Minerals and Vitamins for Energy

Minerals and Vitamins for Energy

Make a big difference with the right minerals and vitamins for energy.

Make a big difference with the right minerals and vitamins for energy.Do You Need Extra Minerals and Vitamins for Energy?

Oftentimes, we feel run down and bone-tired, and that’s not always because we’re overworked. There may be another cause and the good news is that there is something we can do about it.

For many of us, the fatigue is caused by insufficient nutrients and vitamins in our diets. Below, you’ll find an easy nutritional fix that works for many people and if you need more than that because you work or workout hard, there’s an answer for that too.

In order to avoid this problem, you should have sufficient amounts of these minerals and vitamins for energy in your body:

  1. Magnesium. Fatigue is one of the symptoms of magnesium deficiency, along with muscle cramps, insomnia, irritability, rapid heartbeats, and high blood pressure. You need magnesium to make ATP, which is the main molecule in your body that produces energy. If your body doesn’t have enough magnesium, your cells will not be able to produce enough energy and you end up with chronic fatigue. Studies have revealed that just about everyone with chronic fatigue syndrome doesn’t have enough magnesium in their systems. For most of these people, taking magnesium supplements boosts their energy levels. Deficiency of this mineral is so common that taking a magnesium supplement when you’re always feeling tired is very likely to solve the problem. But if taking more magnesium worsens the symptoms, then this indicates that calcium deficiency is the likely culprit.
  2. Vitamin B12. This is one of the most important vitamins for energy you need to consume, so you need to make sure you have enough of it. In fact, some studies show that taking B12 can dramatically boost your energy, even if there’s no deficiency. Vitamin B12 is crucial in the manufacture of red blood cells, as well as for proper digestion and absorption of food, metabolism of fats and carbs, and for protein synthesis. No wonder Dr. Oz emphasized B12’s importance in his program!
  3. Iron. Fatigue is one of the main causes of iron deficiency, so if you get tired easily after exerting just a bit of effort you may want to supplement your iron level. You need iron to make hemoglobin, which is the part of the red blood cells that carries oxygen. If the tissues in your body don’t get enough oxygen, fatigue develops. However, before you immediately take iron supplements you should have your iron levels tested because excessive amounts of iron in the body can also cause fatigue.
  4. Vitamin B9 or folic acid. Along with vitamin B12, you need folic acid to make red blood cells. Folic acid deficiencies are common, since the very act of cooking your food destroys the folic acid it contains. Insufficient folic acid levels can also lead to megaloblastic anemia. However, if you are lacking in vitamin B12 and you take Vitamin B9 instead, this may hide the symptoms of the vitamin B12 deficiency. So first check that you don’t have vitamin B12 deficiency before you take folic acid.

These are some of the most common minerals and vitamins that are sometimes lacking in our diets and when we don’t have sufficient levels of them, fatigue will surface. If you already supplement and know that you are getting complete fully balanced nutrients, you may want to consider specialty energy products.

The Healthiest Minerals and Vitamins for Energy Will Be All Natural

You can find products that are designed with healthy minerals and vitamins for energy enhancement but stay away from the varieties that contain artificial stimulants such as caffeine. Artificial or synthetic anything is not a very good choice at all. Most energy type drinks on the market are terribly bad for you.

Instead, opt for nutritional supplements that naturally produce energy. The same thing applies when you’re looking to increase your stamina during a workout or hard physical work or when you’re wanting help in quick recovery after strenuous exercise.

Consuming Minerals and Vitamins for Energy is Not Enough

Of course, simply consuming minerals and vitamins for energy won’t be enough. It’s important that you make sure you have a healthy and balanced diet that includes protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats as well. With a balanced diet and adequate vitamins, minerals and fresh water, you can be healthier and feel more energetic day in and day out.

