Seeing Kettlebell Benefits

In no time you'll start seeing Kettlebell benefits.

Read Along and Enter Kettlebell Heaven

Now that you’re in the proper frame of mind, let’s enter Kettlebell heaven, where many old school methods and ideas concerning fitness, fat burning, and muscle building get shoved out of the window.

For real. For good.

Kettlebell training is innovative. As was earlier mentioned in the Introduction of this training guide, a Kettlebell workout is focused on making the best use of time to strengthen your muscles and bones, firm up your core, and give your cardiovascular system a thorough boost.

One of the best parts of such training is that you can achieve your goals by working out with Kettlebells in only twenty to thirty minutes, at least three to four times a week.

When you’ve already got the hang of Kettlebell swings, Kettlebell snatches, and Kettlebell squats, you’ll probably want to go through your exercise routines for the whole week, but that’s another story altogether, and will be discussed in another chapter.

Anyway, when you choose to get fit through Kettlebell exercises, there’ll be no more huffing and puffing like the Big Bad Wolf on the treadmill for one hour or more, just to reach the best metabolic rate sufficient to burn calories.

When Doing Kettlebell Training There Will be No More…

No more pumping your legs up and down over and over on a stationary bike, as if you were trying to cycle your way to and through China.

No more dreading the weights that you’ll have to lift, worrying that you’ll need to make the weights go heavier and heavier until failure, because if you don’t add to the weights as your sessions go by, you’ll just be wasting your time.

No more of those aggravating concerns. Instead, you will be doing twenty to thirty minutes of a power workout – then that’s it!

Twenty to thirty minutes 3-4 times a week; think about it.

That’s about the time it would ordinarily take you to watch your favorite sitcom, assuming you can stand watching even the advertisements, while your life as a couch potato silently scrolls on by in the background.

When you decide to train with Kettlebells, you’ll be able to make one of the best uses of twenty to thirty minutes of your life and each day that you pick up a Kettlebell you’ll repeat that.

We call working out with Kettlebells as Kettlebell heaven because Kettlebell training involves getting into a determined but relaxed state of mind in order to reach your ideal physical fulfillment.

Solid Kettlebell Training Benefits

Now, we already know in a general sense that a Kettlebell is really advantageous for us. We know that working out with a Kettlebell is great because it combines both weight training and cardio. But are there any other advantages?

What are the other Kettlebell benefits that we can look forward to?

Kettlebell training can ensure that you won’t need to shell out exorbitant amounts of money to buy gym equipment that in all probability will be sold second hand for cheap or just moulder away, collecting dust and rusting silently in a corner of your home before collapsing into a pile of junk.

This will never happen with Kettlebells for the simple reason that they are cheap!

Besides, when starting out, you will only most likely need to buy one Kettlebell. You read that right. Just one initially and it’s good, because they don’t come in matching pairs, unlike noisy lovebirds that always do. (Note that a Kettlebell is quiet and all it thinks about is how to get you fit chop-chop!)

It’s your choice whether to buy different Kettlebell weights immediately (this will be discussed in the next article), or to go slow and buy one at a time.

Kettlebell benefits include exercising your mental muscles, as well as your physical ones, because while working out with Kettlebells, your mind will be busy thinking of ways to keep the workout safe and efficient for you.

You’ll understand this better when you first get hold of a Kettlebell. When you are new to it, you’ll most likely be caught off-guard when you try to swing it for the first time: What the heck, does this funny looking iron thing have a mind of its own? Is it trying to make me turn left even if I’m trying to swing right?

Don’t worry! First of all, Kettlebell exercises don’t require Mensa membership. They’re not that hard to do.

Second, the 22 demonstration videos that accompany this guide will show you the exact moves you need to do, the exact form that you need to adopt, and the techniques that would lead you to achieve your fitness and health and wellness goals, so, it’s all good!

Kettlebell Training Works 8 Major Muscle Groups

Kettlebell training will maximize the use of all of your eight major muscle groups instead of just one isolated muscle per session. Imagine your abs working harmoniously with your back, your shoulders, your arms, your chest, your calves, and your thighs, and even your butt!

That’s the Kettlebell Benefits We’re Talking About

Yes, Kettlebell benefits also include enabling your butt to finally take center stage with your abs at the same time! No longer will you worry about the indignity of having ripped abs in front, but a sagging or flat butt at the back.

Think of yourself looking gorgeous in a body-hugging tee, and even more gorgeous in a well-fitting pair of jeans that proudly show off a well-developed butt! Cheers for Kettlebells!

Loving those Kettlebell benefits yet? There’s more!

When you regularly work out with Kettlebells for about a month to a month and a half, you’ll be able to train your body how to properly move and this will go a long way to help you handle basic, functional movements in your daily life.

If you’re the type who frequently (by accident) bumps into objects that you encounter or pass by, or if you find yourself unable to carry bags of groceries without feeling worn out, then training with a Kettlebell benefits you because you will be able to build up strength, coordination, flexibility, and balance.

Go Solo or Get a Trainer with Kettlebell Certification?

The inherent beauty of Kettlebell training is that you can have a choice of training solo, or getting a trainer who has passed a Kettlebell certification program.

When you have access to training or instructional videos, like the ones provided as accompaniments to this guide, then it is possible to begin training on your own. The basic information that you would need to get started is covered in the articles that follow while the videos demonstrate how to do the exercises, paying particular attention to correct technique and form.

When you start having an interest in more advanced moves, then it could be a good idea to think about getting the services of a professional instructor who has gone through a Kettlebell certification program.

A Kettlebell certification program qualifies the trainer to give professional-level training. There are numerous Kettlebell instructor training courses that can be availed of, to eventually acquire Kettlebell certification. This certification is proof that an instructor has gained expertise and is qualified to provide new Kettlebell students and or enthusiasts with the kind of training that can help them in working towards athletic level conditioning.

In the next article I’ll talk a little bit about the origin of Kettlebells and different types of there are. If you already have a Kettlebell or set of and are happy, you can blow past this next article titled “The Kettlebell Saga: From Farmers to Fitness Nuts” or read it for entertainment and some good information. After that, we’ll move on to Kettlebell training workout routines and begin reaping the benefits we’ve been talking about here. Isn’t it time to start getting your own little piece of Kettlebell Heaven?

Pump Muscles with Kettlebell Exercises

Kettlebell exercises are dynamic for burning fat.

Get Rid of Body Fat and Pump Up Your Muscles with Kettlebell Exercises

If everyone who uses a Kettlebell – trainers, fitness champions, celebrities, pro athletes, and even Kettlebell workout neophytes – ever got together, their sheer number would motivate anyone to try Kettlebell exercises and eventually become a Kettlebell devotee.

Whoa, Nelly! A devotee? Isn’t that claiming a bit too much?

No, it isn’t. In fact, Kettlebell devotees do exist, and are found in various parts of the world, from all walks of life.

Many who perform Kettlebell exercises look back on the day they first discovered the beauty of doing a Kettlebell workout, and pat themselves on the back knowing fully well that they deserve to congratulate themselves for making a good choice. They made the smart decision to use an effective fitness tool that can trim the fat and pump up muscles in just one go.

Why Kettlebells Rule

Okay, let’s admit it this early. Kettlebells, those homely looking things, will never win a contest for best-looking exercise and fitness equipment. They’re relatively small, squat, and dumpy, compared to those buff-looking barbells and sexy dumbbells.

They’re not as slick as the slim and proud-standing treadmills, not as imposing as the mufti-functional home gym machines, and definitely not as cool looking as the ellipticals, bikes, and rowers.

They’re not even as imaginative as the good ole’ trampolines that call to mind those carefree childhood days when it was great fun to jump up and down on the trampolines, going higher and higher, scaring the heck out of ourselves, and nearly giving granny or mom a coronary.

So, all that being said…

What’s So Great About Kettlebell Exercises?


As far as looks are concerned, Kettlebells may not be impressive – imagine handles on a cannonball or maybe a medium sized round handbag made of cast iron – but when it comes to performance, a Kettlebell can, and will, blow your socks off.

Kettlebells Combine Cardio and Weight Training

Sure, sure, treadmills give you an awesome cardiovascular workout, but have you ever tried lifting a treadmill to develop muscular strength?

As for weightlifting equipment, of course they build up your muscles, but in all probability, you’d have to go pump while running around (see the logo) like a frenzied Tasmanian Devil on steroids, if you even want to simply approximate the cardio benefits that come from doing a Kettlebell workout.

It’s a no-brainer. Why have separate cardiovascular and weight training workouts, when doing Kettlebell exercises can give you the benefits of both in the same exact workout routine?

A Kettlebell is like a maestro skillfully leading an orchestra that is made up of your core, your back, your legs, and your arms.

Like the fitness virtuosos that they are, Kettlebells coordinate your body’s major muscles during your workout, increasing your metabolic process, burning fat even as you build muscle strength.

Awesome is too tame a word for getting such advantages through the use of only one in-expensive fitness tool.

Dumbbell vs. Kettlebell Exercises

Dumbbells are great for spot toning, but if you want a total fat-blasting and muscle building workout for your body, it’s got to be a Kettlebell workout for you.

Visualize these words: Total… Body… Workout

That’s what this “Burn Body Fat Kettlebell Training Guide” gives you. Not just a promise, not just a hope, not just a possibility. This fitness guide shows you the reality that’s to come, that’s to happen in your life when you start doing, and going on with our Kettlebell exercises.

Remember, this guide comes complete with 22 instructional videos that will take away the mystery about how best to use Kettlebells in order to get:

  • A healthy cardiovascular system
  • A strong back that can withstand pressure
  • Arms and legs that are sculpted
  • Increased metabolism that’s fired up to levels which encourage weight loss to happen the natural way
  • A healthy core that protects your vital organs reliably and efficiently; six pack abs.

Take a Cue From Arnie

Arnold Schwarzenegger, former action star, politician, businessman, and body builder, was a progressive thinker, an inspired visionary who saw the directions that life would go, way ahead of his time.

No, wait, this is serious. Really.

Okay, he might not have foreseen the way that controversies would dog his private and public life, but setting those matters aside, you’ll have to add that his dedication to keeping fit, and his determination to make bodybuilding – which used to be considered as a weird way for conceited men to show off their excessively developed muscles – a major part of mainstream physical fitness. Health and wellness was something that stood out in the 1960s to the 1970s.

Arnie started out with barbells and weight training, and the rest is history, as we all know it. He took care of his body, and his body took care of him, acting as his ticket to Hollywood, and opening doors that led to the worlds of politics and business.

Arnie had the right idea. Take it from him. Use the opportunities available to you and sculpt and tone your body and make yourself stronger. If Arnie had his barbells, you have your Kettlebells.

Degrees of Engagement – Bodybuilding with a Kettlebell

As is the case with other bodybuilding exercises, a Kettlebell workout has degrees of engagement that you can gradually get into. No one’s expecting you to suddenly lift up a Kettlebell and start swinging it around like the way Thor mightily does it with Mjölnir, his devastating hammer. And no, you don’t have to buy a Thor costume or any kind of superhero outfit to use while working out… but, on second thought, if it gets you motivated, why not, eh?

Yep, no one’s expecting you to be the Kickass Kettlebell Kid of the Century…

But, you are expected to eventually understand the differences between technique and form, as well as appreciate why knowing such differences can lead you to your success.

You are expected to eventually learn how to enjoy the challenges that come your way, in the form of the 22 Kettlebell exercises that are clearly presented in the demonstration videos that accompany this guide.

And, you are expected to keep in mind the importance of knowing how to align your spine and keep your hips properly positioned as you do a Kettlebell workout.

Don’t forget: safety first!

So, are you ready to trim the fat and pump up your muscles? Great. Read through the rest of “Burn Body Fat Kettlebell Training Guide”, get access to all 22 Kettlebell Exercise Videos by subscribing to the My Fitness Nut Newsletter at the top of and then bring on the Kettlebells and let’s get started!

Dumbbell Training

Start muscle building with the Ultimate Dumbbell Training Guide.

Tired of bodybuilding gimmicks that never produce muscle mass?

Tired of taking fat-burning supplements that never do anything but burn a hole in your pocket?

We’ve all been there and we know it can get very frustrating.

But all is not lost. In fact, we have just the solution for you!

Our time-tested bodybuilding system is designed to help you build powerful muscles with the use of highly effective dumbbell exercises. And that’s not all. We’re also including 52 instructional videos to go with this system to ensure that you have all the know-how you need to achieve your goal.

Yes, you read that right! 52 instructional videos yours for the taking to help you attain the sculpted body that you have always wanted!

The excuses of not having enough time, of not knowing where to begin, of not being sure about which of your muscle groups should be targetted – these questions are now irrelevant. With this bodybuilding system, you’ll not only create time for your workouts, you’ll also be guided through every major aspect of the workouts.

The enclosed article set gives you a very clear idea of what muscles groups to target and how to target them to get optimum results. And this is just the dumbbell exercise articles we’re talking about. If you include the 52 dumbbell workout videos, you get a complete package that’s capable of helping you achieve the body you only dreamed about. The dumbbell exercise videos give you visual demonstrations and instruction of the exercises.

Imagine having a personal trainer at your command – one that will pause, repeat, stop, and forward instructions tirelessly and endlessly all depending on your needs!

The 52 intensive instructional videos not only demonstrate as a whole each of the dumbbell exercises included in these articles, they also give you step-by-step instructions on how you should do every single one of the dumbbell exercises, in crisp and clear audio and video.

There are dumbbell exercises for the most special parts of your body that get exposed to the scrutiny of the world such as your arms, back, and legs. And when you follow these exercises to a T, you’ll never be embarrassed about your body ever again.

Here’s a glimpse of how you’ll benefit from using this bodybuilding system:

Your Arms

Whether you prefer them lean and muscular, or bulky and muscular is your choice. You can choose how you want your arms to look by simply referring to your guide to see which relevant muscles to target, and then work away on them, following the instructions provided in your videos!

Your Back

Your back’s strength is a dead giveaway of the level of control you practice in your life. With our specifically created dumbbell exercises, you will have a strong and solid back in no time.

Your Chest

Get that barrel chest that looks as if it’s going to rip the front of your shirt apart! Strong arms always go best with a strong chest, so grab the opportunity to heighten the development of your chest with our muscle building plan!

Your Legs

Show off that wonderful pair of steady legs with rock hard muscles supporting your whole muscular frame with pride! Our dumbbell exercises for the legs will get your legs pumping hard and become firmer and stronger with each passing day!

Your Shoulders

Ever wanted to come up with a highly confident shrug that says you’re a definite hottie that knows what you want and won’t stand for any crap getting in the way? Our system will give you the opportunity to develop the very muscles in your shoulders that will make them stronger, firmer, and irresistible to look at!

Now’s Your Chance — Take It

Never before has the chance to take full and total control of your muscle building plan been made this available.

Why be content with only one singular bodybuilding workout when you can laser target your arms, back, chest, legs, and shoulders to maximize muscle development and build-up power where you want and need it the most?

Why limit yourself only to focusing on just a section of your body, and neglect the rest when you can combine the specific dumbbell exercises that you want to use to convert your body form into a powerful muscular precision sculpted machine?

Remember, it’s not just a set of instructional articles and it’s not just a set of videos!

When you put it together, it’s a complete bodybuilding dumbbell workout guide created to satisfy your need for getting the kind of strong, healthy, and fit body that you want. So, don’t let get anything get in the way of achieving your dream body because you can do it using this step-by-step process.

Can you do this workout? YES!

Will it help you achieve your fitness goal? Absolutely!

Will you do it?


Here and now is where you’ll be able to get a complete dumbbell muscle building workout system that will teach you everything you need to achieve your goal. It comes with 52 intensive dumbbell workout videos that you will want to watch, follow along with and replay over and over again until you have them committed to memory.

Don’t pass up on this opportunity. Don’t doubt your ability to build fantastic muscles in all the right places. Start using the “Ultimate Dumbbell Training Guide”, subscribe to the My Fitness Nut Newsletter at the top of to get all 52 dumbbell exercise videos and start using them along with the guide now. It may very well be one of the best investments you’ll ever make in yourself. Others will likely agree.

Dumbbell Shoulder Exercises

Widen those shoulders with dumbbell shoulder exercises.Dumbbell Shoulder Exercises – What to Do to Get “Adorable” Deltoids

Time and time again, dumbbells have been proven to be the perfect shoulder builders combined with perfect posture. Dumbbell shoulder exercises help you develop the adorable v-shaped physique of a professional swimmer, even without going near the pool!

Before we go on to the development your deltoids or delts, aka your shoulders, here are some important facts to know about the parts of your delts:

  • Anterior deltoid – this is the front head of the shoulder, the main muscle that rotates the arms inwards. This muscle is used in doing bench press, and other forms of chest training, and also helps to stimulate biceps and triceps exercises. Bodybuilders tend to overdevelop this muscle causing muscular imbalance, injury, and posture awkwardness. And we’re here to try to help you avoid that.
  • Medial deltoid – this is the side head of the shoulder, the abduct part of your arm that puts the arms out from the mid-line of the body. This muscle, if developed properly, brings width to your upper body.
  • Posterior deltoid – this is the back side of the shoulders, responsible for extending and rotating the arms outwards. This muscle is important in back exercises such as chin ups, pull ups, rows and so much more.

Pre-Exercise Reminders Before Starting Your Dumbbell Shoulder Exercises

Perform each of the dumbbell exercises in a slow, paced, and controlled manner to ensure that your muscles are developed without the risk of injury. It’s recommended to do at least a light aerobic exercise or stretching before touching your dumbbells. It will increase your heart rate, while preparing your body for a good dumbbell workout. Doing so also helps you to avoid cramps.

After your workout regime, do not forget to stretch your targeted muscles to prevent being sore and aching all over.

Posture and proper form could mean the success or failure of your workout. As much as possible, maintain proper form because falling into the wrong form could expose you to the risk of injury.

For some exercises, lifting more than you should could cause an injury. Try to feel the weights first and write them down to remember, as there will be different variations in weights according to each exercise.

Almost every arm exercise affects the shoulder muscles at some point or degree. When you try to isolate the shoulders, other exercises might have put some strain on them already. It’s important to know that balancing your workout with a well thought of plan could engage your muscle groups evenly without exposing you to the risk of pulled muscles, or more painful injuries.

Doing Dumbbell Shoulder Exercises

  • Shoulder dumbbell press – the shoulder dumbbell press develops the entire shoulder muscle group. This greater freedom of movement also increases shoulder muscle activation and can also be very useful for people with shoulder injuries, since the dumbells are not as stressful on the shoulder joints.

Demonstration of a Dumbbell Shoulder Press:

  • Dumbbell push press – when you want stronger shoulders, then the dumbbell push press is perfect for you. It allows you to lift heavier weights with very low risk of injury. Using a dumbbell push press gives the advantage of having your legs provide the push through, reducing strains that can be felt on the shoulders. This exercise targets your shoulders, different parts of your triceps and thighs.
  • Dumbbell lateral raise – a dumbbell lateral raise was developed for one thing only, and that’s isolating the middle of the shoulder to enhance shoulder strength and gain muscle mass overall. To build more size and tone, try to limit the movement so that the muscles will be under constant tension throughout the whole set. Lateral raises target the medial deltoid – the muscle which is in the middle of the 3 shoulder muscles. This exercise will give you the V-Shape form, much like those of professional swimmers.
  • Dumbbell front raise – the dumbbell front raise works muscles in your shoulders, targeting the deltoid specifically. Considered a beginners’ exercise, but also used by veteran bodybuilders. This is an exercise where you don’t have to worry much about using much weight, as lifting more than you should could mean a muscle injury that could affect your whole exercise routine. Take your choice about doing the shoulder exercise at the same time or alternatively; focusing on each arm rather than both. In doing an alternate arm variation, it should be noted that once you’ve finished performing the first arm raise, the next arm should follow, and so on.

Demonstration of a Dumbbell Front Raise:

  • Dumbbell overhead press – overall, the benefit of the dumbbell overhead press is to allow greater range of motion or more movement compared to using a barbell. In other words, you will gain more muscle mass. Usually, it’s done while seated, allowing you to use your core muscles and lower body to lift heavier weights. You’ll also get more triceps involvement as secondary muscle training. A good choice for lifters, including beginners and hardcore bodybuilders.

How Much Exercising Should You Do?

You can combine all the said exercises or keep it to a minimum of about two (exercises that will give you the most advantage at the top) if you are on a fast track, for about 30 minutes a day or so. Your muscles require rest and time to develop and relax so it’s best if you create a routine which would incorporate this relaxation time.

Don’t forget, doing selective exercises fast will not gain you anything. Remember to keep your composure and maintain a slow pace while performing the exercise you’ve chosen.

Your Delts are Priceless

The shoulders are the most widely used muscles in working out. In fact, you use them in almost every aspect of your workout regime. So in essence, your shoulders or deltoids are priceless. They are packed with a capability of 360 degrees rotation power. But overusing them can lead to weakness or injury, rendering you unable to perform other exercises.

However, if you keep a steady workout regime, you’ll be able to fully utilize your shoulder strength and work on every part of your upper body.

The fun starts when you actually start seeing your shoulder muscles develop and take shape. Ladies love it, guys envy it. Just remember that like everything involved in building muscle mass, it takes time to develop your shoulder muscles. The key is to persevere with the most effective dumbbell shoulder exercises that you can learn.

Eventually you’ll feel more confident with a wider shoulder and a wider look through these dumbbell shoulder exercises; stronger legs through the dumbbell leg exercises; a more steady back through the dumbbell back exercises; a pumped up chest with dumbbell chest exercises and of course, with your chiseled arms gained from the dumbbell arm exercises. In the end, you’ll be thankful you didn’t stop your dumbbell workout and are now able to start witnessing your new look and feel.

Before you begin doing your dumbbell shoulder exercises, go to the top of and subscribe to the My Fitness Nut Newsletter. When you do, you’ll get a full set of videos demonstrating 52 different dumbbell exercises that you can use to learn from and follow along with.

Dumbbell Leg Exercises

Get started doing dumbbell leg exercises and you will notice the difference.Doing Dumbbell Leg Exercises Because Strong, Shapely Legs are Sexy

After going through our dumbbell chest exercises in the previous article it’s time for us to talk about dumbbell leg exercises and what these exercises can do for the lower part of your body.

Do you remember the Hollywood action star Jean Claude Van Damme? You know, the “Muscles from Brussels” who used to be a ballet dancer too? (Yes, strange things happen in this universe). Van Damme’s a great proponent of working out and obviously, to get the kind of leg power that he has which propelled him to fame and fortune, he must be.

The dumbbell leg exercises we recommend for you are not meant to turn you into another Van Damme, of course (although if and when it happens, it happens).

What it will do is to target your upper, lower and inner thigh muscles, as well as your calves or calf muscles.

Leg exercises are important because the sad fact is that bodybuilders tend to focus mostly on their upper body, forgetting the lower part of their body, and this has the effect of making them look like Johnny Bravo. So, unless Johnny Bravo is your ideal, better start working on those leg muscles pronto!

Dumbbell Leg Exercises – Challenging But Fun

Leg workouts at home can be quite challenging. You’ll hear everywhere that using barbells for squats and other leg exercises are difficult to do at home, or even next to impossible. Well, we’re here to tell you that it is NOT impossible. On the contrary, you might even find it quite easy, and have fun doing it at the same time.

Before doing dumbbell exercises, remember to stretch your targeted muscles to avoid cramps. Directly after working out, do the same routine to lessen the sore and tightness, to loosen up that heavy feeling.

You must remember that doing leg exercises using dumbbells needs a lot of concentration and energy. Always maintain good posture; straighten your back, and brace your core.

Give your legs a rest for about 4-5 days before using them again for another workout routine. Quality is better than quantity. Don’t train to failure, do your best to maintain your posture, if it starts deteriorating, meaning if you feel like you’re turning into a camel with several people on top of you, stop, get some rest, and resume only when you’re feeling much better.

Only add weight to each of you dumbbell leg exercises when you feel that you are able to perform more. Forcing yourself might risk injury, thereby affecting your overall dumbbell workout.

Doing the Dumbbell Leg Exercises

Here are our recommended dumbbell leg exercises, and a brief on why these are great to do for your muscle mass building program:

  • Dumbbell deadlift – the dumbbell deadlift has been, for years, the most feared exercise for casual and expert bodybuilders (depending of course on how heavy the weight being lifted is). Curiously, it has also been praised for being efficient in developing your strength and in excellently building mass. To do this exercise, all you would need are a pair of dumbbells and clear space. The dumbbell deadlift targets the hamstrings. Other muscles called into action with this leg exercise are the inner thigh, the glutes or the rear of the hips (less glamorously aka as the butt), the upper and middle back, the upper shoulder, the waist or abs, the obliques or the sides of the waist.

  • Dumbbell split squats – dumbbell split squats are a cross between the squats and the lunges, meaning, you have one foot forward of the other to do split squats instead of having both feet parallel while doing squats. The exercise specifically targets your quadriceps and evenly activates about every other muscle in your lower body like the hamstring on the front and the back of the thighs, and of course, the gluteus maximus (yes, it’s still your butt).

  • Dumbbell squats – dumbbell squats may look like a beginner’s exercise, this is true, but its efficiency has proven itself otherwise, particularly in developing the quadriceps muscles of the thigh, the calves, the lower back, the hamstrings of the back of your legs, and again, the gluteus maximus. Since the weights are held on both sides of your body instead of up on the shoulders, it’s a easier to maintain your composure, meaning you’ll be able to finish your reps and sets with less of a chance of getting injured.

  • Dumbbell lunges – dumbbell lunges are intermediate exercises that work several muscle groups at the same time. Using dumbbells for lunges greatly increases the benefits of getting a total lower-body workout, while requiring only a pair of dumbbells and a small area to work in. It’s very effective, and a great alternative to the standard leg machines, possibly even better. Dumbbell lunges target the transverse abdominus, medius and minimus, quadriceps, obliques, and the now famous gluteus maximus.

Working Towards Your Goal With Dumbbell Leg Exercises

Whether you’re a man or a woman, the goal is for your body to look good and be in great shape. You have a freehand in which exercise you want to do, but if you’re going to focus on your leg muscles you should limit yourself to only one or two days a week.

Mix up your dumbbell workouts and combine all the exercises above. You can even add in any of the 52 dumbbell exercises on video that you’ll receive when you subscribe to the My Fitness Nut Newsletter. See the top of for information.

Just remember not to do the said exercises to the point of failure, meaning don’t overexert yourself. Finish one exercise after another, rest, and then move on to the next one. As time goes on you’ll be able to master each exercise in terms of how to do it and maintain the proper posture to avoid risk of injury.

Dumbbell exercises for your legs do not only affect the lower part of your body. As you have read and will experience for yourself once you watch our exercise videos. They have a secondary effect on other muscle groups belonging to the upper part of your body.

Sheer Efficiency

The exercises above might seem hard to do, or to simple to do; depending on who’s going to do them, but in reality they’re really easy for everyone provided that the person exercising is focused on the goal.

These exercise that we recommend are excellent in terms of sheer efficiency. It could take a bit of time before you see results, but as soon as you’re noticing changes, expect yourself to become more active and interested in your muscle mass building routine.

A lot of professionals don’t really have the time to work out because of their busy schedules. But with a couple of dumbbells, whether these are adjustable, fixed-weight, or selectorized, you’ll be able to finish your workout in just 30 minutes at a time.

You won’t feel like you’re doing a dumbbell exercise once you start feeling that sweet burn in your thighs. Give it some time and you’ll see yourself smiling. Better yet, go for the whole dumbbell workout program, and get yourself in peak form, from head to foot!

Dumbbell Back Exercises

These dumbbell back exercises can level you right up.Previously, we’ve talked about how dumbbell arm exercises can benefit you and even your loved ones by setting the stage for gaining more health, more strength, and even providing opportunities for saving some serious cash.

Today, we’ll discuss dumbbell back exercises as part of our dumbbell workout program and prove how doing these exercises are a great way to level up your muscle building plan.

By the end of this article series, we’ll have covered enough material showcasing the best dumbbell exercise program for building muscle mass that the world has ever seen.


Words to the Wise About Muscle Building in General

Since we are now on the “how to do it” phase of our master plan, it’s time to distribute these cautionary words of wisdom related to muscle building:

  1. Maintain good posture. Always. This is a must, especially since you are not using gym machines that stay in place. A wrong move could be cause for injury, so make sure your posture is correct when you start your dumbbell workout. This also applies when you are placing your dumbbells on the floor and lifting them again during your dumbbell exercises.
  2. Always get a “clean bill of health” clearance first before starting on any workout routine, including your dumbbell workout. Remember this thought: workout in haste, repent in leisure.
  3. Do not cheat. Remember that dumbbell exercises do not build up muscles in isolation. There are step-by-step instructions given in the videos for you to follow and get the most out of your dumbbell workout.. If you cheat, you may finish your set more quickly, but you’ll only be fooling yourself.
  4. Consult with a bodybuilding expert or trainer on whether or not it would be best to use fixed weight dumbbells or adjustable weight dumbbells in your case. The choice will be based on several factors such as your cash flow (fixed weights are more expensive) and your overall body condition. If you’re a beginner, it may be to your best interest to go with adjustable weight dumbbells. They require more input from you in terms of adjustments, but at least you will be able to control more easily just how much you will lift.

Doing Dumbbell Back Exercises:

Here are our recommended dumbbell back exercises, with details about why these are great to do for your muscle building program, along with some sample dumbbell workout videos to demonstrate how these back exercises are done:

  • Dumbbell pullover – a dumbbell pullover requires a pair of dumbbells and an exercise bench to lean on. A pullover is great for conditioning the lower chest or the lower pecs, the lats, the rear deltoids or rear shoulders, the middle of the back, the upper shoulder, the rear of the neck, the front shoulders, the upper chest, and the inner forearm. Does your job require the repetitive use of your arms from shoulder, to forearm, to wrist? Writers, some types of athletes such as tennis players, and painters often get afflicted with painful shoulders, forearms, or wrists. This would be a great exercise for them.

  • Dumbbell shrugs – dumbbell shrugs are perfect for the upper shoulders, the upper back and the lower back. Requires no other equipment aside from the dumbbells. Must be done on an even surface, standing up.

  • Dumbbell upright row – the main target of a dumbbell upright row are the side shoulders. The synergists or the muscles helping in the conditioning of the main target are the front shoulders, the rotatory cuff, the upper and outer forearms, the biceps, the middle of the back, the serratus magnus (boxer’s muscle), and the rotator cuff. The stabilizers, or the muscles that help maintain posture for this exercise are the upper shoulder and the rear neck.

  • Dumbbell rows – dumbbell rows are also known as dumbbell bent-over rows. This exercise targets the back as a whole. Muscles called to support this target are the upper and middle back, the lats, the back outer helper or little lats, the rear shoulder, rotatory cuff, biceps, the upper-outer forearm, and the lower pecs. Stabilizers are the front and back of the arms (biceps and triceps). This requires the use of an exercise bench.

  • Dumbbell side bends – dumbbell side bends are perfect for dancers (yes, there are male dancers), gymnasts (ditto), and others who require a whole lot of balance, flexibility and agility in their line of work (think construction people who work up high balancing steel bars). The main target of this exercise are the obliques (upper hips, sides of waist). Synergists for this exercise include the deep lower back and the hip. The stabilizers are the upper and back shoulders, and the hips.

You can get the full set of 52 different dumbbell exercises when you subscribe to the My Fitness Nut Newsletter at the top of the home page.

Can These Dumbbell Back Exercises Be Selectively Done?

Of course you have a free hand in determining whether or not you will do the dumbbell back exercises as a group, or selectively only. However, when training is being done not only for body conditioning, but also for developing muscles according to plan, then it is highly recommended that the exercises be done as a group.

That means, you progress from one exercise—and perfect it—before going on to the next.

If you’ll review the given dumbbell exercises, you’ll see that although they may sometimes target only one specific group of muscles, the overall effect is spread out through several muscle groups.

Specifically, for these dumbbell back exercises, you’ll notice that while it is the back that is the main target, you also get to work on your shoulders, arms, wrists, and even your waist and hips. How’s that for hitting many birds with one stone?

Being Zen About Your Dumbbell Exercises

At this point, you may get the impression that muscle building is all about work, and you may not immediately see where the fun begins in a dumbbell workout. That’s par for the course, particularly if this is your first time at attempting to get fit and healthy.

The reality is – and you can ask any bodybuilder about this – it’s really only “work” at the very start. As you progress from dumbbell arm exercises to dumbbell back exercises and so on, the “work” part of what you are doing eventually gets eclipsed by the sheer joy of knowing that you are actively doing something to sculpt your body to the way that it should be.

Dumbbell Workout Exercises

Dumbbell exercise workouts to make you look fantastic.

Ready for a Complete Set of Dumbbell Workout Exercises That Will Make You Look Good and Feel Great?

Are you being shallow when you think hard about how much work you need to do to keep your body in good shape?

Well, maybe you’re not. Not from a practical point of view anyway.

Being shallow is when you spend a fortune on unnecessary plastic surgery, on body tanning and spa works, on having your hair permed or straightened or whatever, but never once paying attention to the condition of your body.

Yes, it happens.

Use a Dumbbell Workout Routine to Shape Up Your Looks

But what’s all the fuss about looking good, anyway? Why is it important for people to look good?

People don’t strive to be attractive, or to look physically fit out of a misplaced sense of narcissism. I mean, come on. Who looks at the mirror and admires himself or herself the whole day? Even if you are a great fan of “selfies,” you can’t possibly be spending all your time just admiring yourself because there are so many other things to do!

So, again, what’s behind this “need” to have a good looking body, that stems from an overall need to look fit and attractive?

Energetic and Enjoying Life

There are those who will say that beauty is simply skin-deep, and that it’s the inner you that matters.

And that’s true. After all, people age, youth fades, and the urge to just relax at the beach and drink piña coladas while watching the surf go in and out does hit sometime, late in life.

But that’s the key – “late in life.” When you are in the prime of your life, you don’t want to slink away to be tired before your time. You want to be energetic, you want to enjoy life, you want to have the benefits of being attractive anytime, anywhere.

Here are some great benefits to looking good by being physically fit:

1. You get access to higher income – I kid you not. This is a fact. According to the highly esteemed Wall Street Journal, people who are attractive can not only make interviewers regard them pleasantly, they are also the ones who get hired much quicker, and they are the ones who can produce the biggest sales.

On top of that, Daniel Hamermesh, Professor of Economics at the University of Texas in Austin, goes on to say that based on his research, “attractive people are likely to earn an average of 3% to 4% more than a person with below-average looks.”

Earning more in these tough economic times is a great incentive to embark on a “get fit, get muscular, remove flab and jiggle” program, which is what a dumbbell workout can do for you.

2. You become an inspiration to your spouse or significant other who may be a couch potato, a tub of lard, or a beanpole — Whether or not you met your partner already in that condition is not the issue here. The issue, as ever, is – are either of you satisfied with the way things stand? Unless either of you has a flabby stomach or pencil-stick legs fetish, I’d say maybe not.

3. You get to save some serious cash from disability, life, and health insurance — You can use that cash for something else, like maybe a deposit towards a new car or just as additional savings.

4. And let’s not forget our friends, the feel-good hormones and neurotransmitters — Serotonin, dopamine, adrenaline, and endorphins – can’t say enough good things about these guys that get released every time we work out. When you are working hard to get buff, you won’t need to get an artificial high from cigarettes, alcohol, or other substances because the feel-good hormones and neurotransmitter can make you feel more awesome and happier than ever before.

So, if you want to begin a total transformation and lead a healthy life, get rid of depression, stay focused, and be strong – start your dumbbell workout now.

Use this dumbbell training guilde for your muscle building success.Remember, start from little things and move up and onward. A structured dumbbell workout today, like the one we will provide you, can lead to better health and more strength in the future.

Take some time to browse the website and specifically the section on Dumbbells. When you subscribe to the My Fitness Nut Newsletter (form at top of home page) we’ll even give you a complete collection of 52 Dumbbell Exercises and dumbbell workout routines that you can start using and learning from right away.

Through the following set of dumbbell exercise articles, we hope to help you achieve a fit and developed body. To help you get the most out of doing your dumbbell exercise routine you will find separate sections outlining each muscle group that you’ll want to concentrate on for a total dumbbell workout.

The best way to start your dumbbell workout program is to read the articles (below) and watch the videos (above) for each section that’s related to the article you just read. When you’re certain about what to do and your ability to do it, begin your dumbbell workout routine.

Go ahead and browse through these articles so that you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to perform these dumbbell workout exercises in the most effective way possible.

Here’s to better health and a trimmer YOU!

Remove Cellulite from Your Body

A good cellulite exercise workout routine is what it takes.

Exercise is one of the best ways of dealing with cellulite. Before looking at the specific exercises any woman would benefit from engaging in, we must first understand what cellulite is.

It is fat that is trapped beneath the skin. It is not the result of toxins or poor lymph ‘drainage’ or other reasons so commonly given by cellulite treatment companies that have a vested interest in this 12 million a year industry.

Cellulite is fat. Plain and simple and just like all fat, it can be reduced with a sensible diet and exercise. Of course, to a certain extent cellulite is also hereditary. Women who gain fat easily and have thinner skin will show more signs of cellulite.

Whatever the case or genetics, all women will gain from exercising regularly and the best way to do exercise trainings will involve both cardio and resistance training.

The Key to Cellulite Reduction

The key to reducing the appearance of cellulite is to bring your body fat percentage down. We are not so concerned about the weight on the scales. We want to alter our body composition. You want more lean muscle and less fat.

Sometimes, there may be no visible difference on the scale since your body has replaced burnt fat with lean muscle. Therefore, it would be a good idea to measure your body fat and keep trying to lower your body fat percentage – aim for a 15 to 18 percent level if you are a woman. This may be a little difficult but it’s a goal worth striving for.

To burn your body fat and boost your body’s stamina levels, you will need to engage in cardio activities. I’d recommend about 20 to 30 minutes of cardio. If you can spare 45 to 60 minutes, that would be great. However, most women are pressed for time, so 20 to 30 minutes should be sufficient if you maintain intensity.

Reduce Cellulite Dramatically with High Intensity Workouts

During these 20 to 30 minutes, your cardio must be at a very high intensity. You must be gasping for air and exhausted. Slow walking or jogging is just not going to cut it. You want to be working out at a fast pace. You want to be tired. Choose cardio activities that engage your lower body the most.

Running, cycling, stair climbing, spinning, skipping, etc. are great forms of cardio. Most women show cellulite on their thighs, butt and legs. These are the areas you want to tone and target. So, engage in high intensity cardio that involves your lower body.

Reduce Cellulite with Resistance Training

The second component would be resistance training. Many women avoid this because in their mind, weights and resistance training is a man’s type of exercise. This is wrong.

There are immense benefits from weight training and one of the best is Kettlebells. Kettlebell workouts can give you a full body workout that will produce better results in less time than most any other type of resistance exercise routine.

Target the Cellulite Directly

You want to do compound exercises such as lunges, squats, leg presses, calf raises, thigh movements, etc. When you do these exercises, your lean muscle mass in your thighs and legs will increase and you will burn off fat more readily in these areas.

A firm buttock or thigh will show less signs of cellulite. So, research on exercises that will tone up your lower body or you may use the exercises stated here. The key is in performing them regularly.

The tips listed above will work wonders for your health and well-being. If you haven’t already, subscribe to the My Fitness Nut Newsletter at the top of to help you become, fitter, healthier and have a body that many other women want to have. Cellulite will be the least of your worries.


Weight Loss Plateau

What are you going to do when you hit that weight loss plateau?

All is going as planned, then suddenly here comes the dreaded weight loss plateau that so many people experience and have no idea why it happens; or how to break through it.

This is one of the main reasons why people just stop trying and give up on their weight loss journey. It can feel horrible when you see no change on the scale despite eating right and working out like crazy.

People are motivated when they see positive results and changes. The moment the results stagnate and there is no change, they assume the worst and feel that their efforts are in vain. They think that the work they’re doing is not paying off and it’s their fate to be fat. This is not true of course.

Why Does a Weight Loss Plateau Occur?

The first point we must note is the difference between weight loss and fat loss. You can lose fat but not see a weight change. Most people don’t know this and it takes a while to wrap your mind around this fact. After all, how could you lose fat but not weight?

Simple. You must have gained lean muscle because of your exercises. So, the new muscle weight will offset the actual fat loss weight. You body’s lean muscle mass has increased and that’s a good thing.

That’s When a Weight Loss Plateau is Not a Plateau at All

Another point is that your body could be retaining water. Your body’s water weight fluctuates daily which is equal to one pound per pint (500ml.) so keep that into consideration.

The best way will be to track your progress with body composition tests over a period of time. You want to focus on fat loss. Weight loss is just secondary. Changing your body’s composition is what really matters.

Another very common problem is that people over-estimate their training and under-estimate their eating. It’s really tough to train hard but it is so easy to eat. So, in their mind, they assume that a hard 45 minute workout may have burned over a 1000 calories, but eating 2 slices of pizza in 15 minutes will add up to about 300 calories.

This of course is totally wrong!

A 45 minute workout may burn about 300 to 400 calories. 2 slices of pizza may contain above 600 calories. Now you see how easy it is to negate a workout with poor diet choices. So, when people slip up on their diets and then later on see no changes on the scale, they wonder why all the hard work is not paying off. It’s not a weight loss plateau but self-sabotage.

Adjust Your Numbers to Avoid a Weight Loss Plateau

Another common mistake is not changing the numbers. When you first start losing weight, you are heavier and your “required calorie consumption” for fat loss is very high. Weights are built onto your body in the form of fat.

However, as you lose weight and become smaller, your daily calorie requirement will drop. You will need to recalculate your daily calorie requirements based on your current weight. Eating the same amount as before will just not cut it unless you intensify your workout routines.

Another Weight Loss Plateau Reason: Adaptive Thermo-genesis

Basically what that means is your body’s metabolism drops due to caloric restrictions. This could be caused by a fasting or starvation diet and could be heredity as well.

Trying to cut too many calories too fast is the most common reason for this happening. Aim to cut no more than 500 calories from your daily caloric requirement and gradually back it down as needed. This will help you maintain your metabolic rate.

If you have been doing that and still experience a plateau, then it could be that your body type is that of an endomorph. A way to get around this is to take a 3 day break from the diet you’re on and eat what you want to within reason.

You may gain a pound of two, but your metabolism can see a boost from this. You’ll break through your weight loss plateau and then you can carry on with the caloric deficit, get back to burning fat and moving towards your goals.

Now you know what a weight loss plateau is and a few of the best ways to avoid it; and overcome it if it does occur. You can break through this plateau if you hit it but you can’t give up because giving up is the way to certain failure.


Fat and Fit Possibilities

Is being fat and fat at the same time even possible?

This is a very interesting question and causes a lot of debate among health care professionals and fitness experts. After all, there are people who are obese and yet engage in sports actively on a daily basis. They are fat because they consume more calories than they burn off.

So, it is possible to be fat and still relatively fit. I use the term relative because we must look at fitness from a broader perspective. It’s not about how fast you run, how much weight you can lift or the amount of stamina that you have.

Fat and Fit vs. Slim and Unfit

Fitness encompasses all of the above but it also includes the general state of your health. When you factor this in, even slim people may be considered unfit and unhealthy.

Obesity has been linked to many diseases from hypertension to diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, etc. However, automatically assuming that becoming obese means you will get these problems is not really correct. There are many other factors to consider.

Young Fat and Fit People

Age is one. Younger people often tend to escape these problems even if they are obese. It’s older people who are more prone to obesity linked diseases. So, a young obese man could be fitter than a slim but older man.

Then we have genetics which is never fair. Some people are much more prone to health problems due to poorer genetics. There are many obese people with normal blood glucose and blood lipid levels. They just have good genes.

Other Factors of Being Fat and Fit

There are many other factors such as smoking, diet habits, stress levels, sleep habits, drinking, drug use, etc. that may cause health problems. So, an obese man who smokes and drinks frequently will be less fit than another obese man who maintains a healthier lifestyle.

In the end, it’s really all relative.

If you eat right and exercise often, you will be healthy. Eating right in this case means eating healthy. Of course, even if you eat healthy but exceed your daily calorie requirements, you will still gain weight. You will be fit but fat to a reasonable point.

The best way to live life happy and healthy is to slowly shed the excess pounds and reach the ideal weight for your height. As you age, your body’s systems will deteriorate and any excess fat that may not pose a problem now will start causing problems later.

Prevention is better than cure so it’d be ideal to lose the excess weight now because now is as easy as it’s going to get for most of us.

If you are involved in exercise actively but still overweight, then the problem lies with your diet and just with a few tweaks, you can attain your desired weight.

It will even be easier for you since you already have the habit of an exercise routine worked out. Those people who are obese and do not exercise regularly will have a much tougher time since they’ll have to inculcate 2 new habits – exercising regularly and eating properly.

There is no doubt that fat people can be fitter than slim people who lead sedentary lives. However, why carry more weight than you need to in any case?

Lose it. You will look better and feel better. You will be lean and fit. Now that’s a goal anybody can strive for and feel happy about when they accomplish it. For some great weight loss and fitness tips, check out the weight loss section and subscribe to our My Fitness Nut Newsletter at the top of the page.