Dry Brushing Cellulite

Have you tried dry brushing to remove cellulite?

The more important question we should be asking is if you want to spend your time dry brushing your skin daily for months and seeing minimal results. Dry brushing has barely any effects on cellulite. Any visible change is very minimal and lasts for a day, if even that.

Before we go into the theory behind dry brushing, we must understand what cellulite is. It is fat. Nothing more than normal, plain ‘ol fat! This is the same fat that is found on any other part of your body. Cellulite is NOT a unique type of fat.

The only reason it appears different is due to the fact that the fat appears in clumps and in parts of your body where the skin is thinner and less porous. This is usually the skin on your thighs and butt. The difference is only in appearance. The fat is still the same.

Most women experience having cellulite. That’s because most women do not do resistance training on their legs, thighs and butt for the most part. These areas are not toned, low on lean muscle and store fat easily. Even slim women store fat in these areas and the only way to remove that fat is with a healthy diet and exercise.

Can You Remove Cellulite by Dry Brushing?

No! It’s ridiculous that people make claims that brushing your skin will remove cellulite.

The theory behind dry brushing is that brushing your skin will aid the lymph system to remove toxins from the body. A better way to do this will be a hard 20 minute cardio workout that leaves you gasping.

There is no evidence to show that removing toxins will remove cellulite. It is true that fat cells contain toxins but the best way to clear these toxins will be to adopt a clean, healthy diet and use exercise to burn off the excess fat stores. You cannot brush them away.

Even the websites or sources promoting dry brushing will advise you to adopt a healthy diet and exercise and brush your body daily for 6 days a week. You have to follow up this brushing habit for at least a month before you see any visible change.

Even then, most people report no change at all.

A few women have reported minor changes but the cellulite returned within a day. The fact is the cellulite never left. It was there all along. Maybe the constant brushing made the skin swell up with blood and caused the skin to tighten. When the skin tightens, the fat is pushed below. Miraculously the cellulite seems to have ‘disappeared’. Once the swelling subsides, the cellulite returns to its rippled dimply glory.

Dry Brushing Does Have a Place in Your Routine

Yes, but it should be something you do if you have the time. The most effective way to get rid of cellulite is to eat right and exercise hard. Dry brushing can complement this by energizing the skin and improving the skin moisture. And even the minimal toxin removing benefits will improve your health too.

Dry brushing is not a solution to cellulite. It’s just one of those extras you do to make you feel better psychologically. Once your diet and exercise regimen is in place, then you may go ahead and do the dry brushing if it makes you feel happy