5 Tips to Get Six Pack Ab Results

Get five tips to forming six pack abs.

Getting a six pack is tough work. It really is. It’ll take determination, time, hard work, patience, sacrifices and motivation. There is no hiding the truth. This is one of the toughest goals to achieve.

Things may be worse if you go about it wrongly without knowing what to do. Not only would you have wasted time and effort, it may also discourage you and make you give up. We certainly do not want that.

This article has 5 pointers for you to take note of. I can safely say that if you follow these 5 tips to the letter, there is an over 90 percent probability that you will attain your six pack goal.

Five Important Six Pack Ab Necessities

1. Get your six pack diet right

Sounds obvious but so few do it. You will need to find out your calorie requirements for the day and how many calories you should be hitting to get a calorie deficit to attain a loss of 1 lb. a week.

Avoid foods such as pastries, pasta, candy, sodas, etc. You can do a quick online search with Google to see which the foods you should be avoiding or visit this page http://myfitnessnut.com/healthy-nutrition-guide for lots of great tips concerning fitness nutrition.

2. Do not starve yourself

Many people make this mistake. They cut their calories too quickly and drastically. When this happens, the body goes into starvation mode and holds on to every bit of fat that it can. Your metabolism will also drop. You do not want this.

Drop your calories sensibly using the diet tips at the page above. There are no instant results to be had, nor are there shortcuts to a chiseled six pack.

3. Workout regularly for six pack success

You must be training at least 4 to 5 times a week. Intensely. You will need to mix up cardio and resistance training. Your cardio workouts should be high intensity with little time for rest.

Your resistance training routines will involve compound movements such as squats, bench presses, dips, pull-ups, snatches, renegade rows, deadlifts, etc. Compound movements enlist the aid of major muscle groups. It’s a complete full body workout.

You will burn way more calories this way. Lactic acid will also be produced and that is good because it aids fat loss. If your workouts are intense, your body will be burning fat for hours after you have stopped. That’s what you want.

4. Drink water

Water is so essential to fat loss. Drink lots of water and your body will metabolize the fat and remove toxins faster. You should be aiming for 8 to 10 glasses a day. As with all things, don’t overdo it and drink too much water.

5. Have one cheat day a week

This is very important. A cheat day will ease the mental torture of going through a strict diet and training regimen. It gives your body a chance to indulge in its favorite food. This can be very motivating and refreshing. It’s like a reward for all the hard work.

Another benefit is the surge in metabolism your body will create due to this sudden surplus in calories. It’s fat burning mode all over again.

If you follow these five tips, you will surely get a six pack in due time. Put in the effort, stay the course and be patient. That’s the only way to make your six pack dream come true.

Learn More About Creating Six-Pack Abs of Your Very Own

To help you create the six-pack abs that you would like to call your own, get a free subscription to the My Fitness Nut Newsletter at http://MyFitnessNut.com and receive a full body workout video series to help get you into shape fast. Get yours now while we’re still giving them away.


Why Is Kettlebell Training The Latest Craze Now?

Kettlebell training routines are catching on like crazy.

It may seem like kettlebell training is the latest fitness trend these days. There are DVD videos dedicated to kettlebell workouts and eBooks and hardbacks published covering all the different techniques and tips of kettlebell training. Even the actors in the movie, 300, reported that part of their daily workouts consisted of kettlebell training to build their bronze, ripped bodies.

The kettlebell itself resembles a bowling ball with a handle attached. They come in various sizes and weights. Yet, the techniques and methods of using them are the same.

Kettlebell Training is an Age-Old Practice

Kettlebells are not new exercise contraptions developed for late night infomercials. In fact, research shows that they were used by the Olympians in ancient Greece to train. The difference is that their kettlebells were carved of stone and not steel. They were probably crude pieces of equipment so unlike the cool kettlebells we have today that even come in pink for women.

Despite the appearance, one thing can’t be denied. Kettlebells are a highly effective tool for fat loss and body toning. They increase core strength and are able to target muscles that the normal dumbbells or barbells just can’t reach.

Martial artists, runners, golfers and just about all athletes can reap rewards by including a kettlebell workout in their training program. Kettlebells also require less training time due to the nature of the workouts involving these apparatus.

Kettlebell Training Lets You Do More in Less Time

The average workout time for a kettlebell routine ranges from 20 to 45 minutes depending on the individuals strength and stamina. A kettlebell workout for 30 minutes will be just as effective as a 60 minute run if done with intensity. The afterburn effect of these workouts will have your body burning calories furiously for up to 8 or 12 hours.

Kettlebell training is basically made up of a few moves such as swings, snatches, cleans and drop squats. The key to kettlebell training is the hip drive which powers all these moves. Unlike conventional training using dumbbells, kettlebell training trains the core.

A bicep curl with a dumbbell will only work the biceps and maybe 1 or 2 surrounding muscles. A snatch with a kettlebell will work your core, back, thighs, legs and shoulder muscles in just one move. So, this ensures a more thorough full body workout and you will burn more calories when more muscles are engaged.

Kettlebell Training is Resistance Training With Your Core Training All in One

The craze in kettlebell training is due to thousands of people reporting fast weight loss with kettlebell workouts. The real truth is that kettlebell training is resistance training with core training included. Many women, who are intimidated by heavy weight equipment such as dumbbells and barbells, take to kettlebells more readily. It just seems ‘cuter’ and they come in colors too!

Resistance training is very effective for fat loss. So, people who were averse to other ‘hardcore’ equipment in the gym and didn’t include resistance training in their training regime will see fast results when they give kettlebells a try. It is not so much the kettlebells that do the trick but the nature of the workouts they are used in.

Harder workouts, more muscles engaged and more calories burned resulting in faster fat loss and a more toned, fit and beautiful body. A dream come true, thanks to kettlebells.

Learn More by Watching: Get 20 of the Best Kettlebell Training Exercises on Video for Free

Some people learn better by watching and examples. If this is you then you’ll want to go to the top of the page at http://MyFitneessNut.com and subscribe to the My Fitness Nut Newsletter. When you do, you’ll get a full body workout with 20 of the best Kettlebell Exercises on video. They’re yours to enjoy, so go get them now while we’re still giving them away.


Top 5 Mistakes With Kettlebells

Avoid mistakes when doing kettlebell resistance training.

Kettlebells are the latest craze now and for good reason too. Thousands of people report health benefits such as increased strength, fat loss and a general sense of feeling fitter ever since they started working out with kettlebells.

What’s really happening here is that more people are involving themselves in resistance training than before. This is probably due to the fact that it is a trend and people feel that it’s fun to jump on the bandwagon and join the rest. That’s basically what kettlebell training is. It is resistance training without dumbbells, barbells, cables, etc.

For Excellent Resistance Training – Grab the Kettlebell

Only kettlebells are needed for your resistance training and nothing more.

Kettlebells also work the core muscles which are often neglected by most people. So now that more people are including resistance training into their routines, they are seeing improvements whereas in the past, all they probably did was some cardio activity.

There are many mistakes that people make when training with kettlebells. This article will enlighten you on what they are so that you can steer clear of these mistakes.

The Top 5 Mistakes Many People Make Doing Kettlebell Workouts

1. Ignoring the fundamentals

Kettlebell training is progressive. Many people do not have a strong grasp of the basic moves before progressing on to the intermediate and advanced moves. Worse is that most don’t even know that the moves are classified as beginner, intermediate and advanced. Not all moves are equal.

The 2 most important moves one should master in kettlebell training are the swings and Turkish Get Ups. All other moves are derived from these 2 moves. Master them and you will be a head above the majority of people training with kettlebells.

2. Not working progressively

People are so used to getting things fast and easy in today’s world that they expect exercise to be the same. Well, it’s not. You can just raise the weights and expect your body to handle it if it’s not accustomed to weight training.

Many guys use kettlebells that are way too heavy for their skill level.

Furthermore, when working with kettlebells, you will need to build up your static and dynamic stability. If you can’t hold a kettlebell above your head in a stable manner, you have no business pressing it.

Work from the ground up. Make sure your stabilizing muscles are strong before engaging in pressing moves.

3. Treating a kettlebell like a dumbbell

You can’t use kettlebells for bicep curls or other exercises that only dumbbells are suited for. Of course, for some exercises, kettlebells may be substituted for dumbbells. Knowing which exercises is the key to being effective and not looking foolish.

Kettlebells were made for training your core, thighs, butt and other muscles so often neglected. Use kettlebells for the exercises that were meant for kettlebells and not use them for dumbbell or barbell exercises.

4. Using kettlebells that are too light

I realize that one must train progressively but I’d recommend a minimum weight of 35lbs for men and 16lbs for women. Anything less is not optimal. Train with fewer reps in the beginning and progress on

5. Unnecessarily complicated workouts

Keep your workouts simple. Include a few different moves comprising of squatting, lunging, pulling, pushing, etc. Keep the workout at a high intensity and on a simple circuit.

Many people come up with unnecessary complex moves and ridiculous circuits just to keep the workout interesting. It just ends up confusing. You want to be focused on the training only and not a hundred other things.

These are the most common errors that people make. Avoid them like the plague and you will do just fine and the kettlebells will be your new best friend in time to come.

Learn More by Watching: Get 20 of the Best Kettlebell Exercises on Video for Free

Some people learn better by watching and examples. If this is you then you’ll want to go to the top of the page at http://MyFitneessNut.com and subscribe to the My Fitness Nut Newsletter. When you do, you’ll get a full body workout with 20 of the best Kettlebell Exercises on video. They’re yours to enjoy, so go get them now while we’re still giving them away.


Should You Join Kettlebell Classes?

Joining a kettlebell class is a personal decision.

This is a great question. Unfortunately, there is no right or wrong answer to this question. It’s a decision that you will have to make on your own based on your personality.

Some people love working out in groups. The group vibe and nature of a class workout really motivates them and strikes a chord with them. Other people may hat working out with others and prefer to train in solitude away from the eyes of others.

The fact of the matter is that wherever you train, the results will be the same as long as you are doing the correct exercises with the right intensity. Personally, I feel that kettlebell workouts are best done alone in the privacy of your own home.

Kettlebell Workouts Are Best Done Barefoot

The reason for this is that kettlebell workouts are best done barefoot because the load bearing force is dispersed into the ground through your feet. Most shoes have soles that are too soft for this.

Training in a class will mean that you have to wear shoes.

There is also the aspect of safety. I would never feel safe with a whole group of people swinging weights that look like bowling balls with handles. I wouldn’t be able to concentrate on my workout having to constantly keep an eye on my surroundings.

On the flip side, if you are a beginner with no idea how to use a kettlebell, a few classes might be a good idea for you to grasp the basics of handling a kettlebell and you’ll learn a few moves too. So, it all depends on the individual.

Watching a Kettlebell Workout on Video

If you do not know squat about kettlebells (pun intended), and do not wish to embarrass yourself in classes, you may just purchase an eBook or a DVD dedicated to kettlebell training. These will be just as helpful as any class so no worries.

If you do decide to join a class, make sure that the instructor is certified and knows what he is doing. The kettlebell can be a dangerous apparatus to use if you do not understand the mechanics of the movements.

Unlike conventional weights, the jerking, hip thrusts and swinging movements increase the possibility of a strained ligament or muscle tear if done wrongly. Normal dumbbells and barbells have more or less rigid moves so they are in a way ‘safer’ than kettlebells.

Now the point to take away from this article is that kettlebell training has tons of benefits from fat loss to muscle toning and even your co-ordination improves. However, it does not matter if you do it in a class or at home. Your body does not care about the surroundings. It only responds to the workouts.

It’s all a matter of choice. The real effectiveness of the training lies in your ability to be consistent and stay the course. Exercise is supposed to be a habit. Try and get some daily. Even 20 minutes a day with your kettlebell or even switching between a run or swim will do wonders for your health. In the end, that’s only thing that really matters.

Learn More by Watching: Get 20 of the Best Kettlebell Exercises on Video for Free and Create Your Own Kettlebell Class at Home

Some people learn better by watching and examples. If this is you then you’ll want to go to the top of the page at http://MyFitneessNut.com and subscribe to the My Fitness Nut Newsletter. When you do, you’ll get a full body workout with 20 of the best Kettlebell Exercises on video. They’re yours to enjoy, so go get them now while we’re still giving them away.


Should Women Train With Kettlebells?

Kettlebells are wonderful for womens fitness.

Let me answer this ASAP!

The answer is yes!

Kettlebells are an excellent way for women to achieve their fitness goals. Over the recent years, kettlebell training has seen a sharp rise in popularity especially among women.

Unlike normal hardcore weight training equipment which involves bars, weight plates, cables and big, sweaty panting guys, a kettlebell just looks like a bowling ball with a handle. In some subconscious way, women find kettlebells less intimidating and the negative stigma attached to normal equipment does not apply to these ‘cute’ kettlebells.

Kettlebells Provide Women with a Balanced Fitness Plan

Resistance training is a key component to total fitness. It increases muscle mass, strengthens bones and ligaments and actually retards the aging process. Cardiovascular training while effective is not enough to achieve all the fitness requirements. Most women do too much cardio and neglect the muscle toning and building aspect of training.

Kettlebell training will strengthen your core, shred your fat off, increase your stamina and improve your muscle tone. It is the perfect solution for someone pressed for time and usually, most women are. Women need to look after the family, work job many times and a whole ton of other things need to be done.

That’s why kettlebell training is as fantastic for women as it is for men. A quick, intense 30 minute kettlebell session is enough to burn fat for hours and the muscles will also be strengthened.

Many women who have joined kettlebell classes for just 3 weeks have reported losing pounds of their body in no time. They also felt stronger and fitter. Even normal body aches and menstrual cramps are reportedly diminished.

These benefits cannot be achieved by running or swimming or cycling. Only resistance training can provide these benefits and kettlebells is a great way to work those muscles.

Women Appreciate the Shape and Versatility of Kettlebells

Kettlebells are a very versatile piece of equipment. Unlike dumbbells, they are safer to swing around because of the lack of sharp, jutting edges. So, women can perform swings, snatches, presses and a whole variety of moves that cannot be done safely with a normal dumbbell.

This variety makes training easier and more effective. A barbell curl is a barbell curl and it works the bicep. All other bicep exercises with a barbell will be very similar.

However, with a kettlebell, due to the swinging and jerking techniques, there is more allowance for freedom of technique. You may substitute certain techniques for others to achieve similar effects.

Why Women Get Great Results with Kettlebell Exercises

Kettlebell training effectively targets the thighs, butt, legs, hips and waist. These areas are so often neglected by men in the gyms. That is why you see guys with huge upper bodies but relatively skinny legs.

Women however, do not have the option of neglecting these areas because these are the areas most prone to getting fat and flabby. Many women complain of flabby thighs, droopy buttocks, sagging hips, etc. The kettlebell can remedy all these problems.

Most kettlebell training involves moves from the hips. There are many squatting and swinging movements designed to tone the stomach, thighs and buttocks. This is the answer to most women’s trouble areas. If you are not satisfied with how your body looks, if you want that firm, toned buttocks and legs that will look great in a bikini, then look no further than a kettlebell. It’s all you need.

Learn More by Watching: Get 20 of the Best Kettlebell Training Exercises For Men or Women on Video for Free

Some people learn better by watching and examples. If this is you then you’ll want to go to the top of the page at http://MyFitneessNut.com and subscribe to the My Fitness Nut Newsletter. When you do, you’ll get a full body workout with 20 of the best Kettlebell Exercises on video. They’re yours to enjoy, so go get them now while we’re still giving them away.


Kettlebell Training for Athletes

Kettlebell training can be great for athletes.

If you’re an athlete you do not face the same issues that the normal man on the street faces. Most people have a tough enough time staying disciplined with their diet and working out regularly. That’s half the challenge for them.

For the athlete however, it’s all about improving your game, bettering your personal best, functional conditioning for your sport, rest periods, HIIT and all the other variables that will make you a complete athlete.

So How Will Kettlebell Training Benefit You?

Up until recent years, kettlebell training was relatively unheard of. It was a training method employed by the Russians to train their Olympians; an eastern bloc training technique that was ignored.

However, things have changed and people are realizing the benefits of the kettlebell. The five main movements of a kettlebell swings, cleans, snatches, renegade rows and windmills. The uniqueness of these exercises is that they neurologically program the body’s muscles. This is so often ignored in conventional training.

For example, the swings will teach the hamstrings and hip muscles to fire off when required. This is crucial for athletes in sports such as cycling or running.

Kettlebell Training Will “Teach” Your Muscles Movements

Clean movements will teach the body to use the hip muscles and relax the shoulder muscles simultaneously. This is very important to athletes in events such as triathlons or other endurance events. The natural tendency of the body when it’s tired is to tighten the shoulder muscles and stress out the athlete further.

The kettlebell training will teach the body to relax the upper body while working the lower body which is excellent training for optimum performance.

Kettlebells Can Work Many Muscles at One Time

Renegade rows are an excellent exercise and considered one of the best fat loss exercises because of the sheer number of muscles engaged to do this exercise. It is a core workout at its best. A strong core means a more stabilized hip and any athlete will benefit from that.

Windmills are an exercise that uses many different muscle groups at once. With kettlebell training, the body learns to work as whole and not just isolated parts. Conventional training like bench press of bicep curls are rigid and only work the specific muscles.

With kettlebell windmills, the motion is fluid and smooth. Not rigid or disjointed. The muscles must work in unison to pull off the move effectively. The athlete also needs to be mentally aware of what he is doing. There is no choice. The move also stretches and tenses the body at the same time. It’s just an amazing technique that is best executed with kettlebells.

Most long distance athletes or endurance athletes tend to neglect the resistance training part of working out. They are already drained from the cardio that they engage in. This is where kettlebells are useful.

Kettlebell Training Provide Athletes a Fast and Powerful Workout

The kettlebell is able to provide an excellent workout in just 20 to 30 minutes due to the nature of the techniques required. Any athlete can benefit from doing a kettlebell workout twice or thrice a week. The benefits will be seen in the long run as their core gets stronger and the body teaches itself to work as one functioning unit. The improvement will be seen in the athlete’s results.

Learn More by Watching: Get 20 of the Best Kettlebell Training Exercises on Video for Free

Some people learn better by watching and examples. If this is you then you’ll want to go to the top of the page at http://MyFitneessNut.com and subscribe to the My Fitness Nut Newsletter. When you do, you’ll get a full body workout with 20 of the best Kettlebell Exercises on video. They’re yours to enjoy, so go get them now while we’re still giving them away.


How to Buy a Kettlebell

What you should know before you buy kettlebells.

There are a few reasons for buying your own kettlebell. They are a way cheaper investment than a gym membership. Most people do not realize that gym memberships are really unnecessary. The effort of going to a gym itself stops more people from working out than anything else.

If you wish to run, run outside. If you wish to do weight training, get some equipment and keep them at home. You will be able to use them for years and years without having to fork out a cent more.

Kettlebell training is best done barefoot and you can train barefoot at home. Most gyms don’t allow this except maybe the hardcore gyms that are full of bodybuilders, but those are so intimidating that most people would think twice before entering one.

So yes, buying a set of kettlebells would be a good decision.

Bear This in Mind Before You Buy Kettlebells

Not all kettlebells are made equal. Cheaper or more expensive is not always better and since these are lifetime investments it would be best to pay a little more to get a good model.

Generally, the kettlebell must have handles that are smooth. You will be swing and jerking the kettlebell during your exercises. If the handle are not perfectly smooth, the skin on your palms and even between the thumb and index finger is going to get chafed, abrasions or even tear.

Good kettlebells are made with a strong, sturdy high quality construction. You do not want kettlebells with wobbly handles or suspicious construction.

Another technical aspect that many people are not aware of is that the distance between the bell and handle is important. It has to be perfect because many kettlebell exercises flip the weight behind. If the distance is not correct, tremendous stress is placed on the wrist. In the long run, your wrist joint may be affected negatively.

The coating on the bell also matters. Only good quality paint should be used. Cheap paint will chip or flake off. Annoying and in some cases dangerous if the paint flakes off and falls in your eye during your workout.

Another point to note is the base of the kettlebell. It must be perfectly flat with a solid iron base. That means the kettlebell has a low center of gravity and is very stable. This is an essential requirement because many kettlebell exercises require the kettlebell to be on the floor.

Another mistake people make is buying kettlebells made of plastic. Don’t do that. Period.

Some kettlebells have rubber bases. Make sure that if your kettlebell has a rubber base, it can be removed because for some exercises the kettlebell needs to be on the floor and stability is crucial.

Next up, we have the question of weight.

How Heavy Should the Kettlebells That I Buy Be?

This depends on your strength level. However, the minimum weight a man should aim for is 35lb or 16kg. For a woman, the minimum weight would be 18lb or 8kg.

Kettlebells can range in price with some being very pricey. If your budget allows it, you may get kettlebells of varying weights. Just bear in mind the important tips mentioned earlier and always know that these will last a long, long time so do invest wisely in them.

Learn More About Kettlebells by Watching:

Get 20 of the Best Kettlebell Exercises on Video for Free

Some people learn better by watching and examples. If this is you then you’ll want to go to the top of the page at http://MyFitneessNut.com and subscribe to the My Fitness Nut Newsletter. When you do, you’ll get a full body workout with 20 of the best Kettlebell Exercises on video. They’re yours to enjoy, so go get them now while we’re still giving them away.


Discover the Best Kettlebell Exercises for You

Here is where you find some of the best kettlebell exercises around.

The key to success when doing resistance training is consistency with variation. You need to exercise regularly to build up your strength and stamina. Many people are able to achieve this. The second component is to add variety to your workouts. Many people get stuck here.

We are all creatures of habit and that can be seen even in the way we exercise. It is so easy to fall into the trap of doing the same exercises daily and not try something new. We never like to push ourselves past the comfort zone. That is why many people hire personal trainers to structure varied workouts and keep them motivated.

Alternative for Getting the Best Kettlebell Exercises

If you can’t afford a personal trainer, don’t worry. There are many ways you can learn to vary your workout. The 2 best ways are Google and YouTube. Just search for “best kettlebell exercises” on Google. Then type in the name of that exercise on YouTube and chances are very high that you will find someone demonstrating that move in video.

That’s awesome. You gotta love the internet.

The Best Kettlebell Exercises Are Done in Planned Steps

Just as with all things, there are varying levels of difficulty for beginners, intermediate and advanced. You need to find the exercise that is just right for you. Don’t be too ambitious and try to save time by doing the advanced moves. That is just asking for trouble and an injury can put you out of action for months. That’s totally not worth it.

Keep a journal to record your routines, sets, reps, etc. This is very important as it will show you how much you have progressed. Do NOT rely on your memory. Most people can’t even remember what they had for lunch 2 days earlier. You will not remember your workouts 2 months from now.

As you progress, you will learn new techniques and may even forget the old moves you used to perform before. So, when you have a record, you can always go back to it and refer. This will make varying your workouts in future much easier. You may always use workouts you did months ago and just increase the weights. It will seem like a whole new workout to your body.

When putting together a kick-butt training routine, you want to find the exercises that will target most of your muscles. Aim to have full body workouts. That is the most effective way to lose weight.

You’ll want to have lunges, twists, snatches, squats, lifts, rows and presses in your routine. These exercises will target all the large muscle groups such as your back, shoulders, legs, your core and shoulders. Many smaller muscles will be worked out too.

The more muscles you work, the more calories you burn. Keep the intensity high and sweat till you are panting for air. This is the best way to shed the fat fast. If your workout is intense enough, you will be lean, toned and extremely fit with time. Your metabolic rate will be high and your fat burning will last for hours.

This is your ideal goal. Once you reach it, you will feel a sense of satisfaction that no amount of shopping or partying can ever give you. Your body will be a reflection of what you are; determined, strong and a success.

Learn More by Watching: Get 20 of the Best Kettlebell Exercises on Video for Free

Some people learn better by watching and examples. If this is you then you’ll want to go to the top of the page at http://MyFitneessNut.com and subscribe to the My Fitness Nut Newsletter. When you do, you’ll get a full body workout with 20 of the best Kettlebell Exercises on video. They’re yours to enjoy, so go get them now.


Are Kettlebell Training Videos Worth The Money?

These kettlebell training videos can help you learn.

Kettlebell training has taken the world by storm and is one of the hottest workout crazes at the moment. It’s right up there with Zumba and Kickboxing. So, it’s no wonder that the market is flooded with commercial products related to kettlebell training.

Videos, eBooks, paperbacks, hardbacks, magazines and other publications flood the market to cater to this crowd of kettlebell fanatics. In this article, we’ll examine if it’s really a good idea to get a kettlebell training video.

My answer would be a resounding YES! People learn best by watching. Now, there definitely are many books out there with photos and very clear instructions on excellent kettlebell workouts. However, many people do not really like to read and try and put things together.

Watching a Kettlebell Training Video is Much Simpler

A video makes things so much simpler for most people because you can learn the techniques and methods just by watching the experts. The videos are often entertaining with fit models working out to a routine. There is catchy workout music and routines for you to work out to which can be entertaining and fun.

So, now that you know where I stand on this topic, let’s see what you should look out for when buying kettlebell training videos. This will ensure that you get value for money and also a product that will guide you well.

Look for videos that are not sold using infomercials. That is always a red flag for me. I’ve always found infomercials to be misleading and hyped up just to make a sucker part with his hard earned money. A really good kettlebell training video will not need an infomercial to sell it.

I’d suggest you surf Amazon to see what videos are getting the best reviews. Buyers know best. So, if many people are saying that a particular kettlebell video is excellent, you can probably bet that you would like it too.

Look at the cover and description of the training video. Is it serious? You want a video that is dedicated to kettlebell training. It should be the main thing and not an afterthought. An aerobics workout that is complemented with lightweight kettlebells is a waste of money besides, jumping around while swinging kettlebells is neither effective nor safe.

You want a video which focuses on the execution and techniques of the kettlebell drills. It must be serious and hardcore. You can tone down the workouts when you need to match your fitness level. What matters is that the information imparted must be accurate and top notch.

Look at the trainer’s credentials to judge if they are an expert in the industry. Often the trainers will have degrees or certification in sports science. There is a kettlebell certification produced by Dragon Door. This is the most respected certification in the industry and came about because of the plethora of less than ideal kettlebell training products on the market created by people who didn’t know a kettlebell from their elbow. This certification separates the wheat from the chaff.

Make sure the instructors also look like they practice what they preach. A lean fit looking instructor shows that he has the knowledge and discipline to walk the talk.

By following these simple tips, you can pick up an affordable kettlebell training video that will guide you every step of the way in your kettlebell journey. You can also take advantage of the ones offered for free right here on our website.

Learn More by Watching: Get 20 Kettlebell Training Video Exercises for Free

Some people learn better by watching and examples. If this is you then you’ll want to go to the top of the page at http://MyFitneessNut.com and subscribe to the My Fitness Nut Newsletter. When you do, you’ll get a full body workout with 20 Kettlebell Exercises on video. They’re yours to enjoy, so go get them now.


5 Tips to Kettlebell Training

Helpful kettlebell training tips.

Kettlebell training is extremely effective in helping folks shred excess fat off their body. It’s also a crucial component in most professional athletes’ workout regimen. Kettlebells look ‘cuter’ and more hip than the boring old dumbbells or cable equipment. Because of that, many people ignore the fact that kettlebells can be dangerous too if used wrongly.

Know Your Kettlebell Training Limits

There have been thousands of people who have pulled a muscle or strained a ligament from using kettlebells in an incorrect manner. Just about anybody can figure out how to use a kettlebell. There is only one handle to grab and lift unlike a conventional squat rack with all the ratchets and levers which will leave new gym users scratching their head.

Nevertheless, the simplicity of a kettlebell should not make anyone feel complacent. By using these marvelous apparatus correctly, you will prevent injury to yourself and more importantly, get the best results from your workouts.

1. Progressive kettlebell training is key

Do not use more weight than you can handle. There are many people who are weekend warriors. They neglect to exercise the whole week and go to the gym on the weekend and try to work out with kettlebells that are just too heavy for them.

It takes time to build strength in the muscles and ligaments; more importantly the ligaments which have to be able to withstand the heavy load. Most injuries occur due to weak or unconditioned ligaments.

Pace yourself slowly. Start with kettlebell weights that suit you and slowly climb up the ladder to higher weights. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

2. Don’t aim for muscle failure

This runs contradictory to most training advice. However, training to failure all the time puts your nervous system under tremendous stress. It is an effective tool when used sparingly.

At all other times, it would be advisable to aim for about 12 to 15 reps using various weights. Do vary your moves too. Snatches, cleans and squats should be mixed up in your routine. Try and make it a full body workout most of the time.

3. Always maintain proper form

Kettlebell training involves more jerking and swinging movements unlike conventional dumbbells. However, even these movements require proper form and control. You are not supposed to be swinging the kettlebells around like a mad man. There is a jerk to lift, followed by a swing and a pause at the end of the movement and back again. Improper form will definitely lead to injury or imbalances in the body over the long run.

4. Change your routine often – at least every month or so

In other words, you want to keep your body guessing. If you’re doing the same workouts day in and day out for months, you’re going to get bored and your results will taper off and finally plateau. So, change up your routine every 4 to 6 weeks. Add more reps, change the sets, use new moves, etc. Just make it different.

5. Train barefoot on a hard floor

When you work out with kettlebells, the force of the load gets transferred to the ground through your feet. The soles of most sports shoes are too soft. So, training barefoot is best. If your, floor is too cold, you may use an exercise mat. In the event you’re training in a gym, their rules may require you to wear shoes. Then you have no choice but to abide by their rules. Nevertheless, this point is worth remembering.

These are just 5 tips to help you train safely and effectively with kettlebells. Do bear these in mind during your workouts.

Learn More by Watching: Get 20 Kettlebell Training Exercises on Video for Free

Some people learn better by watching and examples. If this is you then you’ll want to go to the top of the page at http://MyFitneessNut.com and subscribe to the My Fitness Nut Newsletter. When you do, you’ll get a full body workout with 20 Kettlebell Exercises on video. They’re yours to enjoy, so go get them now.