How Much Exercise

Just how much exercise is enough exercise.

Knowing how much exercise you need each day is only half of the equation. You also have to know which type of activity you need. Exercise is broken down into two types of energy systems: aerobic and anaerobic, or cardio and strength training, respectively.


Exercise activities falling under this category are further broken down by intensity into moderate and vigorous. Moderate includes brisk walking, running (at a slow jogging pace), swimming, mowing the lawn, etc.; aerobic exercises get your heart rate up and can be performed for a long period of time. You should break a sweat, but still be able to talk while doing them.

Vigorous exercise includes such things as marathon running, long distance cycling and lap swimming. They get your heart rate up into the 70% to 80% of your target heart rate (220 minus your age). While doing activities at this intensity level, you are sweating more, breathing harder and you won’t be able to say more than a few words at a time.


These include strength training activities like weightlifting or heavy kettle bell swings. Anaerobic exercises can only be performed for a short period of time due to the body not being able to produce enough energy to last longer than from a few seconds to three minutes.

To reap the most benefits from anaerobic, you should reach a point where it is hard to do the next repetition. Once you can do 12 to 15 repetitions per set, increase the amount of weight; your repetitions per set will then drop accordingly.

How Much Time Do You Need?

Most experts agree you should aim to get at least 30 minutes of exercise, or some type of physical activity, six days a week. This is further broken down into 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise spread over four days per week. Alternate in at least two days per week of anaerobic exercise that works all of the major muscle groups, such as the:

  • legs
  • hips
  • back
  • abdomen
  • chest
  • shoulders
  • arms

Give your body time to rest and repair itself on the seventh day.

Exercise Session Duration

Many busy working professionals have a hard time finding a 30-minute chunk of time each day to exercise. However, what various studies have found is that three 10-minute periods of exercising per day is just as beneficial as one 30-minute period. For instance, you could go for a brisk walk in the morning, at noon and again in the evening; the health benefit is the same as walking briskly for one 30-minute period. Almost everyone can find a few 10 minute periods in their schedule each day.

For even more health benefits, keep the same intensity level, but double your weekly aerobic activity to 300 minutes. Another option, as you get more fit, is to gradually change out some of your moderate intensity level exercises for more vigorous ones.

Why You Must Make Exercise A Priority

If you are serious about your health and fitness plans, you definitely must make exercise a priority to accomplish your goals. Did you know that the human brain will always cause you to move toward your most dominant thought? This is why a simple thought can create such incredible results in your life, and in the world around us. This is also why when you make exercise a top priority in your life, your desired results come quicker, and they are easier to maintain over time.

Human beings are intrinsically lazy, but crave direction and order. This is why scheduling activities leads to a much higher success rate in anything that you do. And when you habitually do things over and over at the same time on the same day, it is hard to get out of that rhythm. Also, often time in our lives we get better results when we insist on them.

Here are a few simple ways to make exercise a priority in your life, setting up an autopilot delivery of the benefits that exercise delivers:

Schedule Your Exercises

There are a reason that calendars and day planners are literally a billion dollar a year business. People do more things that are written down and scheduled than they do as a matter of impulse. Scheduling your exercise regimen on a daily, weekly and monthly basis where you must refer to it and hold yourself accountable will instantly program your mind and body for the desired physical and mental preparation before the scheduled exercise.

Make Exercise a Habit

Did you realize that human beings will unconsciously make a habit out of anything they do for a given period of consecutive days or sessions? Multiple scientific studies have shown that repeating the same behavior or action, on the same schedule, at the same time 17 to 21 times switches an activity from the conscious mind to the unconscious, where actions are automatic, and not a choice.

Make exercise a priority at the same time and stick to that schedule religiously, and you will find soon enough that it is virtually impossible to miss a workout.

Do Not Take No for an Answer

If you decide that you are going to exercise no matter what set of obstacles gets in your way, you will definitely accomplish your weight loss, health and fitness goals. Human beings are constantly achieving levels of performance which were previously considered impossible. And you can do the same when you simply refuse to put exercising on a back burner.

The human brain is the most powerful and capable computer of all time. When you schedule exercise at the same time, achieve 17 to 21 consecutive exercise sessions and develop the unwavering mindset that exercise is a top priority in your life, you may be surprised at how easy it is to achieve your health and fitness goals.

If you’re not very active when you start out with your exercise workout routine, it would be a good idea to read 15 Minute Fitness Tip #6 “Exercise Tips for Those Who Live a Sedentary Lifestyle” for a good place to start.

Melt Cellulite Away

Now is the time to get started and melt cellulite away.

Thousands of women all over the world would save themselves a whole lot of money if they knew how effective diet and exercise is when it comes to wanting to melt cellulite.

The creams, massages, supplements and other fads just do not work. They are rip offs and just a waste of time and precious resources.

Note that there’s no difference between actual fat and what is called cellulite beneath the surface. It just normal fat that looks different because of the tissue structure in a woman’s body. The tissues are connected in a manner that squeezes the fat out and makes it look clumpy and gives a similar appearance as cottage cheese.

Nevertheless, it’s the same type of fat found all over your body and just like normal fat, cellulite can be blasted away with cardio and weight/resistance training. This article will focus on cardio training.

Using Cardio Workouts to Melt Cellulite

There are many types of cardio workouts from running to cycling to swimming to even classes like Zumba or Taebo. Any workout that elevates your heartbeat and keeps it elevated for a prolonged period of time is considered a cardio workout and is helpful to melt cellulite away.

Cardiovascular training is one of the most important and effective components in a fat loss quest. You must include both resistance training and have a healthy diet to achieve good results. However, without cardio workouts, your progress will be slowed down considerably and you will take ages for you to be able to burn the fat.

How Much Cardio is needed to Melt Cellulite?

Depending on your age and fitness, the intensity of your cardio workout will vary. What may seem intense to a 40 year old woman may be easy as pie for a 25 year old woman. So, intensity is based on how you feel.

You always want your cardio workouts to be short and intense. We are not interested in those long 45 to 60 minute walks. Your cardio workouts should be around 20 to 30 minutes and work your muscles hard.

When you’re panting and sweating and feel like giving up means that you’re giving it your best and this is when you will melt cellulite the fastest.

As long as you feel that it’s intense, that’s a good sign. Uphill sprints, stair climbing, skipping, kickboxing, etc. are excellent forms of cardio. You want to choose a cardio workout that focuses more on your lower body. So, it may be advisable to skip swimming or rowing as those exercises focus more on the upper body.

Focus on Lower Body Cardio to Melt Cellulite Away

When your cardio workout focuses on the lower body, your legs, thighs, calves and buttocks will be targeted. The muscles in these areas will become stronger and tauter.

While you cannot spot reduce fat, the fat burning process in these areas will be accelerated due to the increased muscle mass in those areas.

Most women notice cellulite in the lower body because these are the more prone areas. The skin is thinner and generally, women have a tendency to store fat in the lower body. So, by engaging in cardio that works your lower body, you are directly targeting the problem areas in their entirety.

The key point to note is that you need to do your cardio sessions regularly and intensely. 4 times a week would be great. It will take time to burn off your fat, but if you persist and stay the course, in time to come, your body will tap into all of your fat stores and that is what it will take to melt cellulite and burn it all off.

That is your goal and to help you achieve it, be sure to get your My Fitness Nut Newsletter subscription activated at the top of and be sure to check out the free muscle building video series that comes with your free newsletter subscription.