Tag anti-cellulite

Banish Cellulite

Learn how to banish cellulite for good.

Every year women spend upwards of 10 million+ dollars on products created to fight cellulite. New products, creams, miracle cures and other weird contraptions flood the market constantly. All fighting for a slice of the very profitable pie.

Yet, there is not a single product on the market that works effectively or shows permanent results. Slick marketing, compensated ‘testimonials’ and other tactics that prey on women’s emotions, are all used to sell these products.

Almost all the products are a waste of time or money and in most cases, both.

The truth is that cellulite is just fat. That’s it. Not accumulated toxins, poor circulation, damaged fatty tissues or any other nonsense that is so often spouted by the companies that sell anti-cellulite products.

You Banish Cellulite the Same Way You Banish Fat

Since cellulite is just normal fat, it can be eradicated just like normal fat. The same rules apply. No need for special creams or massages to get rid of cellulite. Exercise, a healthy diet and a close eye on your body fat percentage will do more for your cellulite than any cream or massage ever could.

If you were to tell certain woman that resistance training is more beneficial than cellulite creams, she’d probably think that you lost your marbles. Yet, this is the hard truth.

Fat can only be burnt off with exercise. You cannot melt fat with creams and you definitely cannot massage fat away.

If Only It Were That Easy to Banish Cellulite

Of course to lose weight, you will need to watch your diet closely and engage in cardio sessions on a frequent basis. In this article, we will take a closer look at resistance training.

Most women feel that weight training or resistance training is only for men. Again, this is fallacy. Women will benefit greatly from resistance training.

You will not get big and bulky by doing resistance training. Even men struggle to gain muscle. Resistance training will give you a lean and toned body. You will have firm thighs and a nice, perky butt. Toned muscles will give your thighs and legs a taut appearance and cellulite will be less visible.

Good Example of Resistance Training Exercises to Banish Cellulite

Examples of resistance training are squats, lunges, dead-lifts, snatches, leg presses, etc. You may wish to focus more on resistance training for the lower body to increase the lean muscle mass in your lower body. Most women are prone to storing fat in the lower body and cellulite most frequently occurs on the thighs and butt.

When you engage in resistance training, your body composition will change. While your body fat decreases, your lean muscle will increase. So, even though the numbers on the weighing scale don’t change, the appearance of your body will. Your weight may be the same but you will look smaller and more toned. That’s because muscle is denser than fat.

The more lean muscle you have, the more calories you will burn on a daily basis. That means the chances of your body storing fat are much lower. Since cellulite is just stored fat, you will not see it returning anytime soon, unless you start slacking on your diet and training of course.

Two resistance training programs that will give you a good workout for both your upper and that all important lower body are Dumbbell workouts and the Kettlebell workouts. Both provide resistance where you can start out low and work your way up as you see, and get fit.

Resistance training is one of the key components to banish cellulite so start now by making it a part of your daily workouts and you will see and feel the difference in a matter of weeks.


Anti-Cellulite Diets

The anti-cellulite diet plan is available to everyone.

Cellulite has a very bad reputation and a lot of nicknames to go with it. “Lumpy”, “bumpy”, “dimply”, “cottage cheese”, “orange rinds”, etc. are all terms used to describe the appearance of skin that has cellulite beneath it. The anti-cellulite industry is a multimillion dollar industry because women are desperate to get rid of their bumpy-lumpy dimples.

There are miracle creams, laser treatments, and books on dealing with cellulite, special diets, massage therapy and many other ways that purportedly treat cellulite effectively.

Most of these methods are ineffective, do not have any lasting effects and are just a drain on the wallet and emotions. Disappointment and regret often follow when women put their faith in these scams and poor products.

In this article, we’ll examine if anti-cellulite diets work. These apply to pills, and special diets formulated for women specifically addressing the cellulite issue. Before we go any further, the answer is neither a yes nor a no. It lies somewhere in between.

Anti-Cellulite Diets – No Different Than an Anti-Fat Diet

The first point to note about cellulite is this – it is fat. Cellulite is nothing more than fat pushing up against your skin. These fat pockets push up against the connective tissues beneath your thin skin and that causes the dimpled and bumpy appearance. Men do not normally have cellulite because their skin is thicker and more porous. The tissues beneath their skin are also connected differently.

Since cellulite is nothing more than fat, exercise and a healthy diet will get rid of cellulite easily and very effectively. It may be argued that slim women show signs of cellulite too. This is a fallacy. Many slim women have a high body fat percentage and low lean muscle mass. They are what are known as “skinny fat” in the fitness industry.

A woman who does her cardio and resistance training aimed at the thighs, legs and buttocks will have toned muscles in those areas. Once that happens they have lower chances of gaining fat in those areas. Less fat means less cellulite. It’s that simple.

The Best Anti-Cellulite Diet is Exercise and a Healthy Diet to Follow

So if all you need is a healthy diet and exercise to get rid of cellulite, why are there pills and special fad diets on the market?

Simple. To get your money. Women spend more than 12 million a year on treating cellulite. That is not chump change and many companies want in on the action. Nevertheless, the solution is very simple and straightforward.

Anti-Cellulite Diets are No Different Than a Fat Loss Diet

Avoid sugary and sweet foods, carbs that have a high GI, caffeine, sodas and other foods that will pile on the pounds. Most women usually know what those foods are but still indulge anyway.

If you wish to get rid of your cellulite, you will have to make these sacrifices. Limit the consumption of these foods to once a week.

It would be a good idea to limit your salt intake too. Sodium causes water retention and makes you feel bloated.

Consume flaxseed and kelp regularly. Collagen keeps your skin firm and taut. Flaxseed promotes collagen growth and 2 tablespoons flaxseed oil a day is sufficient. Kelp makes your body burn about 10 percent more fat. You may buy dried kelp and cook it or just purchase kelp supplements from a health store.

Include Plenty of Water in Your Anti-Cellulite Diet

It goes without saying that you need to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day for a glowing complexion, healthy skin and to flush out toxins. One ounce or 30ml for every 2 pounds of body weight is a good goal to set for your water consumption.

Basically, this is all you need for an anti-cellulite diet. Keep it healthy and clean. Natural foods and not processed foods. Get some moderate exercise daily and you’ll be well prepared to keep cellulite at bay while feeling happy and healthy at the same time.