Tag remove cellulite

Dry Brushing Cellulite

Have you tried dry brushing to remove cellulite?

The more important question we should be asking is if you want to spend your time dry brushing your skin daily for months and seeing minimal results. Dry brushing has barely any effects on cellulite. Any visible change is very minimal and lasts for a day, if even that.

Before we go into the theory behind dry brushing, we must understand what cellulite is. It is fat. Nothing more than normal, plain ‘ol fat! This is the same fat that is found on any other part of your body. Cellulite is NOT a unique type of fat.

The only reason it appears different is due to the fact that the fat appears in clumps and in parts of your body where the skin is thinner and less porous. This is usually the skin on your thighs and butt. The difference is only in appearance. The fat is still the same.

Most women experience having cellulite. That’s because most women do not do resistance training on their legs, thighs and butt for the most part. These areas are not toned, low on lean muscle and store fat easily. Even slim women store fat in these areas and the only way to remove that fat is with a healthy diet and exercise.

Can You Remove Cellulite by Dry Brushing?

No! It’s ridiculous that people make claims that brushing your skin will remove cellulite.

The theory behind dry brushing is that brushing your skin will aid the lymph system to remove toxins from the body. A better way to do this will be a hard 20 minute cardio workout that leaves you gasping.

There is no evidence to show that removing toxins will remove cellulite. It is true that fat cells contain toxins but the best way to clear these toxins will be to adopt a clean, healthy diet and use exercise to burn off the excess fat stores. You cannot brush them away.

Even the websites or sources promoting dry brushing will advise you to adopt a healthy diet and exercise and brush your body daily for 6 days a week. You have to follow up this brushing habit for at least a month before you see any visible change.

Even then, most people report no change at all.

A few women have reported minor changes but the cellulite returned within a day. The fact is the cellulite never left. It was there all along. Maybe the constant brushing made the skin swell up with blood and caused the skin to tighten. When the skin tightens, the fat is pushed below. Miraculously the cellulite seems to have ‘disappeared’. Once the swelling subsides, the cellulite returns to its rippled dimply glory.

Dry Brushing Does Have a Place in Your Routine

Yes, but it should be something you do if you have the time. The most effective way to get rid of cellulite is to eat right and exercise hard. Dry brushing can complement this by energizing the skin and improving the skin moisture. And even the minimal toxin removing benefits will improve your health too.

Dry brushing is not a solution to cellulite. It’s just one of those extras you do to make you feel better psychologically. Once your diet and exercise regimen is in place, then you may go ahead and do the dry brushing if it makes you feel happy


Detox Cleanse For Cellulite

It's misleading but some people say a detox cleanse will remove cellulite.

This is an excellent question that many women ask. Unfortunately, most of them receive the wrong answers. In this article, we’ll examine if a detox cleanse is really necessary for you to banish that awful cellulite from your body.

First, we need to look at what detox cleanses claim to be. There are several detox cleanse products on the market that make bold claims to flush out the toxins in your body.

Some of these products even claim to have ‘liver flushing’ capabilities. The general idea given is that the body is full of toxins and other harmful substances and these cleanses will remove them.

Are Detox Cleanse Marketers Lying to You?

Next, we need to understand what cellulite is. We must know what it really is. The detox cleanse manufacturers will have you believing that cellulite clumps are actually pockets of toxins in the body.

They’ll say that these pockets of fat are hardened fat that cannot be removed through normal methods. So, you’ll need to resort to cleanses to get to the bottom of the problem.

The only problem here is the lies and misleading information surrounding cellulite.

Cellulite is fat. Nothing more, nothing less. It is NOT pockets of toxins or trapped particles beneath that can’t be removed. It is just normal fat and the same rules apply when dealing with cellulite as you would normal fat.

While a detox cleanse can have other benefits for your body, the removal of cellulite is not one of them.

You may be wondering why cellulite looks so different if it is just normal fat. Shouldn’t it be smooth and thick rather than clumpy, dimpled and ugly to look at? To understand why cellulite looks this way will require having an understanding of your anatomy.

There are several bands of tissue that connect our skin to the muscles beneath it. These bands are known as septae. For women, these fibrous bands are connected in a vertical, perpendicular manner. For men, the bands are connected in a cross hatched manner.

This is the main reason why men commonly do not have cellulite.

The perpendicular bands create spaces that are used by the body to store fat. There is very limited space with the male’s cross hatched pattern. Women definitely have it tougher in this area. Once the fat spaces are filled out and carry on getting bigger, the fat will push up against the skin. The clumpy appearance is due to the fact that the fibrous bands are between the fat stores.

So why does cellulite only appear on the thighs, butt and legs? The answer to this lies in the fact that for the majority of women, the skin is thinner there. Men have thicker skin than women in this area and thicker skin masks it.

How to Deal With Cellulite When a Detox Cleanse is Not an Option

In order to deal with cellulite, we need to deal with the body fat percentage of our bodies. The more fat you have in your body, the more cellulite you will have. Heredity and luck may mean that some women have fewer tendencies to have cellulite than others but nevertheless, the same principle holds true.

So, in order to lose this fat, you will need to adopt a healthy clean diet and exercise program to eradicate the fat stores. No detox cleanse can achieve this. There is no detox product on the market to remove cellulite that is effective. If you wish, you may go on a short 3 day detox plan and then follow up with a healthy diet and exercise program. That would be the best way to go about getting rid of cellulite.


Remove Cellulite From Thighs

There is one sure way to remove thigh cellulite.

The thighs are a very cellulite prone area. The majority of women who have cellulite often have it on their thighs and buttocks.

There are 2 reasons for this. Firstly, the skin inn these areas are much thinner than in other parts of the body. Secondly, women tend to store fat on the thighs, hips and butt.

With men, it’s mostly the belly.

Since cellulite is nothing more than fat, the same rules of fat loss apply to cellulite too. The problem here is that you cannot spot reduce. What that means is that you can’t specifically reduce fat in one spot. In this example, it’s the thighs.

Your Body Chooses How and When it Burns Cellulite

Your body will choose to burn fat in a way that only it understands. Usually the places where you gain weight last will be the first to lose the weight. So, if after gaining fat on your thighs, legs and buttocks and finally your face starts getting rounder – that means when you embark on your exercise program, the first place you will lose fat in will be your face. This is the reason why you may see people lose weight on their face and still have some way to go with the rest of their body.

Cellulite Removal Takes Patience

In this case, you will need to have patience before you can remove the cellulite from your thighs. Once your body starts burning fat in all the different places, it will slowly start burning off the cellulite on your thighs.

You need to persist until this happens. If you give up too early, you may have lost weight on your face and arms but the cellulite on your thighs will still be intact.

Watch your diet closely too. Avoid fattening foods especially those high in carbs. Avoid white flour products, sugary foods and any food that has a high GI. Avoid blood sugar spikes and you will minimize your chances of gaining fat.

Good Exercises for Burning Cellulite on Your Thighs

The exercises most perfected for losing weight will be a combination of cardio and weight training together. Your cardio should focus on your lower body. Running, spinning, stair climbing, skipping are awesome forms of cardio.

Kettlebell exercises provide an excellent workout to burn body fat. You want to perform them at high intensity. You should be panting and sweating profusely. It will not be fun however, 20 to 30 minutes of hard cardio with the Kettlebell 4 to 5 times a week will make you a fat burning machine.

Your metabolic rate will go up and you will be burning fat round the clock. Your thighs, butt and calves will be lean and toned. Your body will be the envy of other women. You do not have to worry about looking like a bodybuilder because that is generally very hard to make happen. Men themselves struggle to gain muscle mass.

What you will get is a body that is lean and taut with cellulite appearance being minimal to non-existent.

Dead-lifts, lunges, squats, leg presses are all excellent exercises to tone the legs and reduce cellulite appearance. If you wish, you may even join a kickboxing class. All the kicks and squats will tone your body and improve your stamina.

The possibilities are endless. As long as you are exercising regularly, eating well and staying the course, you will burn off the cellulite on your thighs slowly but surely. Keep on keeping on. That’s the key to success.


Remove Cellulite Through Lymphatic Drainage

You will not remove cellulite with lymphatic drainage.

There are several websites that promote lymphatic drainage to reduce cellulite. They are all wrong. The reason for this is because cellulite is fat. It is not about toxins or poor drainage or whatever reasons that are so often tossed around. All these misconceptions and fallacies are designed to make women spend money on cellulite products and treatment.

It May Look Different But it’s Really Just Fat

The simple fact is that cellulite is fat. It looks different from normal fat. There is a reason for this. Beneath our skin is a hard fibrous tissue with bands that connect the skin to the muscle. These bands are known as septae. Women have perpendicular bands while men have bands that connect in a cross-checked pattern. This is the reason why men do not show visible signs and even thought they have it too, it just can’t be so easily seen.

When the spaces between the bands are filled with fat, the fat is squeezed upwards and presses against the skin. This is similar to a fork pressing down on a marshmallow. Notice how the marshmallow comes up looking all clumpy. That’s because the fork is hard and stiff just like the bands of tissue in our body.

Women also have thinner skin than men. That’s a double whammy because the cellulite is even more visible. So, now that we have established that it’s just plain ‘ol fat, why are people talking about lymphatic drainage?

Fat Profits in Reducing Cellulite

The reason for this is that there are several products and services such as cellulite massages and other treatments such as Endermologie that claim that they can massage it away by breaking down the fats and increasing the blood circulation to the problematic areas.

It is not profitable to admit that cellulite is fat because if it was just normal fat, women would realize that watching their diet and exercise would remove the cellulite stores. By using words like ‘lymphatic drainage’, it creates the illusion that more specific and targeted measures are required to deal with this stubborn issue.

Lymphatic Drainage Provides Benefits – But Not Cellulite Loss

The crux of the matter is that lymphatic drainage will not rid the body of cellulite. It may have other benefits such as improving circulation and maybe detoxification to a certain extent, but it will not remove it because fat cannot be massaged away.

The best thing you can do for yourself will be to try and reduce your body fat percentage. You will have to watch your diet closely and eat wholesome, healthy food. Avoid junk food and processed products which are also junk. Eat fresh, eat clean should be your motto.

Exercise to Lose Fat and Reduce Cellulite

Embark on a training program that involves a mix of cardio and resistance training. Perform exercises that tone your lower body. Squats, lunges, stair climbing, etc. All these exercises will tone and strengthen your thighs and butt. Toned muscles are taut and the visibility of cellulite will be reduced.

When you are at a body fat percentage of about 15 to 20 percent, your fat stores will be minimal. You may still have some fat but the lumps and dimples will be barely visible. If you still wish to lose the rest, you need to drop your body fat percentage even lower.

That’s how you rid your body of cellulite effectively and this way beats any lymphatic drainage method out there. Learn more about cellulite reduction to help you shape up your appearance and take the guess work out of it.