Archives 2013

Cellulite Massage

Helpful tips on getting a cellulite massage.

Why Would People Really Do a Cellulite Massage?

There are many types of massage such as Thai massage, Shiatsu, Swedish massage. All these different types of massage employ different techniques to achieve different desirable results for the body from lymphatic drainage, to alignment to improved blood flow.

Some massage parlors even offer cellulite massage. There are several books on the subject so the big question is… Does it work?

The answer is no. It doesn’t. You are better off going with the normal massages that are available. Swedish and Thai massages are great for stress relief and putting your tired, achy body in a feel good state.

Fat Cannot be Removed by Cellulite Massage; Plain and Simple.

Cellulite is body fat.

The theory behind cellulite massage is similar to cellulite brushing. In theory, the massage will result in better stimulation and blood flow in the problem areas. Usually, moisturizing lotions, ‘special’ oils and ointments are used in the massage. This gives the illusion that the skin will absorb these lotions and oils and cellulite will be eradicated. Of course, this is not the case.

The cellulite may disappear for an hour or two because the lotions may have made the skin swell up and tighten. This will hide it for a while but it is very temporary. Once the ‘swelling’ or effect of the lotion subsides, the cellulite reappears and the woman is disappointed and tells herself that she needs a few more massage sessions to totally solve the problem.

A Cellulite Massage is a Total Waste of Money

Cellulite massages usually cost more just to give the illusion that they are more specific and effective. Neither is true since the massages just do not work for the intended purpose.

The reason that cellulite looks different from normal fat is the structure of the skin and underlying tissues. Women have connective tissues beneath the skin that are perpendicular to the surface skin. This creates pockets or chambers where fat is stored.

As women age, the skin loses its supple, elastic qualities and starts becoming thinner and harder. The fats beneath the skin become more prominent and this causes the appearance of cellulite.

It has been said that cellulite cannot be “cured”. Well, it does not have to be cured because it’s not a disease. It is just fat under the skin.

All you need to do is adopt a healthy diet, exercise regularly and use a moisturizing lotion to keep your skin smooth and supple. It also helps if you consume collagen supplements.

Your exercise regime must consist of resistance training. You will need to do squats, lunges, calf raises and if you’re adventurous, you may do dead-lifts too. These exercises will strengthen your thighs, hamstrings, butt and legs in general. These are the areas most prone to cellulite.

You must also include cardio training. Stair climbing, running, cycling and skipping are excellent forms of cardio because they focus on your lower body. If you focus on training your lower body, you will be able to mitigate the presence of cellulite.

In the short and long run, this is still the most effective method of treating it. No cellulite massage can help you remove the unsightly appearance for more than a few hours. Only a healthy diet and training can. Save your money, improve your health and love your body by subscribing to the My Fitness Nut Newsletter at and found at the top right of the page.


Remove Cellulite Through Lymphatic Drainage

You will not remove cellulite with lymphatic drainage.

There are several websites that promote lymphatic drainage to reduce cellulite. They are all wrong. The reason for this is because cellulite is fat. It is not about toxins or poor drainage or whatever reasons that are so often tossed around. All these misconceptions and fallacies are designed to make women spend money on cellulite products and treatment.

It May Look Different But it’s Really Just Fat

The simple fact is that cellulite is fat. It looks different from normal fat. There is a reason for this. Beneath our skin is a hard fibrous tissue with bands that connect the skin to the muscle. These bands are known as septae. Women have perpendicular bands while men have bands that connect in a cross-checked pattern. This is the reason why men do not show visible signs and even thought they have it too, it just can’t be so easily seen.

When the spaces between the bands are filled with fat, the fat is squeezed upwards and presses against the skin. This is similar to a fork pressing down on a marshmallow. Notice how the marshmallow comes up looking all clumpy. That’s because the fork is hard and stiff just like the bands of tissue in our body.

Women also have thinner skin than men. That’s a double whammy because the cellulite is even more visible. So, now that we have established that it’s just plain ‘ol fat, why are people talking about lymphatic drainage?

Fat Profits in Reducing Cellulite

The reason for this is that there are several products and services such as cellulite massages and other treatments such as Endermologie that claim that they can massage it away by breaking down the fats and increasing the blood circulation to the problematic areas.

It is not profitable to admit that cellulite is fat because if it was just normal fat, women would realize that watching their diet and exercise would remove the cellulite stores. By using words like ‘lymphatic drainage’, it creates the illusion that more specific and targeted measures are required to deal with this stubborn issue.

Lymphatic Drainage Provides Benefits – But Not Cellulite Loss

The crux of the matter is that lymphatic drainage will not rid the body of cellulite. It may have other benefits such as improving circulation and maybe detoxification to a certain extent, but it will not remove it because fat cannot be massaged away.

The best thing you can do for yourself will be to try and reduce your body fat percentage. You will have to watch your diet closely and eat wholesome, healthy food. Avoid junk food and processed products which are also junk. Eat fresh, eat clean should be your motto.

Exercise to Lose Fat and Reduce Cellulite

Embark on a training program that involves a mix of cardio and resistance training. Perform exercises that tone your lower body. Squats, lunges, stair climbing, etc. All these exercises will tone and strengthen your thighs and butt. Toned muscles are taut and the visibility of cellulite will be reduced.

When you are at a body fat percentage of about 15 to 20 percent, your fat stores will be minimal. You may still have some fat but the lumps and dimples will be barely visible. If you still wish to lose the rest, you need to drop your body fat percentage even lower.

That’s how you rid your body of cellulite effectively and this way beats any lymphatic drainage method out there. Learn more about cellulite reduction to help you shape up your appearance and take the guess work out of it.


Blasting Away Cellulite

Reduce cellulite with dieting and exercising.

Cellulite is the bumpy, dimpled, orange rind appearance of fats beneath the skin. Almost all women have cellulite and eradicating cellulite is a 12 million dollars per year industry. That’s how much women spend every year trying to get rid of cellulite.

In most cases, the methods are neither effective nor long lasting. They’re just a drain on finances, time and emotional well-being. Many women get depressed and disappointed when the cellulite creams, massages, detox cleanses, etc. do not work. Everything just seems like a waste of money and time. The women start hating their bodies and develop a negative self-image.

The reason for this is that they have been lied to. They were made to believe that cellulite is a special condition that needs special creams, massages or other dodgy products to treat. The truth is that cellulite is just fat; normal body fat.

Cellulite is Nothing More Than Bumpy Body Fat

The fat just appears clumpy and awful because of the structure of the underlying tissues in the body. These tissues are connected in a way where the body is able to store fat. Once the fat stores accumulate and start pushing up against the skin, cellulite appears.

Men have tissues that connect differently from women and their skin is also thicker. This is why they do not have cellulite that shows up so clearly.

Now that you know that cellulite is nothing more than fat, you will be able to deal with it like normal body fat. Cellulite is not water retention or trapped toxins or any other weird explanation. Let’s keep things simple. Fat is fat and fat can be burned off with a good diet and exercise.

Your diet will need to be clean and wholesome. Consume foods that are unprocessed. Avoid white flour products and white rice. All these foods have a high GI. That means, they cause spikes in blood sugar levels and increase insulin production will leads to fat gain.

Eat More Protein to Combat Cellulite

You will want to consume more protein. Any carbohydrates you eat should be slow digesting and complex. Examples would be oats or wholegrain bread. You may also get your carbs from vegetables. Your diet will also need to be low in salt. Too much sodium causes water retention and gives you the bloated feeling.

Drink lots of water daily. Consume collagen supplements and other supplements that will keep your skin supple, elastic and healthy. No need for cellulite treatments.

Exercise to Battle Cellulite

Exercise will be crucial to losing the fat. You will need to combine cardio sessions with resistance training. Many women neglect resistance training because they are afraid to get muscular.

This is very far from the truth. Resistance training will make you leaned and toned but it will not make you look like a he-man. That takes years of training, supplements, etc. Even men struggle to gain muscle. So, no worries there.

You will want to focus on compound movements for the lower body. Lunges, squats, leg presses, dead-lifts, calf raises, quadrupedal movements, etc. All these will increase the lean muscle mass in your body while your fats are burned off. It’s awesome. Cardio sessions should be about 20 to 30 minutes. The higher the intensity the better. Cycling, running, stair climbing, etc. are great cardio workouts.

Drop Body Fat and You’ll Drop the Cellulite

If you follow the advice above, you will burn your fat stores and be lean in no time. Once your body fat levels drop, so will your cellulite. You will have toned legs and buttocks that will be the envy of other women. Not to mention the extra attention from the guys. Life will be good.

You can learn more about the causes of cellulite from these Cellulite Helpful Tips articles and you can subscribe to the My Fitness Nut Newsletter found at the top right of our home page. When you do, you’ll get some very effective exercise and diet programs that will help you drop cellulite and body fat without getting taken to cleaners and being sold weird and in-effective remedies.


The Glycemic Index

Improve your health by understanding the glycemic index.

What Is the Glycemic Index and How Does it Affect Me?

The Glycemic index (also GI) is a ranking system invented by Dr. David J. Jenkins and colleagues in 1981 at the University of Toronto. It is a system that ranks the effects of carbohydrates on an individual’s blood glucose level.

Different carbs have different effects on an individual’s blood glucose level. When you consume a carb such as white bread, it will cause an insulin spike in the body and the blood glucose level will go up. The GI index will show how much effect the food has on an individual’s blood glucose level.

Generally, for weight loss, one will need to avoid foods that have a high GI index.

Carbohydrates that are slowly digested and broken, will release glucose into the blood stream gradually. These carbs have a low glycemic index. A lower glycemic index means slower rates of digestion and absorption of the sugars and starches in the foods.

Examples of Low Glycemic Index (GI) Foods:

  • Spinach
  • Tomatoes
  • Asparagus
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Celery
  • Cherries
  • Cucumber
  • Grapefruit
  • Peas
  • Peppers
  • Green beans
  • Lettuce
  • Low-fat yogurt
  • Soy Beans
  • Zucchini

Examples of Hight Glycemic Index (GI) Foods:

  • White bread
  • White potatoes
  • Brown rice
  • Watermelon
  • White rice
  • Dates
  • Puffed wheat
  • Corn chips
  • Waffles
  • Rice cakes
  • Candies
  • Pretzels

Knowing the GI of the foods you consume will be very helpful to your fat loss quest. If you are eating a lot of high GI foods, you will be sabotaging your progress and these foods can even be detrimental to your overall health.

Benefits of Low Glycemic Index Foods

If your blood sugar levels keep being raised repeatedly, your endocrine system will be pushed to its limits. By choosing to consume low GI carbohydrates, you will be enjoying several health benefits.

You will increase your body’s insulin sensitivity and prevent diabetes. In the event you do have diabetes, you will be better able to control it. A low GI diet reduces blood cholesterol levels, risk of heart disease, minimizes carbohydrate cravings.

You’ll Be Less Hungry on a Low Glycemic Diet

You will feel less hungry and whatever low GI foods you consume will keep you feeling full for a longer period of time. It also prolongs physical endurance. For people trying to lose weight, a low GI diet will prevent energy crashes and you will have a lower tendency to gain weight.

In order to enjoy the benefits of a low GI diet, you will need to substitute the high GI foods you consume with low GI foods. It will take some sacrifices and initial discomfort but once you get used to it and start seeing the benefits, you will adopt this diet happily.

For starters, you can substitute the normal sugary cereals that you consume for breakfast with low GI cereals comprised of oats, bran and barley.

Instead of eating white bread and pastries which use white flour, you can eat wholegrain breads and pastries made with stone-ground flour. Switch to brown rice or basmati rice instead of white rice.

Replace white potatoes with sweet potatoes or yams. Skip the mayonnaise, margarine and high calorie dressings. Eat fresh fruits instead of drinking sweetened juices. Try a thirst quenching glass of ice water with some lemon juice and stevia for a no calorie and naturally sweetened beverage.

All these are small changes that make a big difference. Once you get used to the low GI diet, you will see changes in your body that will amaze you. You will look better and feel better. Your weight loss progress will be unhindered and more rewarding for you.


Will CLA Help With Weight Loss?

Another good tool for weight loss is CLA.

If you’re wondering what CLA is, it stands for conjugated linoleic acid. Health stores all over the nation have been selling CLA as supplements to aid in fat loss. As with most other weight loss pills and supplements, it has received its fair share of hype and ‘testimonials’ to convince potential buyers that it is effective.

So is CLA as Effective as the Manufacturers Claim?

Studies have been conducted on rats, mice and recently humans too. The studies have shown that CLA indeed does promote fat loss but the participants also were on a sensible diet and exercise program.

Ah hah! Isn’t that always the case; a sensible diet and exercise program!

CLA is a supplement and just like the word suggests, it is meant to supplement a proper training regimen and healthy diet. Without these 2 fundamentals in place, no supplement or pill or anything that we know of will work to make you lose weight.

Most of the typical fat burners on the market contain stimulants to make your body lose weight. Recently, one of these stimulants, ephedrine is being clamped down on and now illegal in the US because of its negative side effects; which can be potentially fatal.

What are the Side Effects of CLA?

Most fat burners which contain stimulants will produce side effects such as jitters, trembles, heart palpitations, increased heart rate and increased blood pressure. None of these are good for you. Fortunately, CLA has no stimulants, so it does not cause any negative side effects.

Now let’s look at studies conducted to determine the efficacy of CLA.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published the first study we know of. It was discovered that when the participants were supplemented with 3.2 g/d of CLA (the recommended dose for weight loss benefits) they burned more fat while they slept.

This is excellent news. To make things even better, the fat the subjects burned was stored body fat and not the fat they had consumed the day before. The results are promising.

The CLA also promoted improved protein retention. This is good news because it prevents muscle from breaking down easily. During weight loss programs, it is common to lose some muscle along with the fat. That is why it is crucial to include resistance training with the cardio so that we can retain every bit of muscle that we can.

CLA is Another Good Tool to Add to Your Weight Loss Tool Box

So, the bottom line is that by consuming CLA supplements, it might give us an added advantage to holding on to our precious muscle and burn body fat at the same time.

So far, there have been no documented cases of adverse reactions from people who have consumed CLA. That’s a really great sign. With that said, this would be a supplement worth investing in to help accelerate your fat loss and to help you reach your desired weight loss goals.

A word of caution though – Don’t overdo it. It is very common for people to not stick with the recommended doses and take more than the prescribed amount. They naively assume that by increasing the dose they’ll speed up the process because more is better. This is not so and is a huge mistake. Stick with the recommended dose which will probably be around 3.2 g/d.

Lastly, make sure you maintain your training regimen and eat wisely while aiming for a daily calorie deficit of 500 cal/day. If you do this right, the CLA will be a very beneficial tool that you can use on your weight loss quest.


Lose Weight in a Sauna

You seriously can't lose weight in a sauna.

Can I Lose Weight By Using a Sauna?

We could sum this entire article in one word. No.

Nothing to see here about losing weight, so move along folks…

But that wouldn’t be fair since an explanation is necessary. A sauna is basically a room which is heated to high temperatures and meant to warm up your muscles and ‘loosen’ them a little. The temperature in a sauna can go all the way up to 150 degrees Fahrenheit. You will be dripping with sweat and feeling light headed after a sauna session.

So, does that mean you lost weight? Probably yes.

Does it matter? Nope.

Why not?

Because you only lost water weight and once you rehydrate, your body will replenish the lost fluids as soon as possible and you will be back to the same weight you were before.

Pro Athletes Use Saunas to Lose Weight Temporarily

Saunas are sometimes used by pro athletes to lose weight so they can qualify for a lower weight class during the weigh in. This is their strategy to give them an advantage later on.

For a normal person just trying to shed excess pounds, a sauna should not even be a consideration as a weight loss tool. If you want to relax after a hard workout and ease your tired muscles, then by all means use a sauna.

If you are hoping to lose weight just by going to saunas, it’s not happening.

There are some health benefits to using a sauna. Personally, I feel that these health benefits can be achieved with a hard 30 minute run.

You May Not Lose Weight but You Can Lose Toxins

However, for an easier way to experience similar benefits you may try a sauna. When you use a sauna and sweat copiously, you will be flushing out toxins from your body. That’s a good thing.

Your heart will beat a little faster so it can be considered a very mild cardio session. The heat in the sauna will stimulate blood flow and help tired muscles to recover faster.

Some research shows that the increased heart rate in a sauna is similar to that as going for a walk. My suggestion is to just go for the walk instead. Use a sauna as a way to mentally de-stress.

A tough training regimen and strict diet can take a mental toll on you. Use the sauna to relax. Close your eyes, soak up heat, sweat away and relax. You will be less tempted to binge on junk food if you’re relaxed.

You should also take note that a sauna will dehydrate you. Avoid alcohol before a sauna and do remember to rehydrate once you are done. Do not use a sauna before a cardio or weight training session. Only use it after your workouts therapeutically.

Many gyms are equipped with saunas and many members use a sauna after a hard session on the treadmill. I wouldn’t recommend it because your body will have lost a lot of water from the workout. It would be a good idea to rehydrate and wait about 20 minutes before heading to the sauna.

Last thing is to not fall asleep in the sauna and do not weigh yourself after a sauna and feel happy that your weight has dropped because you’ll just be disappointed later when you must re-hydrate.


Burn Fat Fast

Check out these great tips to burn fat fast.

Burning fat can be slow and tiring process. It’s easy to lose motivation and just give in and give up. Below you’ll learn 9 ways to stay on track and keep yourself motivated to stay the course till you reach your desired weight loss goals.

Burn Fat Tip #1. Don’t weigh yourself daily

This is a very common mistake that people make. They weigh themselves daily and some even weight themselves a couple of times a day. Your weight fluctuates on a daily basis for a variety of natural reasons such as water retention to the foods you eat.

If you weigh yourself daily and do not see any change on the scale, you’ll just de-motivate yourself and feel depressed. Only weigh yourself once a week on the same day, same time, every week.

Burn Fat Tip #2. Cut your calories gradually

This is very important. If you cut your calories drastically too soon, your body will go into starvation mode. When this happens, your body will hold on to its fat stores desperately and you may hit a weight loss plateau real fast.

Burn Fat Tip #3. Include resistance training in your program

Many people mistakenly believe that cardio is the only way to lose weight but this is untrue. Cardio and resistance training go hand in hand. By combining the two, you will shed the fat fast and furiously. Weight training increases muscle mass and the more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn.

When you are on a caloric deficit, your body may burn its muscles instead of the fat stores. By working out with weights, your body will realize that it needs the muscle and so starts burning its fat stores and that’s what you want.

Burn Fat Tip #4. Consume different amounts of calories on different days

Do not eat the same amount of calories daily. For example, if you consume 1900 calories on Monday, then you may wish to consume 1500 on Tuesday and 2100 on Wednesday. When you keep your body guessing and never let it adapt to a habit you’ll be keeping it on alert and burning fat.

Burn Fat Tip #5. Minimize your carb intake

Cut down your carbs to the minimum that is required daily. Avoid processed carbs that have a high GI. Consume starchy carbs that digest slowly but limit those to the minimum too.

Burn Fat Tip #6. Make HIIT training part of your regimen

HIIT stands for high intensity interval training. This is very high intensity training with very short breaks between sets and reps. For example, sprinting for 1 minute followed by a 30 second walk and back to a 1 minute sprint.

HIIT training will leave you gasping and panting. It will create an oxygen deficit. That means you will be on fat burning mode for 8 to 12 hours after your workout

Burn Fat Tip #7. Eat more fats

To lose fat, you must eat fat. It sounds contradictory but holds true. Eat healthy fats such as natural nut butters, egg yolks, fish oil, etc. When you eat healthy fats, your body will realize that it can do away with its fat stores since it is getting a healthy amount of fats daily. Your body will burn fat more readily.

These are the 7 key ways to burn and lose more fat. By incorporating these methods into your weight loss program, you will reap the rewards for the long run and will see weekly progress in reaching your weight loss goals.


Weight Loss Plateau

What are you going to do when you hit that weight loss plateau?

All is going as planned, then suddenly here comes the dreaded weight loss plateau that so many people experience and have no idea why it happens; or how to break through it.

This is one of the main reasons why people just stop trying and give up on their weight loss journey. It can feel horrible when you see no change on the scale despite eating right and working out like crazy.

People are motivated when they see positive results and changes. The moment the results stagnate and there is no change, they assume the worst and feel that their efforts are in vain. They think that the work they’re doing is not paying off and it’s their fate to be fat. This is not true of course.

Why Does a Weight Loss Plateau Occur?

The first point we must note is the difference between weight loss and fat loss. You can lose fat but not see a weight change. Most people don’t know this and it takes a while to wrap your mind around this fact. After all, how could you lose fat but not weight?

Simple. You must have gained lean muscle because of your exercises. So, the new muscle weight will offset the actual fat loss weight. You body’s lean muscle mass has increased and that’s a good thing.

That’s When a Weight Loss Plateau is Not a Plateau at All

Another point is that your body could be retaining water. Your body’s water weight fluctuates daily which is equal to one pound per pint (500ml.) so keep that into consideration.

The best way will be to track your progress with body composition tests over a period of time. You want to focus on fat loss. Weight loss is just secondary. Changing your body’s composition is what really matters.

Another very common problem is that people over-estimate their training and under-estimate their eating. It’s really tough to train hard but it is so easy to eat. So, in their mind, they assume that a hard 45 minute workout may have burned over a 1000 calories, but eating 2 slices of pizza in 15 minutes will add up to about 300 calories.

This of course is totally wrong!

A 45 minute workout may burn about 300 to 400 calories. 2 slices of pizza may contain above 600 calories. Now you see how easy it is to negate a workout with poor diet choices. So, when people slip up on their diets and then later on see no changes on the scale, they wonder why all the hard work is not paying off. It’s not a weight loss plateau but self-sabotage.

Adjust Your Numbers to Avoid a Weight Loss Plateau

Another common mistake is not changing the numbers. When you first start losing weight, you are heavier and your “required calorie consumption” for fat loss is very high. Weights are built onto your body in the form of fat.

However, as you lose weight and become smaller, your daily calorie requirement will drop. You will need to recalculate your daily calorie requirements based on your current weight. Eating the same amount as before will just not cut it unless you intensify your workout routines.

Another Weight Loss Plateau Reason: Adaptive Thermo-genesis

Basically what that means is your body’s metabolism drops due to caloric restrictions. This could be caused by a fasting or starvation diet and could be heredity as well.

Trying to cut too many calories too fast is the most common reason for this happening. Aim to cut no more than 500 calories from your daily caloric requirement and gradually back it down as needed. This will help you maintain your metabolic rate.

If you have been doing that and still experience a plateau, then it could be that your body type is that of an endomorph. A way to get around this is to take a 3 day break from the diet you’re on and eat what you want to within reason.

You may gain a pound of two, but your metabolism can see a boost from this. You’ll break through your weight loss plateau and then you can carry on with the caloric deficit, get back to burning fat and moving towards your goals.

Now you know what a weight loss plateau is and a few of the best ways to avoid it; and overcome it if it does occur. You can break through this plateau if you hit it but you can’t give up because giving up is the way to certain failure.


Fat and Fit Possibilities

Is being fat and fat at the same time even possible?

This is a very interesting question and causes a lot of debate among health care professionals and fitness experts. After all, there are people who are obese and yet engage in sports actively on a daily basis. They are fat because they consume more calories than they burn off.

So, it is possible to be fat and still relatively fit. I use the term relative because we must look at fitness from a broader perspective. It’s not about how fast you run, how much weight you can lift or the amount of stamina that you have.

Fat and Fit vs. Slim and Unfit

Fitness encompasses all of the above but it also includes the general state of your health. When you factor this in, even slim people may be considered unfit and unhealthy.

Obesity has been linked to many diseases from hypertension to diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, etc. However, automatically assuming that becoming obese means you will get these problems is not really correct. There are many other factors to consider.

Young Fat and Fit People

Age is one. Younger people often tend to escape these problems even if they are obese. It’s older people who are more prone to obesity linked diseases. So, a young obese man could be fitter than a slim but older man.

Then we have genetics which is never fair. Some people are much more prone to health problems due to poorer genetics. There are many obese people with normal blood glucose and blood lipid levels. They just have good genes.

Other Factors of Being Fat and Fit

There are many other factors such as smoking, diet habits, stress levels, sleep habits, drinking, drug use, etc. that may cause health problems. So, an obese man who smokes and drinks frequently will be less fit than another obese man who maintains a healthier lifestyle.

In the end, it’s really all relative.

If you eat right and exercise often, you will be healthy. Eating right in this case means eating healthy. Of course, even if you eat healthy but exceed your daily calorie requirements, you will still gain weight. You will be fit but fat to a reasonable point.

The best way to live life happy and healthy is to slowly shed the excess pounds and reach the ideal weight for your height. As you age, your body’s systems will deteriorate and any excess fat that may not pose a problem now will start causing problems later.

Prevention is better than cure so it’d be ideal to lose the excess weight now because now is as easy as it’s going to get for most of us.

If you are involved in exercise actively but still overweight, then the problem lies with your diet and just with a few tweaks, you can attain your desired weight.

It will even be easier for you since you already have the habit of an exercise routine worked out. Those people who are obese and do not exercise regularly will have a much tougher time since they’ll have to inculcate 2 new habits – exercising regularly and eating properly.

There is no doubt that fat people can be fitter than slim people who lead sedentary lives. However, why carry more weight than you need to in any case?

Lose it. You will look better and feel better. You will be lean and fit. Now that’s a goal anybody can strive for and feel happy about when they accomplish it. For some great weight loss and fitness tips, check out the weight loss section and subscribe to our My Fitness Nut Newsletter at the top of the page.


About the Atkins Diet

The Atkins diet has good and bad points to it.

The Pros and Cons of the Atkins Diet

The Atkins diet is one of the most popular diets and thousands of people have reported benefits by going on the Atkins diet. Even famous celebrities have come out and vouched for its effectiveness.

The Atkins diet is indeed effective because it uses nutrition principles that are very sound.

The Atkins diet also known as the ‘fry up’ diet strictly limits the amount of carbohydrates consumed to the bare minimum. This is the key principle behind the Atkins diet. It aims to make the body convert the stored body fat to energy instead of using glucose as a source of energy. This is known as ketosis.

What You Can Eat on the Atkins Diet Plan

Food will be restricted but you will be able to eat foods that other diets will never recommend. You will be allowed to eat oily and fatty foods but will not be allowed to consume carbs or foods which contain sugar. You are forbidden from eating foods like white bread, pasta, cakes, etc.

You are allowed to eat any kind of meat, fish and shellfish. It does not matter if the meat is fatty. In fact, eating fats are encouraged in the Atkins diet. Most vegetables are allowed on the Atkins diet except the starchy types of vegetables such as potatoes, peas and corn.

You may eat butter but margarine is not allowed. It is recommended that you consume fish oils or omega 3 supplements. In fact, you may eat cheese, creams, sauces, condiments and spices as long as they are low in carbohydrates and do not contain sugar.

The Atkins Diet Plan Totally Rules Out Sugar

There are no restrictions on beverages either. However, as mentioned earlier, your beverages should not contain sugar. Even natural sugars like honey are not allowed on the Atkins diet. Artificial sweeteners are fine but controversial in regards to the health and safety of them. Try stevia leaf instead.

All these requirements make the Atkins diet very effective. Just cutting out the high GI foods itself is a very effective measure. The body will not experience insulin spikes and blood sugar levels will be constant. This will make fat loss easier and it will be more difficult to gain fat.

Sugar is detrimental to any weight loss program if it exceeds the daily requirement. Many people drink their calories from sodas, sweetened fruit juice, etc. The Atkins diet puts an end to unnecessary calorie consumption from sweetened drinks.

That’s the Biggest Problem of the Atkins Diet

The problem with the Atkins diet is that it restricts the unrestricted carbs for life. Any diet that uses restrictions will not be effective for the long run.

There may be occasions when you feel like having a plate of pasta or a pizza. However, if you are doing the Atkins diet, you will not be able to eat these kinds of foods.

This may be inconvenient and in some cases, the self-denial may cause you to binge on junk food. Cravings may reach a point that you just have to satisfy them and when you do, you will likely go overboard.

The best way to lose weight will be to adopt a healthy diet that does not have extreme restrictions. Eat sensibly and have a  good exercise program in place. If you are maintaining a calorie deficit daily then having a pizza every now and then can’t hurt. Life is meant to be enjoyed and having a meal that you crave occasionally shouldn’t be a sin.