Tag cellulite removal

Detox Cleanse For Cellulite

It's misleading but some people say a detox cleanse will remove cellulite.

This is an excellent question that many women ask. Unfortunately, most of them receive the wrong answers. In this article, we’ll examine if a detox cleanse is really necessary for you to banish that awful cellulite from your body.

First, we need to look at what detox cleanses claim to be. There are several detox cleanse products on the market that make bold claims to flush out the toxins in your body.

Some of these products even claim to have ‘liver flushing’ capabilities. The general idea given is that the body is full of toxins and other harmful substances and these cleanses will remove them.

Are Detox Cleanse Marketers Lying to You?

Next, we need to understand what cellulite is. We must know what it really is. The detox cleanse manufacturers will have you believing that cellulite clumps are actually pockets of toxins in the body.

They’ll say that these pockets of fat are hardened fat that cannot be removed through normal methods. So, you’ll need to resort to cleanses to get to the bottom of the problem.

The only problem here is the lies and misleading information surrounding cellulite.

Cellulite is fat. Nothing more, nothing less. It is NOT pockets of toxins or trapped particles beneath that can’t be removed. It is just normal fat and the same rules apply when dealing with cellulite as you would normal fat.

While a detox cleanse can have other benefits for your body, the removal of cellulite is not one of them.

You may be wondering why cellulite looks so different if it is just normal fat. Shouldn’t it be smooth and thick rather than clumpy, dimpled and ugly to look at? To understand why cellulite looks this way will require having an understanding of your anatomy.

There are several bands of tissue that connect our skin to the muscles beneath it. These bands are known as septae. For women, these fibrous bands are connected in a vertical, perpendicular manner. For men, the bands are connected in a cross hatched manner.

This is the main reason why men commonly do not have cellulite.

The perpendicular bands create spaces that are used by the body to store fat. There is very limited space with the male’s cross hatched pattern. Women definitely have it tougher in this area. Once the fat spaces are filled out and carry on getting bigger, the fat will push up against the skin. The clumpy appearance is due to the fact that the fibrous bands are between the fat stores.

So why does cellulite only appear on the thighs, butt and legs? The answer to this lies in the fact that for the majority of women, the skin is thinner there. Men have thicker skin than women in this area and thicker skin masks it.

How to Deal With Cellulite When a Detox Cleanse is Not an Option

In order to deal with cellulite, we need to deal with the body fat percentage of our bodies. The more fat you have in your body, the more cellulite you will have. Heredity and luck may mean that some women have fewer tendencies to have cellulite than others but nevertheless, the same principle holds true.

So, in order to lose this fat, you will need to adopt a healthy clean diet and exercise program to eradicate the fat stores. No detox cleanse can achieve this. There is no detox product on the market to remove cellulite that is effective. If you wish, you may go on a short 3 day detox plan and then follow up with a healthy diet and exercise program. That would be the best way to go about getting rid of cellulite.


Cellulite Removal

Find out the true cost of cellulite removal.

This is a difficult question to answer because there are several costs. There is money, there is effort and time. In this article, we will examine the financial aspect of cellulite removal which will differ depending on what course of treatment you chose to adopt.

Women as a whole spend millions of dollars a year on cellulite treatments. These can range from cellulite creams, massages, surgical procedures, special supplements, etc.

This is a huge cash cow for many companies as they compete for the dollars and their marketing messages can be deceiving. Advertising, testimonials, ‘proof’ are all used to convince women that their special products will work wonders.

So, if you decide to purchase cellulite creams, your costs will be lower than that of someone who decides to go for Endermologie cellulite treatment which is a kind of ‘special’ massage.

There is no Exact Cost for Cellulite Removal.

It varies from woman to woman depending on their means and budget. The question is how much do you want to spend on treatments that rarely produce any long lasting effects?

What most anti-cellulite product companies will not tell you is that there is no product on the market that effectively gets rid of cellulite. Not a single one. This is because cellulite is fat. It’s fat in the body that just looks different because of the tissue structures in the body.

Nevertheless, it’s just fat.

There is no cream or massage on this planet that can get rid of fat. What’s more, the only way to remove fat from your body is to exercise and eat right. You need to create a caloric deficit and your body will start burning fat and the cellulite will disappear. This is neither glamorous, romantic nor easy. It involves sacrifice and hard work.

That’s exactly why it will work.

The true cost of cellulite removal is not just the dollars you spend on products that don’t work…

It’s the time that you have wasted on trying out these products. The disappointment you will experience when you see no results. You may even have low self-esteem or hate your body and this is a very real cost that nobody seems to want to talk about.

Cellulite Removal is the Same as Fat Removal

Cellulite is nothing more than fat. That’s it. It is such a simple concept that most people just don’t get.

Ignore the talk about lymphatic drainage, toxins, damaged fat, poor blood circulation, etc. Fat is fat. It can be burned off if you know what you are doing. If you are in a constant state of caloric deficit and exercise regularly, your body will definitely tap into your cellulite fat and burn it off just like any body fat.

Have faith in your body. It’s a miracle and it will do what is best for you as long as you do right by it. It will find the cellulite and burn it when it needs energy and it’s up to you to use the energy to make this happen.

The Key to Cellulite Removal

There is no such thing as damaged fat or trapped toxins that cause cellulite. Your body will detoxify itself. That’s what your liver does. It does a better job than any detox cleanse product on the market. The key to cellulite removal is to burn more calories each day than you consume; this will burn the fat known as cellulite.

So, go about it the healthy way. Save your money. Do not waste it on the creams or other supposedly ‘scientific’ discoveries that are expensive. The old fashioned method is the only effective way to proven and sustainable cellulite removal. Exercise and eat right and you’ll be able to get yourself there.


Cellulite Laser Treatment

Doing a cellulite laser treatment is one alternative.

This is the question that women ask when they think they have tried everything to rid themselves off cellulite and all attempts have failed. In most cases, hundreds or even thousands of dollars were spent on creams, massages, supplements, etc. and despite all these attempts, the cellulite still remains.

This is due to the fact that almost all the cellulite removal products on the market just do not work. Most women do not realize that cellulite is just fat. The dimpled, orange-peel appearance makes it seem that cellulite is different from normal fat.

In reality, cellulite is just plain old fat. When fat gets stored and squeezed out between the stiff bands of tissue that connect the muscles to the skin, the fat appears to be dimpled and clumpy. Nevertheless, it is just fat.

The Right Time to Consider a Cellulite Laser Treatment

The best way to remove the cellulite will be to embark on a healthy diet and lots of exercise to bring your body fat percentage down. This is the most effective way to remove it, bar none.

However, some women, due to genetics or other issues still have persistent cellulite even if they have brought their body fat percentage down. In these rare cases, they may consider doing a laser treatment.

Laser treatments are one of those rare cellulite treatments that actually work. However, it involves surgical procedures and the cost can be exorbitant. You will need to decide for you if your budget allows it and you really want to go with an invasive procedure like this.

How a Cellulite Laser Treatment Works

Laser treatments for cellulite work by melting the fat deposits away. The procedure itself takes about 90 minutes while the patient is under local anesthesia and it goes something like this:

The cellulite areas are disinfected before the actual surgery… Tiny incisions are made on the skin where the cellulite is visible… A very thin and fine metal tube with an attached laser is inserted into these incisions… The laser then emits heat to dissolve the fats and thereby reducing all unsightly bulges that give the cottage cheese appearance.

The heat will also stimulate collagen formation in the next 6 to 12 months. This will make the skin look healthier and supple.

During the laser treatment, it is common for fluid and fat to seep out of the incisions. These are wiped away. It’s not a big issue and just shows that the treatment is actually effective. Many women who have gone for laser treatment swear by its effectiveness and say that the effects are permanent.

To Do a Cellulite Laser Treatment or Not

If you have followed a healthy diet, exercised your butt off and brought your body fat percentage down to about 15 percent, and you’re still seeing cellulite on your thighs and legs, you may first wish to evaluate how you feel about a surgical procedure.

Are you willing to put up with it or does the cellulite bother you so much that it is affecting the way you live?

If you are unhappy with the way you feel, then by all means you can give a laser treatment a try if you think that it is a fit for you. The cost may be an obstacle but if you really want it, you will find a way to get it. Instead of wasting money on creams and massages, you can save up for a laser treatment which has the potential to end your problem on a more permanent basis.


Cellulite Massage

Helpful tips on getting a cellulite massage.

Why Would People Really Do a Cellulite Massage?

There are many types of massage such as Thai massage, Shiatsu, Swedish massage. All these different types of massage employ different techniques to achieve different desirable results for the body from lymphatic drainage, to alignment to improved blood flow.

Some massage parlors even offer cellulite massage. There are several books on the subject so the big question is… Does it work?

The answer is no. It doesn’t. You are better off going with the normal massages that are available. Swedish and Thai massages are great for stress relief and putting your tired, achy body in a feel good state.

Fat Cannot be Removed by Cellulite Massage; Plain and Simple.

Cellulite is body fat.

The theory behind cellulite massage is similar to cellulite brushing. In theory, the massage will result in better stimulation and blood flow in the problem areas. Usually, moisturizing lotions, ‘special’ oils and ointments are used in the massage. This gives the illusion that the skin will absorb these lotions and oils and cellulite will be eradicated. Of course, this is not the case.

The cellulite may disappear for an hour or two because the lotions may have made the skin swell up and tighten. This will hide it for a while but it is very temporary. Once the ‘swelling’ or effect of the lotion subsides, the cellulite reappears and the woman is disappointed and tells herself that she needs a few more massage sessions to totally solve the problem.

A Cellulite Massage is a Total Waste of Money

Cellulite massages usually cost more just to give the illusion that they are more specific and effective. Neither is true since the massages just do not work for the intended purpose.

The reason that cellulite looks different from normal fat is the structure of the skin and underlying tissues. Women have connective tissues beneath the skin that are perpendicular to the surface skin. This creates pockets or chambers where fat is stored.

As women age, the skin loses its supple, elastic qualities and starts becoming thinner and harder. The fats beneath the skin become more prominent and this causes the appearance of cellulite.

It has been said that cellulite cannot be “cured”. Well, it does not have to be cured because it’s not a disease. It is just fat under the skin.

All you need to do is adopt a healthy diet, exercise regularly and use a moisturizing lotion to keep your skin smooth and supple. It also helps if you consume collagen supplements.

Your exercise regime must consist of resistance training. You will need to do squats, lunges, calf raises and if you’re adventurous, you may do dead-lifts too. These exercises will strengthen your thighs, hamstrings, butt and legs in general. These are the areas most prone to cellulite.

You must also include cardio training. Stair climbing, running, cycling and skipping are excellent forms of cardio because they focus on your lower body. If you focus on training your lower body, you will be able to mitigate the presence of cellulite.

In the short and long run, this is still the most effective method of treating it. No cellulite massage can help you remove the unsightly appearance for more than a few hours. Only a healthy diet and training can. Save your money, improve your health and love your body by subscribing to the My Fitness Nut Newsletter at http://myfitnessnut.com and found at the top right of the page.


Blasting Away Cellulite

Reduce cellulite with dieting and exercising.

Cellulite is the bumpy, dimpled, orange rind appearance of fats beneath the skin. Almost all women have cellulite and eradicating cellulite is a 12 million dollars per year industry. That’s how much women spend every year trying to get rid of cellulite.

In most cases, the methods are neither effective nor long lasting. They’re just a drain on finances, time and emotional well-being. Many women get depressed and disappointed when the cellulite creams, massages, detox cleanses, etc. do not work. Everything just seems like a waste of money and time. The women start hating their bodies and develop a negative self-image.

The reason for this is that they have been lied to. They were made to believe that cellulite is a special condition that needs special creams, massages or other dodgy products to treat. The truth is that cellulite is just fat; normal body fat.

Cellulite is Nothing More Than Bumpy Body Fat

The fat just appears clumpy and awful because of the structure of the underlying tissues in the body. These tissues are connected in a way where the body is able to store fat. Once the fat stores accumulate and start pushing up against the skin, cellulite appears.

Men have tissues that connect differently from women and their skin is also thicker. This is why they do not have cellulite that shows up so clearly.

Now that you know that cellulite is nothing more than fat, you will be able to deal with it like normal body fat. Cellulite is not water retention or trapped toxins or any other weird explanation. Let’s keep things simple. Fat is fat and fat can be burned off with a good diet and exercise.

Your diet will need to be clean and wholesome. Consume foods that are unprocessed. Avoid white flour products and white rice. All these foods have a high GI. That means, they cause spikes in blood sugar levels and increase insulin production will leads to fat gain.

Eat More Protein to Combat Cellulite

You will want to consume more protein. Any carbohydrates you eat should be slow digesting and complex. Examples would be oats or wholegrain bread. You may also get your carbs from vegetables. Your diet will also need to be low in salt. Too much sodium causes water retention and gives you the bloated feeling.

Drink lots of water daily. Consume collagen supplements and other supplements that will keep your skin supple, elastic and healthy. No need for cellulite treatments.

Exercise to Battle Cellulite

Exercise will be crucial to losing the fat. You will need to combine cardio sessions with resistance training. Many women neglect resistance training because they are afraid to get muscular.

This is very far from the truth. Resistance training will make you leaned and toned but it will not make you look like a he-man. That takes years of training, supplements, etc. Even men struggle to gain muscle. So, no worries there.

You will want to focus on compound movements for the lower body. Lunges, squats, leg presses, dead-lifts, calf raises, quadrupedal movements, etc. All these will increase the lean muscle mass in your body while your fats are burned off. It’s awesome. Cardio sessions should be about 20 to 30 minutes. The higher the intensity the better. Cycling, running, stair climbing, etc. are great cardio workouts.

Drop Body Fat and You’ll Drop the Cellulite

If you follow the advice above, you will burn your fat stores and be lean in no time. Once your body fat levels drop, so will your cellulite. You will have toned legs and buttocks that will be the envy of other women. Not to mention the extra attention from the guys. Life will be good.

You can learn more about the causes of cellulite from these Cellulite Helpful Tips articles and you can subscribe to the My Fitness Nut Newsletter found at the top right of our MyFitnessNut.com home page. When you do, you’ll get some very effective exercise and diet programs that will help you drop cellulite and body fat without getting taken to cleaners and being sold weird and in-effective remedies.