Best Ab Exercises

Best Ab Exercises

The all around best ab exercises.

The all around best ab exercises.Determining the best ab exercises can elicit a lot of fiery opinions on the subject, from people who are naturally passionate about the very idea of fitness and exercise.

So, rather than getting caught in the crossfire, we’re going to refrain from choosing sides. Instead, we’ll just list down some of the ab exercises that fitness professionals propose to be the best and most effective.

As an added note, it’s always a good idea to have a professional fitness trainer to assist you in learning the proper way of doing these exercises so that you can get the most value out of your workouts.

The Top Four of the Best Ab Exercises

  • Walkout. While you stand with your knees bent, put your hands flat on the ground and then “walk” your hands away from your body and past your shoulders as far as you can. Hold that position for a count, and then walk your hands back towards your feet and then slowly return to standing position. Now do that 10 times. This will work your lower back, obliques, and upper and lower abs.
  • Swimming plank. You may find it strange that one of the best ab exercises resembles free style swimming, but you don’t need a pool to do it. This will challenge your abs as well as your back. Lie on your stomach, and prop yourself up by your elbows and toes, while there’s an upright dumbbell about six inches in front of you. Now use a freestyle motion with your right arm to reach over and past the dumbbell, then repeat with the left arm. Do 10 reps total while you alternate.
  • Cross-Leg Reverse Crunch. This will work a lot of your muscles from your bottom pelvis region upward, and it won’t strain your neck. Just lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Bring your arms over your head, and hold onto a heavy medicine ball (or just the bottom of your couch). Now cross your right ankle to your left knee, and in that position lift your legs as close as possible to your chest. Slowly return to your original position. Do 15 of these, and then alternate your legs.
  • Rotational Lift. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet hip-width apart while you interlace your hands behind your head. Now bring your head and shoulders off the floor as you try to get your chest close to your knees while your pelvis is neutral. Exhale and then rotate to your right side. Then let out another breath and rotate even further while you lift a little higher. Then inhale and lift as you return to the center, and repeat to your other side. Do about 8 to 10 reps of this. This exercise will focus on your abdominal walls and oblique muscles.

Choose any one or all of these abs exercises for your workout. You probably need it, since the average modern society person spends 56 hours a week sitting which weakens the core.

You can read more about how long will it take to see six-pack abs; but of course, not even the best ab exercises known to man can help if you don’t watch what you eat, so do take care of your diet too!

With the right nutrients, preferably from whole food such as the ones found in Zeal for Life can help with performance and recovery in a really big way. So focus on the best ab exercises outlined above, feed your body the important nutrition it craves and watch the results they have on your mid-section.

