Tag cellulite creams

Cellulite Removal

Find out the true cost of cellulite removal.

This is a difficult question to answer because there are several costs. There is money, there is effort and time. In this article, we will examine the financial aspect of cellulite removal which will differ depending on what course of treatment you chose to adopt.

Women as a whole spend millions of dollars a year on cellulite treatments. These can range from cellulite creams, massages, surgical procedures, special supplements, etc.

This is a huge cash cow for many companies as they compete for the dollars and their marketing messages can be deceiving. Advertising, testimonials, ‘proof’ are all used to convince women that their special products will work wonders.

So, if you decide to purchase cellulite creams, your costs will be lower than that of someone who decides to go for Endermologie cellulite treatment which is a kind of ‘special’ massage.

There is no Exact Cost for Cellulite Removal.

It varies from woman to woman depending on their means and budget. The question is how much do you want to spend on treatments that rarely produce any long lasting effects?

What most anti-cellulite product companies will not tell you is that there is no product on the market that effectively gets rid of cellulite. Not a single one. This is because cellulite is fat. It’s fat in the body that just looks different because of the tissue structures in the body.

Nevertheless, it’s just fat.

There is no cream or massage on this planet that can get rid of fat. What’s more, the only way to remove fat from your body is to exercise and eat right. You need to create a caloric deficit and your body will start burning fat and the cellulite will disappear. This is neither glamorous, romantic nor easy. It involves sacrifice and hard work.

That’s exactly why it will work.

The true cost of cellulite removal is not just the dollars you spend on products that don’t work…

It’s the time that you have wasted on trying out these products. The disappointment you will experience when you see no results. You may even have low self-esteem or hate your body and this is a very real cost that nobody seems to want to talk about.

Cellulite Removal is the Same as Fat Removal

Cellulite is nothing more than fat. That’s it. It is such a simple concept that most people just don’t get.

Ignore the talk about lymphatic drainage, toxins, damaged fat, poor blood circulation, etc. Fat is fat. It can be burned off if you know what you are doing. If you are in a constant state of caloric deficit and exercise regularly, your body will definitely tap into your cellulite fat and burn it off just like any body fat.

Have faith in your body. It’s a miracle and it will do what is best for you as long as you do right by it. It will find the cellulite and burn it when it needs energy and it’s up to you to use the energy to make this happen.

The Key to Cellulite Removal

There is no such thing as damaged fat or trapped toxins that cause cellulite. Your body will detoxify itself. That’s what your liver does. It does a better job than any detox cleanse product on the market. The key to cellulite removal is to burn more calories each day than you consume; this will burn the fat known as cellulite.

So, go about it the healthy way. Save your money. Do not waste it on the creams or other supposedly ‘scientific’ discoveries that are expensive. The old fashioned method is the only effective way to proven and sustainable cellulite removal. Exercise and eat right and you’ll be able to get yourself there.


Banish Cellulite

Learn how to banish cellulite for good.

Every year women spend upwards of 10 million+ dollars on products created to fight cellulite. New products, creams, miracle cures and other weird contraptions flood the market constantly. All fighting for a slice of the very profitable pie.

Yet, there is not a single product on the market that works effectively or shows permanent results. Slick marketing, compensated ‘testimonials’ and other tactics that prey on women’s emotions, are all used to sell these products.

Almost all the products are a waste of time or money and in most cases, both.

The truth is that cellulite is just fat. That’s it. Not accumulated toxins, poor circulation, damaged fatty tissues or any other nonsense that is so often spouted by the companies that sell anti-cellulite products.

You Banish Cellulite the Same Way You Banish Fat

Since cellulite is just normal fat, it can be eradicated just like normal fat. The same rules apply. No need for special creams or massages to get rid of cellulite. Exercise, a healthy diet and a close eye on your body fat percentage will do more for your cellulite than any cream or massage ever could.

If you were to tell certain woman that resistance training is more beneficial than cellulite creams, she’d probably think that you lost your marbles. Yet, this is the hard truth.

Fat can only be burnt off with exercise. You cannot melt fat with creams and you definitely cannot massage fat away.

If Only It Were That Easy to Banish Cellulite

Of course to lose weight, you will need to watch your diet closely and engage in cardio sessions on a frequent basis. In this article, we will take a closer look at resistance training.

Most women feel that weight training or resistance training is only for men. Again, this is fallacy. Women will benefit greatly from resistance training.

You will not get big and bulky by doing resistance training. Even men struggle to gain muscle. Resistance training will give you a lean and toned body. You will have firm thighs and a nice, perky butt. Toned muscles will give your thighs and legs a taut appearance and cellulite will be less visible.

Good Example of Resistance Training Exercises to Banish Cellulite

Examples of resistance training are squats, lunges, dead-lifts, snatches, leg presses, etc. You may wish to focus more on resistance training for the lower body to increase the lean muscle mass in your lower body. Most women are prone to storing fat in the lower body and cellulite most frequently occurs on the thighs and butt.

When you engage in resistance training, your body composition will change. While your body fat decreases, your lean muscle will increase. So, even though the numbers on the weighing scale don’t change, the appearance of your body will. Your weight may be the same but you will look smaller and more toned. That’s because muscle is denser than fat.

The more lean muscle you have, the more calories you will burn on a daily basis. That means the chances of your body storing fat are much lower. Since cellulite is just stored fat, you will not see it returning anytime soon, unless you start slacking on your diet and training of course.

Two resistance training programs that will give you a good workout for both your upper and that all important lower body are Dumbbell workouts and the Kettlebell workouts. Both provide resistance where you can start out low and work your way up as you see, and get fit.

Resistance training is one of the key components to banish cellulite so start now by making it a part of your daily workouts and you will see and feel the difference in a matter of weeks.


Cellulite Treatment

You only have a couple choices when it comes to a cellulite treatment.

This is a question that many women have on their mind. There is no shortage of anti-cellulite products and services on the market. Cellulite creams, special gadgets which use light therapy, cellulite massages, lymphatic drainage, anti-cellulite pills, etc. This is an industry that sees women spending over 12 million yearly.

With so many products, women are often at a loss as to which way to go about removing their cellulite? Should I try the latest ‘scientific breakthrough’ cream or will the new gadget with the UV light work for me? What about the special collagen pills that will make it disappear in 30 days?

Choices, choices and more choices…

So Which Cellulite Treatment Would Be Right For You?

Honestly, it doesn’t matter which cellulite treatment you decide to choose because they all share one thing in common. They are all ineffective and just a waste of your hard earned money. The truth is that there is absolutely no cream or massage or treatment that will remove it.

The exception to the above statement is laser therapy which is highly effective. However, the cost may make it prohibitive to many women. So, other than laser treatment, is there really no way to treat cellulite?

There is another way but it’s not so easy.

However, if you choose to adopt this method, your whole life will improve and your cellulite will diminish greatly. This method takes time, patience, sacrifice, sweat and in some cases tears. Yet, it is the only way that guarantees visible results that last a long time.

Are you ready to embark on this challenging method?

If you are, then read on…

Cellulite is Not a Unique Condition or Problem

The method is to reduce your body fat percentage. Contrary to popular belief, cellulite is not a unique condition or strange problem that arises because of poor circulation or other health problems; it’s just fat.

Fat that looks different from normal because it is squeezed through hard fibrous tissues beneath your skin. This is perfectly normal and nothing to be alarmed about.

There are pockets of fat stores beneath your skin and once these fat stores are filled, the fat will squeeze outwards and push up against the skin. This is what causes the dimply, orange peel appearance that so many women detest.

Deal With a Cellulite Treatment Like You Would Any Fat Treatment

Since it really is just fat, you can deal with it just like you would normal fat. You can burn it off with a combination of exercise and healthy eating. Measure your body fat percentage and try and bring it down to 15 to 20 percent. This is different from the weight on your scale.

Body fat percentage is your body’s composition taking into account lean muscle mass, etc. Slim women may show signs of cellulite because their body fat composition is high.

This is known as “skinny fat.”

You want to be lean, healthy and toned. Watch your diet closely. Engage in cardio exercises at least 4 times a week for about 20 to 30 minutes. Get your heart pumping and make it an intense session. Throw in some resistance training on other days focusing on your lower body to really work those thighs and butt muscles.

In time to come, your body would have burnt off these fat stores and your lean muscle mass would have increased. Your thighs and legs will be toned and beautiful. Cellulite will barely be visible. This is the best cellulite treatment for any woman to choose because it works, but it does require work to get the job done.