Get Rid of Cellulite

To get rid of cellulite you need to get rid of fat.

This is a very interesting topic. Can yoga get rid of cellulite? Some people say that yoga works wonders and others say that other than slight health benefits, they saw no visible reduction in their cellulite.

So Who’s Right About Getting Rid of Cellulite?

This is another one of those questions where both parties are right.

What? Both parties? Really?

Yes. Before we examine why, first you need to understand what cellulite is.

Let’s look at what Wikipedia says about what it is:

Cellulite (also known as adiposis edematosa, dermopanniculosis deformans, status protrusus cutis, gynoid lipodystrophy, and orange peel syndrome) is the herniation of subcutaneous fat within fibrous connective tissue that manifests topographically as skin dimpling and nodularity, often on the pelvic region (specifically the buttocks), lower limbs, and abdomen. Cellulite occurs in most postpubescent females and rarely in males.

In simple terms, cellulite is fat. That’s it. Fat. F-A-T.

Most women are shocked when they hear that cellulite is nothing more than stores of fat. They often exclaim that it can’t be fat because it looks so clumpy, lumpy or dimpled. Normal fat is just smooth and rounded.

That’s wrong thinking.

The reason that cellulite appears the way it does is because of the connective tissues beneath the skin of a woman. In a woman, the connective tissues from the muscles to the skin are perpendicular. This creates pockets or spaces for fat to be stored.

Men do not have this problem because their connective tissues are connected in a cross hatched manner. Men have it good in this department.

To worsen the situation, women have thinner skin so any subcutaneous fat becomes much more visible when it pushes up against the skin. As a woman ages, her skin gets thinner and less supple.

That’s a double whammy because now the cellulite becomes much more visible. This is why older women complain of cellulite more.

Get Rid of Cellulite by Getting Rid of Fat

The only way to reduce the appearance of cellulite is to reduce the fat stores in the body, be on a healthy diet and take care of your skin by consuming collagen supplements and applying moisturizing lotions to your skin.

Women see cellulite on their thighs and butt because the skin there is thinner. Different women may see cellulite in different places. It all depends on how thin the skin is on the body. Regardless of location, the principle is the same.

When you lose the fat, you’ll lose the cellulite.

So is Yoga Effective to Get Rid of Cellulite?

If your body fat percentage is not too high, yoga may help you burn more calories and you may lose some body fat. When this happens, your fat stores drop and the cellulite may be less visible or not even exist at all.

If you are overweight or obese, it may take you a long, long time to burn off all the excess fat with yoga because yoga is not a high impact exercise. In this case, it may not be very effective in the short run but over a period of time, yoga can get you there. So, depending on the person, the answer is a yes for everyone even though it may take much more time for some.

I’d highly recommend that yoga just be one component in a varied training regimen. You want to hard cardio workouts that will get your heart pumping and your body in fat burning mode. You want resistance training especially for your lower body. Squats, lunges, dead-lifts, scissor kicks, etc. will tone the muscles in your legs and butt. You will also accelerate fat burning in these areas.

That is how you lose cellulite. Yoga is a means to an end and not an end in itself without a considerable amount of time invested.


Fat and Fit Possibilities

Is being fat and fat at the same time even possible?

This is a very interesting question and causes a lot of debate among health care professionals and fitness experts. After all, there are people who are obese and yet engage in sports actively on a daily basis. They are fat because they consume more calories than they burn off.

So, it is possible to be fat and still relatively fit. I use the term relative because we must look at fitness from a broader perspective. It’s not about how fast you run, how much weight you can lift or the amount of stamina that you have.

Fat and Fit vs. Slim and Unfit

Fitness encompasses all of the above but it also includes the general state of your health. When you factor this in, even slim people may be considered unfit and unhealthy.

Obesity has been linked to many diseases from hypertension to diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, etc. However, automatically assuming that becoming obese means you will get these problems is not really correct. There are many other factors to consider.

Young Fat and Fit People

Age is one. Younger people often tend to escape these problems even if they are obese. It’s older people who are more prone to obesity linked diseases. So, a young obese man could be fitter than a slim but older man.

Then we have genetics which is never fair. Some people are much more prone to health problems due to poorer genetics. There are many obese people with normal blood glucose and blood lipid levels. They just have good genes.

Other Factors of Being Fat and Fit

There are many other factors such as smoking, diet habits, stress levels, sleep habits, drinking, drug use, etc. that may cause health problems. So, an obese man who smokes and drinks frequently will be less fit than another obese man who maintains a healthier lifestyle.

In the end, it’s really all relative.

If you eat right and exercise often, you will be healthy. Eating right in this case means eating healthy. Of course, even if you eat healthy but exceed your daily calorie requirements, you will still gain weight. You will be fit but fat to a reasonable point.

The best way to live life happy and healthy is to slowly shed the excess pounds and reach the ideal weight for your height. As you age, your body’s systems will deteriorate and any excess fat that may not pose a problem now will start causing problems later.

Prevention is better than cure so it’d be ideal to lose the excess weight now because now is as easy as it’s going to get for most of us.

If you are involved in exercise actively but still overweight, then the problem lies with your diet and just with a few tweaks, you can attain your desired weight.

It will even be easier for you since you already have the habit of an exercise routine worked out. Those people who are obese and do not exercise regularly will have a much tougher time since they’ll have to inculcate 2 new habits – exercising regularly and eating properly.

There is no doubt that fat people can be fitter than slim people who lead sedentary lives. However, why carry more weight than you need to in any case?

Lose it. You will look better and feel better. You will be lean and fit. Now that’s a goal anybody can strive for and feel happy about when they accomplish it. For some great weight loss and fitness tips, check out the weight loss section and subscribe to our My Fitness Nut Newsletter at the top of the page.


Sugar Addiction

Sugar addiction is a problem but sugar substitutes are no anwer.

Sugar Substitutes Are No Answer for Sugar Addiction

People are more aware than ever that what you put into your body is something you need to give serious consideration to and more recently there’s been growing concern over the negative effects that sugar can have on your body.

But humans have been consuming sugar for centuries so why is there so much concern now?

Well folks the problem is that there are two types of sugar – those which occur naturally and the far more dangerous refined sugar which you’ll find pretty much everywhere.

Sugar addiction is running rampant and sugar substitutes are not the answer.

One of the main problems with eating anything which contains refined sugar is that you’re effectively eating nothing but empty calories when you consume it. Now that refined sugar has become part of our everyday society and is part of every holiday season from Halloween treats, to Holiday Season candy, cakes and cookies, Valentine’s Day chocolates and in the kid’s Easter goodies.

In reality you can find some form of sugar in most of the stuff we eat and drink every day.

In Fact – People are Addicted to Sugar!

So it’s not just for the holiday sugar, it’s hard to avoid using it in our daily lives. In fact sugar addiction is now one of the biggest problems facing both developed and developing countries all over the world. Sugar usage worldwide has been increasing rapidly over the past hundred years or so and following along at a rapid pace you’ll find obesity, heart disease and diabetes escalating right alongside sugars escalated usage.

Refined Sugar and Sugar Addiction Dangers

We’re sure you’re wondering right now just how dangerous sugar could be? After all how can something which tastes so good be so bad for you? What you’re about to learn might come as a shock for you as to how addictive sugar can be.

Sugar Addiction Needs to Get Under Control

In numerous studies refined sugar has been shown to have what are called opioid qualities, which basically means sugar has the same addictive qualities as heroin for example. In studies conducted on rats where they were given access to as much sugar as they wanted to eat, there were significant withdrawal symptoms including screeching, mood swings and changes in their actual brain chemistry when the sugar was taken away.

As you’re probably aware eating a diet rich in sugary foods can increase your chances of developing diabetes, which is itself a very serious medical condition. Diabetes can lead to a wide variety of associated medical problems like necrosis of body tissue, coma and even death in extreme cases.

Diabetes is not where the buck stops when it comes to problems arising from sugar addiction. The health risks from eating too much sugar can also result in suffering from a whole spectrum of cardiovascular problems including heart disease and congestive heart failure.

More recent studies have shown that there’s evidence of a link between low bone density (osteoporosis) in children and teenagers and the consumption of sugary sodas – with most children drinking far, far too many of these. While some scientists believe that it’s the carbonation that promotes low bone density is not important because regardless, the sugar, high fructose corn syrup and sugar substitutes are the biggest problems we are seeing.

Did you know for example that the average American processes over 100-pounds of refined sugar every single year and that you can roughly add in the same weight in high fructose corn syrup? That’s 100 pounds of refined sugar plus another 100 pounds of pure high fructose corn syrup which is becoming clearer by the day is even worse for you that just pure sugar.

That’s nearly 200 pounds of sweet empty calories a year folks! Does anyone else think that we have a problem here?

Sugar substitutes to the rescue!

Or… Not so fast?

Is Solving Sugar Addiction with Sugar Substitutes a Good Idea?

The problem with avoiding sugar is that it’s been added to almost everything you find on store shelves, so this has motivated people to ask for, get and now use the “Sugar-free” options instead.

Unfortunately even when products are listed as “sugar-free” (meaning free of refined sugar) there’s an even more insidious danger lurking inside that packet or can…

Sugar Substitutes or Artificial Sweeteners!

What has surprised many scientists and nutritionists is that artificial sweeteners are actually far more dangerous than refined sugar in a whole number of ways. Firstly, people use artificial sweeteners to cut down on the number of calories they’re eating and in turn attempting to control their weight.

The problem here is that artificial sweeteners can actually make you fatter because they disrupt your body’s hunger response – when your body doesn’t get calories from these low-cal sweeteners you wind up with food cravings. This then leads you to trying to fill yourself with other foods and normally leads to a “crab frenzy” because your body is also in a low glycemic state.

So even though you’ve been drinking diet soda you’ll wind up suddenly having a craving for cake, pizza, candy, donuts or something else which defeats the purpose of using that sugar substitute in the first place.

Artificial Sugar Substitutes are Slipped into Many Products

What’s really scary is that artificial sweeteners are present in places you’d never expect to find them like in baby food, vitamin pills and drinks, fruit juices, diet meals, low-calorie foods and in all kinds of foods you’d assume are otherwise nutritious and quite healthy for you. To better understand how to avoid these artificial sweeteners you need to know all the names they go by.

Identify and Avoid Artificial Sweeteners

The most common artificial sweeteners are saccharine, aspartame (NutraSweet) and sucralose but neotame (used in many baked goods) and acesulfame are two new ones which are even more toxic than the ones they’re designed to replace.

In an effort to give you some perspective on how much of a problem this is when aspartame was first tested for use as a sugar substitute the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) refused to give it the all clear. There were early indications of several health risks involved in its use and laboratory tests on rats backed this up.

In fact aspartame has been linked to an increased occurrence of cancer, diabetes, obesity, headaches, seizures and a wide variety of degenerative neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, in people who are using this artificial sweetener on a daily basis.

There’s also the risk that aspartame can convert into glycol in your bloodstream when you consume too much of it, glycol being a common ingredient in antifreeze products – if you drink antifreeze it will kill you!

…Except in your case you’re getting that same glycol from drinking that diet soda you might have in your hand right now. In short artificial sweeteners and almost all synthetic sugar substitutes are nothing short of poison.

Why are Artificial Sugar Substitutes Bad for Your Sugar Addiction?

To date there have been well over 10,000 complaints lodged with the FDA in relation to the continued availability of aspartame but they will not discuss this issue with any form of media despite the fact that aspartame/NutraSweet is still in use in over 6,000 products available on the market today. The company behind this sugar substitute (G.D. Searle) have even tried distracting the public from avoiding their product by renaming it to AminoSweet in 2009.

You don’t need to take our word for it – you can Google the wealth of medical research out there on aspartame and the other artificial sweeteners on the market right now. There are hundreds of documents and studies available on the subject. Even Dr. Oz has gone public on the dangers of sugar substitutes, in the hope of keeping his viewers better informed and when talking sugar addiction, sugar is the number one food Dr. Oz wants out of your house.

Some people laugh at the idea of sugar addiction and just reach for a second round of cupcakes not knowing the damage going on inside their body until it festers into something serious. Breaking away from a sugar addiction is not easy but if you have patience and take it a step at a time, before long you’ll be looking back thinking it wasn’t really all that hard either.

To get a better handle on a sugar addiction without using questionable sugar substitutes read Eliminate Sugar Before Sugar Eliminates You also published by In that article you’ll learn how you can cut your sugar intake as much as you want, with little to no sugar withdrawals.