nutritional habits of the healthy people from Denmark, Sweden and Iceland and what they consume to stay fit and healthy.

Similar to the Mediterranean diet which has long been know to be healthy, the Nordic Diet is comprised of fish, healthy oils, berries, root vegetables and whole grains. Red meat and sugar are rarely consumed if ever. Studies have shown that for people who follow the Nordic Diet or the Mediterranean Diet, they have a noticeable reduction in both cholesterol and inflammation.

Some of the foods incorporated into the Nordic Diet may not be as plentiful in all areas as in the foods of the Mediterranean Diet. So, with either diet plan you really can’t go wrong and it’s not a problem if you have to interchange some of the food items from either diet. Finding the right combination that will work best for you is all that really matters because both of these diets are loaded with good healthy eats. A little mix and matching can have a good outcome.

Good Diet Tip #3 – The Gluten Free Diet

Gluten free eating has been getting a lot of attention lately and many people report big benefits when they take the step to kick gluten out of their lives. Guten is a protein found in wheat grain and it causes many problems from inflammation, food allergies and weight gain.

High gluten foods are also high in sugar which helps to fuel the weight gain. This is the primary reason people go gluten-free but what they find when on their gluten-free diet is that besides the weight loss benefits, many people begin feeling better over all and bothersome allergies begin to vanish.

Many people live with allergies that occur when they eat food with wheat in it and have no idea that the gluten in giving them problems. This is becoming common knowledge and manufacturers have started producing more and more foods that are gluten-free.

Look for foods without wheat and substitute foods with corn meal, oat flour and rice flour for gluten-free alternatives. By choosing these alternative food choices, you won’t be giving up the nutrients you need plus many people find that the weight melts off their body without a whole lot of other effort when they remove gluten from their lives.

Good Tip #4:  The Vegetarian Diet

Going all out vegetarian can be a challenge especially for those that like and eat meat regularly. Giving up meat and poultry entirely may not be something you would want to do but knowing that becoming a vegetarian can help you lose weight makes you want to do it anyway.

How about a compromise? If you’re not ready to go full blown meatless, how about starting to make some smaller improvements by going meatless just a day or two a week at first?

Adding in vegetarian meals only for a few days a week is doable and it will help you with weight loss and your health in general. You can get there by gradually adding in more vegetables, fruits, nuts and grains and less meat each time until you reach your goal.

As you progress, work toward limiting red meat intake to only one time per week. Eliminating red meat from your diet can have many positive benefits in terms of weight loss and the health of your entire body. While some people go totally vegan and eliminate all animal products completely, other people adjust to eating poultry and fish while partially or even completely eliminating red meat.

If you go vegan all the way, it’s important to get enough protein into your diet and this can be done with plant sourced food and whole food supplements. A protein shake or drink made up of rice protein, pea protein or chia protein is a great fit for someone wanting to avoid all types of animal products.

Besides the weight loss benefits that come with a vegetarian diet, the health benefits are numerous. When you start eating more vegetables and fruits, the more of the important antioxidants and other beneficial nutrients you get.

Most people notice an improvement in their health rather quickly when they embark upon a vegetarian diet. The same goes for the Healthy Bacteria Diet, Nordic Diet, Mediterranean Diet and the Gluten-Free Diet listed above.

It seems like every time you look up there’s a new diet program being touted as the next best thing since sliced bread. Just flip on the TV or hop on the internet and you’ll quickly find a new and promising diet designed to work just for you.

While there are lots of good healthy diet plans and tips offered, there are also some that can be downright harmful and unhealthy for you. But how can you tell the difference between good dieting advice and a crazy fad diet?

To spot diet fads, asking the questions below can help you determine if it’s a fad or genuinely good advice. It would be helpful to skim over the article Freaky Diet Fads That Attract Desperate Dieters to see some recent examples of fads and keep the questions below in mind when you’re looking at any diet plan.

Is it a Good Diet Tip or a Fad Diet – Which is it?

  • Does the diet promise weight loss results without any effort?
  • Does it promise to help you lose more than 2-3 pounds a week?
  • Does it ask you to eat inedible items?
  • Is eliminating or eating one single food required?
  • Is caloric intake restricted to fewer than 1200 calories a day?
  • Is a surgical or medical procedure recommended?
  • Is it backed by science, research and studies?
  • Does the diet want you eliminate all fats from your food?
  • Does it look and sound like it’s too good to be true?

Ask yourself the above questions when looking at a diet that’s appealing to you. Losing weight by taking a risk with your health is not worth it by any means. The questions above can help you determine if it’s a diet fad that you’re looking at or sensible diet tips that have value and hold promise.

When you want a healthy diet plan to follow and are unsure how to put the pieces together yourself, let give you a hand. The best diet tip yet is to follow a complete weight loss program like this one to the right which has been put together by reputable nutritionists that really know what they are doing.

Diet Fads That Attract Desperate Dieters

Crazy diet fads can harm your health.

Watch out because when people are desperate to drop fat and weight off fast there’s no telling what they might resort to but these diet fads below should be labeled “Don’t try this at home” diets.

Absurdly Silly Diet Fads People Really Do

From starvation diets, tongue patch diets, boredom diets to cotton balls are all on the list of freaky diet fads desperate people use to try to find an effective weight loss solution.

Some people will try anything when they are desperate to lose weight and I mean anything. Looking at some the diet fads circulating around the internet it’s almost laughable to think people really do this stuff to themselves.

Sadly, desperate times call for desperate measures which leads some people into making poorly thought out decisions. Some people will try just about anything as apparent by the following diet fads; diets that claim to help you lose weight without putting much effort into them.

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Diet Fads Rarely Deliver on Their Promises

With few exceptions most of these diet fads simply can’t deliver on what they promise to do and others can be downright harmful to your long term health. Below you’ll find some diet fads that are floating around the internet and at the top of the freaky diet fad list is…


The Cotton Ball Diet – Freaky Diet Fad #1

Can you seriously believe this? What’s being said is that some already bony thin models thought of the bright idea to eat cotton balls dipped in a juice, such as orange juice. They do this instead of eating regular food and it’s supposed to help them feel full and avoid high calories in order keep thin.

What is supposed to happen here is that the cotton balls dipped in fruit juice will make you feel full while adding very few calories. The problem is one, this provides inadequate nutritional value and two, the cotton ball is supposed to slowly dissolve away but it doesn’t always work that way and can cause severe complications.

No, your cat’s hairball formula isn’t a good fix for cotton balls plugging your internal piping so check that one off crazy thought list. Visualize a skin and bones super-model thinking this might be a terrific way to lose those last two ounces then forget about it.

What goes through a persons mind here? This doesn’t seem right to do this to yourself because it should be obvious this is not a healthy eating habit. For some people nothing much matters in the name of skin, bones the idea that’s what it takes to look beautiful.

People need real food, real nutrition and yes real calories in order to enjoy good health and true beauty. It should be no surprise to learn that most if not all people who go to this extreme level of dieting are suffering from an eating disorder and may need some psychological help.

The Cotton Ball Diet is one of the most extreme diet fads we’ve uncovered here. From clogging up your intestines with foreign objects to not getting the nutritional intake to meet your basic needs, you’re putting your body and health in danger.

Never agree to a diet that asks you to eat objects that are inedible.

The Boredom Diet – Freaky Diet Fad #2

This one sounds exciting right? Who wouldn’t like to stick to a boring diet for the long term anyway? Seriously, the question should be “who would want to?” You know it’s not going to work just by the sound of it.

The bright idea behind the boredom diet is to make eating totally boring, lacking in both excitement and variety. It’s debatable whether it really works or not but the trick is that if you can make your food super boring then you won’t be as likely to overeat.

It makes sense that a nice variety of mouth watering foods would make you want to eat more than the same old boring thing meal after meal.

Because eating the same things all the time sucks for most people it is supposed to help you learn your hunger pang cues because when you don’t enjoy eating, you begin to do it only when your body needs to eat. You supposedly start eating only when you have to – not because it’s time to eat and you’re really looking forward to eating a great meal.

If the thought of eating only your favorite food sounds good, you might want to think that thought over again. Eating one type of food only for extended periods of time is not at all good for you because your body needs a wide variety of nutrients that for the most part can only be obtained by consuming a wide variety of foods.

When your boredom diet eating patterns kick in and get really boring you are naturally going to crave other nutrients. The only way to get what you’re missing is to put an end to your boredom diet and start eating some variety each day. Your body will steer you in that direction, cravings will take over and you will be compelled to eat other types of food so that your body can satisfy its nutritional deficiencies.

The boredom diet is a diet destined to fail from the start. I mean who in the world would want to eat the same exact thing all of the time anyway?

Feast 5 Starve 2 – Freaky Diet Fad #3

Yet another diet fad destined to fail before we can even get out of the gate. Imagine a diet where you can eat whatever you want to eat for five full days. Sounds like and easy-to-do diet until you hear what you have to do the next two days. Starve.

Two days each week you must keep your calorie count below 600 so you’re not totally starving for two full days but close enough that your body starts shedding weight. The irritation, fatigue and anxiety you go through can be extreme and generally speaking, you’re not going to feel so great going through these two days. If you make it, you will positively not want to do it again and you’ll probably feast and gain all the weight back quickly.

It’s hard to say what this will do to your body’s health over the long run but normally when you yo-yo like this, each cycle makes it harder and harder to lose weight and keep it off. Besides, how long could you last starving yourself so severely for two days every week?

Mind Blowing Tongue Patch Diet – Freaky Diet Fad #4

Just when I thought that I’d had enough of these freaky fad diets, this little oddity reveals itself – the tongue patch diet. Can you believe it?

This latest fad in dieting is done by a cosmetic surgeon. Crazy as it is, a surgeon actually sews a rough patch to your tongue designed to create discomfort. Read that again… designed to create discomfort. This patch is designed to cause pain when eating solid food.

To avoid the pain you get by chewing solid food you are supposed to choose liquids instead of solids which can help you lose weight. Nuttier than the cotton ball diet, the tongue patch has reported issues such as uncontrollable drooling, speech difficulties and pain.

People will pay thousands of dollars for a tongue patch that has a strong risk of infection, causes discomfort, could come lose and choke you, will fuse to your tongue if not removed and surgical reapplied in thirty days if you chose to keep it.

The tongue patch diet is all around a bad idea. Eating should be pleasurable if you are going to stick to any diet plan. Besides, you are not going to be happy and survive very well drinking a pure liquid diet every single day.

Replace These Bad Idea Diet Fads with Good Idea Diet Tips

There you have a few modern day fad diets that you probably want to stay away from. For valid weight loss tips that can really help you, see Good Diet Tips That Rule over Fad Diets and learn how to spot bad diet fads and what dieting tips will help you make healthier dieting choices.


Weight Loss Solution

A successful weight loss solution.

If you’re sick and tired of weight loss programs that are ineffective while doing nothing more than wasting your time and money while failing to deliver, then you need to watch this short video below and follow along with the proven weight loss solution it provides you. – Frank and Anna

Here you will find a complete weight loss solution.

How’s that for a scientifically proven weight loss solution for melting away those unwanted pounds without turning your life upside down? Such a nice simple solution for losing weight and you don’t even have to think about it much because everything is so well planned for you.

Certainly you already know that you don’t have to look very far to find hundreds of programs advertised as “weight loss solutions”. The problem is that you’ll spend much valuable time and money yo-yoing and even failing completely just to find the one weight loss solution that will work for you.

Choose a Weight Loss Solution that is Proven and Effective

When you’re ready to start a weight loss program or make an investment in weight loss supplements you want to be sure that what you are buying is effective and not some gimmicky fad diet or false promises in an eye-catching advertisement.

The waste of good money is one thing but more importantly the waste of time and what it does to your mentality when you fail. Even when you know that it’s the fault of a poorly designed weight loss plan, it still takes a mental toll on you when you fail.

So, if you really want a solution to losing weight, one that will help you lose then maintain your weight in simple doable steps; watch, then follow the video above then follow along with where it guides you.

This Weight Loss Solution is the ‘Real Deal’

Very seldom will My Fitness Nut’s Frank or Anna make a personal recommendation let alone both at the same time. We’re usually about researching, testing when necessary, reviewing and then providing additional resources to help you make the best decisions for what you want to accomplish.

This is one of those rare occasions where we both agree that this is a weight loss plan that will work well for most people who follow it. We’ve seen people use this program to get rid of belly fat that numbers of sit ups could never dissolve. We’ve seen people who’ve tried dieting for years, finally become happy with the direction they are going within a few short weeks of starting it.

Waste No More Time Looking for a Weight Loss Solution

It feels good to be able to drop weight quickly in the beginning so that you can see fast results while continuing to see fat melting off week after week moving you closer to your ultimate weight loss goal. It not only feels good, it looks fantastic too.

Don’t waste anymore time, money or senseless frustrations with fad and gimmick diets. Watch the weight loss solution video to the right and follow along with the free trial because we already know that you’ll be so happy you did.

How to Burn Fat

Effective weight loss tips on how to burn fat.

Introduction to Effective Weight Loss

This article will give you some tips on how to burn fat and effective weight loss techniques to not only help you shed the pounds but keep them off. We hope that you enjoy reading the various sections and that you’ll find these weight loss tips helpful and informative.

In the first chapter you’ll find out why it is important to lose excess weight and to maintain your ideal weight. Being overweight can lead to various health problems; you’ll soon discover what some of these health risks are.

The different ways you can lose weight will also be revealed to you as well as how to keep from regaining the weight you have successfully shed. The importance of sticking to a realistic diet and exercise program that you can do will also be covered below.

Many diets fail and you’ll read some of the reasons behind that as well as the side effects of quitting or failing a diet attempt. You’ll learn how to choose a diet that will not fail you and some tips to help you stay committed to your diet program once you begin it.

So move forward and read on about how to burn fat for effective weight loss and start your journey towards a slimmer, fitter and healthier you…